890g.6363 T 84/74a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Special Mission at Lausanne


93. The Department considers that in view of the fact that the validity of the Turkish Petroleum Company’s claim has been reasserted, it may be desirable that you address to Lord Curzon an [Page 241] informal note bringing again to his attention the note of November, 1921, from this Government,41 and making special mention of the suggestion therein that if the Turkish Petroleum Company’s claim continues to be supported its validity should be determined by some suitable arbitration. You might state further that you believe there is a clear understanding of this Government’s position. If you perceive objections to this course you should telegraph your views to the Department.

Inasmuch as this Government’s note of November, 1921, remains unpublished and has not yet been answered by the British Government, the Department considers that it may be desirable to make a written statement as suggested above. It seems important also to refute the press statements appearing in England that if arrangements could be made for a suitable American participation in the Turkish Petroleum Company, this Government would not press its views on the question of the validity of that Company’s claims. These reports are unwarranted. The views of the Department as set forth in the note of November, 1921, have been steadfastly maintained, and the Department has been informed by the American oil companies that as a condition of their participation in the Turkish Petroleum Company proper measures be taken to have that company’s claim validated by the competent authorities, or that the company obtain the grant of a new and valid concession.
