767.68119/385: Telegram

The Special Mission at Lausanne to the Secretary of State


220. Referring to no. 92 of January 27, 8 p.m. from the Department. Our own influence and the influence of the United States Government are being applied in every possible way to bring about a peaceful settlement. We do not yet despair of getting something done by means of private conversations which we are constantly having with both sides and at their own instance. But we have not yet achieved tangible results, and the outcome is uncertain.

It may indeed be prudent to find some opportunity before the conference ends to present an exposé recapitulating the views of the United States Government upon the principal questions which have come before the conference. This statement would be solely for the purpose of registering publicly the present policy of the United States. It would be of no use, however, in reconciling the opposing parties here, and just now it might even do harm. The final outcome can be influenced at present only by informal discussions behind the scenes. Since the situation is undergoing hourly changes, and [Page 962] since it is probable that not until the last moment can we know what the final outcome may be, we are grateful that the Department should have left to our discretion whether or not to make the suggested declaration. We trust also that the wording, spirit, and manner of presentation will be left to our choice which must be guided by the course of events.

While the chances of a harmonious solution of the issues are faint, we do not yet despair.

Am[erican] Mission