711.4216 Ni/156

The British Chargé (Chilton) to the Secretary of State

No. 615

Sir: I have the honour to inform you that, upon receipt of the letter which Mr. Phillips was so good as to address to me on July 10th last24 enquiring the attitude of the Dominion Government in regard to the suggestions made in your note of February 3rd last to Sir Auckland Geddes relative to the use of the waters of the Niagara River, I did not fail to remind the Governor-General of Canada of this question and to ask the present position in the matter.

I now have the honour to inform you that the suggestions contained in your note for the creation of a Niagara Control Board for the purposes stated therein are agreeable to the Dominion Government, and that they have appointed Mr. W. J. Stewart as their representative on the Board.

I have [etc.]

H. G. Chilton
  1. Not printed.