The High Commissioner in Haiti (Russell) to the Secretary of
Port au
Prince, February 21,
[Received February 29.]
No. 310
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith for
the Department’s information copies of the texts of notes exchanged with
the Haitian
[Page 396]
Government in
regard to the agreement arrived at in connection with the establishment
of the “Administration Générale des Contributions”, my note to the
Haitian Government dated January 3, 1924, and the note in reply from the
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs dated February 14, 1924.
I have [etc.]
[Enclosure 1]
The American High Commissioner (Russell) to President Borno
[Port au Prince,] January 3, 1924.
Excellency: With a view to aiding and
assisting the Haitian Government in carrying out the provisions of
the Treaty of September 16, 1915, and in order to give effect to the
provisions of the Protocol of October 3, 1919, my government has
authorized me to propose to Your Excellency the following mode of
procedure with regard to the appointment of the personnel of, and
the disposition of the funds to be collected by, the “Administration
Générale des Contributions” which is to be established by a law soon
to be presented to the Council of State:
- 1.
- The President of Haiti shall make all appointments to the
“Administration Générale des Contributions” created by the
Law of Contributions of 1924 upon previous agreement between
the Secretary of State for Finance and the General Receiver
of Customs.
- 2.
- The Director General of the “Administration Générale des
Contributions” shall receive a salary of five thousand
dollars (5,000.00) per annum and an allowance of two
thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) per annum for
expenses. The other employees of The “Administration
Générale des Contributions” shall receive such salaries as
may be fixed by law upon recommendation of the Secretary of
State for Finance in accord with the General Receiver of
- 3.
- All amounts collected under the Internal Revenue Laws
shall be placed to the credit of the General Receiver in the
Banque Nationale de la République d’Haiti to be applied by
him in accordance with Article V of the Treaty of September
16, 1915.
If Your Excellency will be so good as to signify the assent of Your
Government to this arrangement, I will be pleased to inform my
Government accordingly.
I might at the same time inform Your Excellency that my Government
desires it to be clearly understood that this arrangement does not
in fact nor by implication extend the provisions of the Treaty of
September 16, 1915, above mentioned.
I take [etc.]
[Page 397]
The Haitian Minister for Foreign Relations
to the American High Commissioner
Port au Prince, February 14, 1924.
Mr. High Commissioner: His Excellency the
President of the Republic has transmitted to me your letter of
January 3, 1924 relative to the new Bureau the creation of which the
Government has proposed to the Council of State, under the name of
“Administration Générale des Contributions”.12
I have the honor to officially bring to your knowledge that it is
1. That the President of Haiti shall make all nominations in the
Administration Générale des Contributions, after previous agreement
between the Secretary of State for Finance and the General Receiver
of Customs.
2. That the Director General of the Administration Générale des
Contributions shall receive, yearly, a salary of Five Thousand
Dollars and an allowance of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars for
The other employees of this Service shall receive a salary to be
fixed by law upon the recommendation of the Secretary of State for
Finance in accord with the General Receiver of Customs.
3. That the total of all imposts and taxes collected in accordance
with the law by the Administration Générale des Contributions shall
be placed to the credit of the General Receiver in the Banque
Nationale de la République d’Haiti to be applied by him in
conformity with article 5 of the Treaty of Sept. 16, 1915.
Accept [etc.]