The Special Conference on the Chinese Customs Tariff37


The powers represented at the Conference were China, the United States, Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden.

The American delegates were John V. A. MacMurray and Silas H. Strawn; the American technical advisers were Mahlon F. Perkins, Stanley K. Hornbeck, and Arthur H. Evans.

[The minutes of the Conference were published under the title, The Special Conference on the Chinese Customs Tariff, October 1925–April 1926 (Peking, 1928). With regard to this publication, John V. A. MacMurray, in a letter of April 12, 1929, to Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress (file No. 500.A 4 e/716), wrote as follows:

“You will note that this volume contains no imprint other than Peking 1928, and gives no indication of the authority under which it was issued. It is understood, however, that it was compiled and edited, under authorization of the Nationalist Government at Nanking, by one who had been of the Secretariat of the Chinese Delegation to the Special Conference, and more recently associated with the Nanking administration.

[Page 834]

Complimentary copies of this volume have been rather sparingly distributed among the foreign Legations here—not by the Nationalist Government but by an official of the Foreign Office acting in his personal capacity.

This is the only published record of the proceedings of the Special Conference, which ended inconclusively in consequence of the breakdown of the internationally recognized governmental authority in China, in April, 1926.”]

[714] The Secretary of State to the American Delegation

500.A 4 e/443: Telegram

[715] The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

500.A 4 e/449: Telegram

[716] The American Delegation to the Secretary of State

500.A 4 e/464: Telegram

[717] The American Delegation to the Secretary of State

500.A 4 e/465: Telegram

[718] The American Delegation to the Secretary of State

500.A 4 e/469: Telegram

[719] The American Delegation to the Secretary of State

500.A 4 e/475: Telegram

[720] The Secretary of State to the American Delegation

500.A 4 e/478: Telegram

[721] The American Delegation to the Secretary of State

500.A 4 e/480: Telegram

[722] The Secretary of State to the American Delegation

500.A 4 e/493: Telegram

[723] The American Delegation to the Secretary of State

500.A 4 e/488: Telegram

[724] Mr. Silas H. Strawn, of the American Delegation, to the Secretary of State

500.A 4 e/549

  1. Telegram in four sections.