
The British Chargé (Chilton) to the Secretary of State

No. 1028

Sir: I have much pleasure in informing you that His Britannic Majesty’s Chargé d’Affaires at Tokio, in the course of a despatch addressed to Lord Curzon reporting upon the recent earthquake disaster in Japan, referred in very appreciative terms to the assistance afforded to British subjects by the United States Embassy at Tokio and by the United States Navy, and emphasised the cordial spirit of co-operation between His Majesty’s Embassy and the Embassy of the United States during the terrible occurrences which took place at that time. In his despatch Mr. Palairet used the following words in this connection:

“… The rescue work owes much of its success to the unsparing efforts of the American Embassy and of the American destroyers, who reached Yokohama early on September 5th. The assistance rendered to British subjects by Americans has indeed been so important [Page 492] that I have felt myself justified in addressing to the United States Ambassador the letter of which a copy is enclosed”.37

Under instructions from His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, I have the honour to convey to the United States Government an expression of the deep gratitude of His Majesty’s Government for the help so ungrudgingly given to our fellow countrymen in their distress.

I have [etc.]

H. G. Chilton
  1. Not printed.