861a.01/184: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Warren) to the Secretary of State


13. In frequent conversations regarding Siberia with Uchida59 I have again and again urged upon him the wisdom of evacuating [Page 842] the Japanese Army from Siberia or of gradually decreasing the Japanese forces there so as to improve the position of Japan before the world in view of the statement issued at the time when the troops were originally sent to that country. He has consistently insisted that when a commercial treaty is concluded with the Far Eastern Republic and stable conditions are established the Japanese forces will be withdrawn from Vladivostok. As reported in previous despatches this agrees with declarations by Hara60 and by Hanihara61 and also with the most recent official War Department statement which was transmitted in my No. 416 of December 11.62

Uchida’s most recent statement was made at the opening of the Diet. On that occasion, speaking for the Government, he reiterated his former declarations regarding the evacuation of the troops and the lack of desire to annex territory or to obtain exclusive concessions, etc. Nevertheless our representative at Vladivostok has consistently reported actions by the Japanese military command in Siberia intended to complicate conditions so as to make it necessary for Japan to retain the troops and to set up some form of governmental authority.

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Although apparently the only course to pursue is to accept Japan’s declaration and agreement at the Washington Conference to withdraw when conditions are stable …, some observers in Siberia are of the opinion that the Japanese military commanders there are considering some important move soon which should be checked by a vigorous protest against acts so at variance with the policies announced by Japan.

  1. Count Yasuya Uchida, Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  2. Takashi Hara, late Japanese Prime Minister.
  3. Masanao Hanihara, Japanese Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  4. Foreign Relations, 1921, vol. ii, p. 716.