462.00 R 294/187: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State


205. W–32. Yesterday afternoon the Allies met and I am informally advised that they have declined to alter their position [Page 164] with respect to American priority on army cost reimbursement. I was notified that this morning at nine thirty there would be a full meeting but last night about nine o’clock Tannery telephoned that the meeting could not be held. Bemelmans with whom I have just talked has no information as to the reason for the postponement as yesterday the Allies were unanimous. As the Allies cannot meet again until Friday or Saturday I am going to London as planned and shall return to Paris for a meeting on the afternoon of Monday, April 23.

I suppose, from the insistence of American correspondents here, it would be necessary for the Department to issue a full statement regarding the conference particularly if conference does not give any explanation as to the reason for a rupture. It is felt by the Ambassador and others with whom I have talked the matter over that a break would not be well received at home after the very libera] terms which the United States has offered. The point on which there was disagreement would seem rather unreasonable and technical.

Herrick expressed this opinion confidentially to an intimate friend of Poincaré and in our talk last Friday I intimated the same to the Belgian representative. When in London I expect to see the Chancellor of the Exchequer and suppose you will not object to my informally going over the situation with him. If you think it advisable I suppose you will bring some pressure on the Allies through their diplomatic representatives in Washington.

It is my plan to be in London from Thursday to Saturday inclusive.

I have talked with Tannery since writing the above and learn that he conferred last night with Poincaré after the meeting of the Allies and that in view of that conversation he desires to confer again with the Allied representatives. Wadsworth.
