554.1 A 1/372
The Secretary of State to the Netherlands Minister (De Graeff)
Sir: Referring to your note of January 7, 1925, extending, in the name of your Government, an invitation to the Government of the United States to be officially represented at the International Conference [Page 269] for the Protection of Industrial Property which is expected to be opened at The Hague on October 8th next, I have the honor to inform you that the Government of the United States accepts the invitation with pleasure, and that the Commissioner of Patents, Mr. Thomas E. Robertson, Mr. Wallace Lane, formerly President of the American Patent Law Association, of Chicago, and Mr. Jo. Bailey Brown, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who is a member of a committee appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to make a study of the Patent Office and patent laws, have been appointed to be delegates on the part of the United States to the Conference.
Accept [etc.]
[For the proceedings of the Conference, see Union internationale pour la protection de la propriété industrielle, 1925, Actes de la Conference réunie à La Haye du 8 octobre an 6 novembre 1925 (Berne, Bureau International de l’Union, 1926).]