The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Wheeler)
Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 2251 of April 11, 1923, reporting the communications which you have had with the Foreign Office on the subject of Wrangell Island, pursuant to the Department’s instructions of September 12, 1922, and subsequent dates.
The Department regrets that this matter was not more actively pressed before the receipt of the Department’s supplemental instruction of January 18, 1923, and desires that you should now endeavor to obtain a statement of the views of the British Government with the least possible delay.
It would be unfortunate if the British Government, or the Government of Canada, should be allowed to take up, without consultation with this Government, a position with regard to the ownership of Wrangell Island which might subsequently be found, for political reasons, difficult to alter.
I am [etc.]