
The Minister in Colombia ( Piles ) to the Secretary of State

No. 769

Sir: With reference to the Department’s instruction No. 831 of September 4 [24], 1925, in regard to the dispute between Colombia and Nicaragua, concerning the ownership of the San Andrés Archipelago, Great and Little Corn Islands and the Mosquito Coast, I have the honor to inform the Department that immediately following the receipt of this instruction, I called at the Foreign Office and, in the course of an informal conversation, acquainted Dr. Restrepo Sáenz of the desire of the Government of Nicaragua to submit the question of dominion over the above-mentioned territory to the mediation of the Department of State, with a view to ultimate arbitration of the dispute. I indicated that my Government would take a friendly interest in the matter and should both parties request its interposition, would endeavor to arrange a friendly settlement of the question, on the understanding that should arbitration be accepted, the parties must agree to consider the award as final and without appeal.

Dr. Restrepo accepted my representations in a friendly spirit but has not subsequently commented upon them.

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I have [etc.]

Samuel H. Piles