711.1211/62: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin)
30. Your 23 April 14, 4 P.M.
Advise Mr. Pani that following statement is proposed for release to the press for publication on agreed date as soon as possible which it is hoped will be not later than April 22 with the understanding that Mexican authorities will give identic statement to the press in Mexico for publication on date fixed. Wish to avoid premature rumors by prompt authorized statement.
“With the view of arriving at a mutually acceptable basis for the adjustment of the fundamental questions at issue between the United States and Mexico, two United States commissioners and two Mexican commissioners will be appointed to meet for the purpose of considering those questions and of reporting their conclusions to their respective authorities. The hospitality of Mexico City has been offered to the American commissioners as the City’s guests of honor and the Commission will convene there. The names of the commissioners will be announced later.”
The foregoing statement is so worded as to avoid all reference to “governments” or “presidents”.
The American commissioners will be Charles Beecher Warren former United States Ambassador to Japan and John Barton Payne, former Secretary of the Interior. We should prefer to announce their appointment at once and if Mexico is ready to announce her commissioners the words “will be” in the first sentence of the statement should be changed to “have been” and the names of the commissioners stated in the last sentence. Telegraph.