891.6363 Standard Oil/276: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Persia (Kornfeld)


7. Advices from Sinclair Company that they are informed that Millspaugh, Administrator of Persian Finances, is urging upon Persian Prime Minister the concession of North Persian oils to Standard. View of Sinclair is that such advocacy may be taken by Persians as expression of policy of United States Government, and they ask that intimations be sent to the Government of Persia that the attitude which the Administrator General may take in respect to concessions is not to be regarded as indicating the position of the Department.

Sinclair Company have been told that Department has received no corroboration of statements regarding position of Millspaugh. They have been further informed that when Millspaugh took service in Persia he dissociated himself completely from this Department, and [Page 713] that he has now no official status in the United States. Since this fact was plainly indicated in note of June 22 from the Department to the Persian Minister,6 no misunderstanding now seems possible.

If you should judge, nevertheless, that there may be some misapprehension on this point, advise Department by telegram and the matter will be fully explained to the Persian Minister in Washington. The complete impartiality of the Department in this affair should be observed and should not be in doubt.

  1. Not printed.