The Ambassador in Japan (Warren) to
the Secretary of State
Tokyo, June 7,
[Received June 27.]
No. 237
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a
paraphrase of telegram No. 24 from Mr. Thomas dated May 27, 2 p.m.,
I have [etc.]
[Page 853]
The Vice Consul on Special Detail at Chita
to the Ambassador in Japan (Warren)
Chita, May 27,
1922—2 p.m.
24. The following opinion was expressed to me by the Minister of
Foreign Affairs:
A result expected from the defeat of Chang Tso-lin, and from the
policy of Japan in Central China, is that Japan will attempt to
consolidate a sphere of control in Manchuria, Maritime Province and
Mongolia. The Government of the Far Eastern Republic intends to
cooperate with the Peking government in opposition to this plan and
it is expected that these two governments will be able to lessen
Japan’s control in Mongolia without going to war. In order to
accomplish this object the Far Eastern Republic and Soviet Russia
wish to come to an agreement with the Peking government regarding a
joint control of the Chinese Eastern Railway while yet permitting
the Inter-Allied Technical Board to function for the present. This
cannot be accomplished without the unofficial support of the plan by
the United States in Peking.
All Russian elements in Manchuria and Maritime Province will unite in
opposing the Japanese if consistent diplomatic opposition is made by
the United States. …