767.68119 T&M 3/9: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Special Mission at Lausanne


72. Mission’s no. 168 of December 30, 1 p.m. and no. 170 of January 1, 6 p.m. The statements quoted in your 168 are approved. In this case, as in that of the statement concerning the Greek Patriarch, the press in this country has not made a distinction between the recommendations of others which you have brought before the conference and the position which you have taken officially. To avoid misunderstanding in future cases, the Department prefers that you do not formally transmit the recommendations of individual Americans unless you can give to them your official support.

A press despatch quotes a provocative statement made in an interview by Riza Nour Bey criticizing American missionaries and indicating that he had seen press reports to the effect that in raising the Armenian question you had gone beyond your instructions. There is no basis in any Department statement for such reports. When inquiries have been made the Department has pointed out the distinction between your official attitude of helpful assistance in any practicable proposal holding a promise of real aid to the Armenians and the memorandum prepared by Barton, Peet, and Montgomery in which it was proposed that a national home for the Armenians be established in Cilicia and means were suggested for financing the plan.

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It is also reported in press despatches from Lausanne that under an order from Angora all negotiations between the Turks and American business interests have been placed in abeyance because of the American note concerning a national home for the Armenians. You will, of course, understand that Turkish threats are not to affect your continued support of measures for the assistance of the suffering peoples of the Near East.

Send summary of this telegram as well as your 168 and 170 to Constantinople.
