861.50 Am 3/25
The Secretary of State to the Secretary of Commerce (Hoover)
My Dear Mr. Secretary: I have received your note of July fourteenth and I am in accord.
I have been considering, and I am inclined to favor, the sending of a technical expert mission to study the economic situation in Russia. The preliminary steps are important and I shall take these under advisement.
In view of the failure of the Powers to accomplish anything of great importance at Genoa and The Hague, and on the assumption that an international expert commission would not be permitted to conduct such an investigation in Russia, the opportunity seems to be ours and we should take such action as would dispel the notion that we are indifferent, and, on the other hand, should encourage the view that we are proceeding carefully to find out the facts and shape our policy in accordance with them. This has always been the view I have entertained.
Faithfully yours,