868.51 Refugee Settlement Commission/26: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:35 p.m.]
182. Your 131, March 31, 6 p.m.14 Pashalian of the Armenian delegation called this morning and left a copy of a note from Poincaré to the Armenian delegation dated March 12, 1923. In this note Poincaré stated that he had approached Great Britain and Italy asking them to associate themselves with Germany [France?] with a view to requesting the Council of the League of Nations to institute a special commission for handling the Armenian problem. Pashalian expressed the belief that England and Italy will concur in this suggestion and that the matter will be brought up at the next meeting of the League Council which opens April 15th.
He asked the Embassy to inquire whether the United States would cooperate with such a commission if it is set up or whether it would feel that this question should be handled in the manner suggested in your 131 as a part of the whole Near Eastern refugee situation.
[Page 335]The Armenian delegation is fearful that if the Allies will not accept the American plan for the solution of the refugee problem as a whole and if America will not work with a League of Nations commission nothing effective will be done by any one.