
Memorandum by the Secretary of State of a Conversation with the Belgian Ambassador (Cartier), January 11, 1923

The Ambassador said that he had no special matter to present but wished to say that he hoped that it was understood by the American Government that the Belgian Government felt it was necessary to participate with the French in the Ruhr movement. He said that Ambassador Fletcher was entirely in the confidence of the Belgian Government and undoubtedly had been fully advised and in turn had reported to the Department the position which the Belgian Government had taken. The Ambassador intimated that they had not desired such action but did not see their way clear to disassociate themselves from it.

The conversation then turned generally to the effects of the occupation. The Secretary expressed his regret that this action should have been taken, his belief that it was not a way to obtain substantial reparations, and that serious consequences might ensue. The Belgian Ambassador did not intimate any difference in the point of view.