767.68119E/7: Telegram

The Special Mission at Lausanne to the Secretary of State


268. I was informed tonight by Montagna that he, Rumbold, and Pellé63 had decided to postpone for 10 days or two weeks discussion in the Third Committee regarding the economic clauses relating to concessions. All other clauses would be considered first. The French concessionaires are now on their way to Constantinople, and this postponement would give them time to arrive at some satisfactory direct settlement with the Turkish authorities in respect to the Chester concession. In case they fail, the issue would later be raised again at Lausanne.

From what I gather I understand that if the French claim comes up at Lausanne it will have the active support of the British and Italian delegates. I am taking an attitude of optimism and reserve in the meantime, as instructed.

Is it a fact that the capital of the Ottoman-American Development Company is 49 percent Canadian? This should have an important bearing on any negotiations either here or at Constantinople, if it is true.

  1. Italian, British, and French delegates, respectively, at the Lausanne Conference.