868.51 Refugee Settlement Commission/101: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State

326. From Logan:

Reference your 275, July 10.35

[Page 356]
  • First. League urgently requests information as to appointment American relief agent with Nansen’s committee referred to eighth paragraph Embassy’s 315.36 Advised Greek Government prepared contribute 10,000,000 ebers [drachmas] per month towards maintenance refugees.
  • Second. Greece has accepted League’s plan for organization refugee settlement society, described second paragraph Embassy’s 315. Governor Bank Greece advises Greek banks already underwritten £1,000,000 sterling proposed plan. He now in touch with London banks and optimistic obtaining £2,000,000 sterling subscription that source. Then will negotiate with American bankers in endeavor to obtain £2,000,000 sterling additional.
  1. Not printed.
  2. Ante, p. 348.