512.4 A 1a/222½
The Acting Secretary of State to the French Chargé (De Laboulaye)
Sir: I beg to refer to your note of August 7, 1923, wherein you inform me that at a meeting held at Paris in June, 1923, by a Mixed Committee composed of members of the Committee of the International Office of Public Health and the Health Commission of the League of Nations, a project was drawn up looking to the cooperation of the two bodies in health questions; and you inquire whether the Government of the United States would agree to the Committee of the International Office performing the duties which would fall to it under the project.
It appearing in the project that the autonomy of the International Office of Public Health is not thereby to be in anywise affected and that no modification of the Constitution or functions of the International Office is involved, I have the honor to inform you, in reply to your inquiry, that, with this understanding, no objection exists on the part of this Government to the Committee of the International Office of Public Health performing the duties outlined in the enclosure to your note. The United States member of the International Office will be advised accordingly.
Accept [etc.]