839.00/2778: Telegram
The Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (Welles) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 28—2:10 a.m.]
70. My No. 69, December 21 [22], 4 p.m. In accordance with the provisions of the agreement reached between the two parties, the President has today appointed Señor Furcy Castellanos of the Coalition Party Secretary of Justice and Public Instruction to replace Señor Armando Rodrigues of the Alliance Party. The appointment of Señor Furcy Castellanos, who is the most prominent lawyer of Santiago, has been very well received.
At the same time the President has replaced the former Secretary of Sanitation and Charities, Señor Sanabia, whose administration has proved singularly unsuccessful, with Señor Juan C. Alfonseca, a prominent civil engineer of the capital who was educated in the United States and has the reputation of being a capable executive. Both Señor Alfonseca and his predecessor are members of the Alliance Party.
With these two appointments the reorganization of the Provisional Government is completed.