
The Panaman Minister (Alfaro) to the Secretary of State

No. 253

Mr. Secretary: Referring to the conversations that have been held between this Legation and the Department of State with regard to establishing diplomatic relations between the Republic of Panama and the Republic of Colombia, it affords me pleasure to inform Your Excellency that my Government, after giving due consideration to a study of the different phases of the subject, has reached the conclusion that the question of limits between the two countries must be settled by establishing in a final manner the boundary line existing now de facto and described as follows:

“From Cape Tiburón to the headwaters of the Rio de la Miel and following the mountain chain by the ridge of Gandi to the Sierra de Chugargun and that of Mali going down by the ridges of Nigue to the heights of Aspave and from thence to a point on the Pacific half way between Cocalito and La Ardita.”

Although the Government of Panama in the negotiations set on foot through the powerful mediation of the Department of State had made a proposition which implied the acceptance of the frontier above described as far as the heights of Aspave, leaving open for future negotiation the small part of the line lying between that point and the Pacific Ocean, it believes that there are considerations of the highest order which make for a final immediate agreement on the boundary question. I therefore have the honor to express to Your Excellency in communicating to you the wish of Panama to agree on the border line above described that the Minister Plenipotentiary that my Government may accredit to the Government of Colombia under the terms signed this day will carry instructions to sign as soon as it may be agreeable to the Government of Colombia a special boundary convention establishing the boundary as expressed in this note.

I avail myself [etc.]

R. J. Alfaro