
The Secretary of State to the Receiver for the National Railroad of Haiti (Roger L. Farnham)

Sir: With reference to recent conferences between yourself and officials of the Department of State, I desire to inform you that the [Page 420] revised tentative plan for the readjustment of the relations between the Haitian Government and the National Railroad Company of Haiti which was drawn up during these conferences appears acceptable from the point of view of the Department of State. A copy of this plan is transmitted herewith for your information.40

I understand that you, as Receiver of the Railroad Company, will present this plan to the holders of the Railroad Company’s bonds for their approval, after you have been informed that the plan in its tentative form is acceptable in principle to the President of Haiti, The American High Commissioner at Port au Prince will discuss the plan with the President of Haiti upon his return to his post.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Leland Harrison

Assistant Secretary
  1. Not printed.