550.E1 Russia/68: Telegram

The Ambassador in Belgium (Fletcher) to the Secretary of State

52. Russian affairs. The Minister for Foreign Affairs has handed me today a memorandum which translated reads as follows:

“The American Government is undoubtedly familiar with the unacceptable propositions made by the representations [representatives] of the Soviet Government at the Hague Conference.

These proposals were rejected; the three reports of the sub-commissions of credits, private property, and debts, which were unanimously adopted by the representatives of the non-Russian powers at the Hague Conference,46 indicate the reasons for which the propositions of the Russian delegates were rejected and enumerate the conditions upon which economic relations with Russia might be ultimately [subsequently] resumed.

The terms of these reports, the Genoa and the Hague Conferences being closed, mark a new step in the road to relations with Russia.

The Belgian Government considers that the conditions indicated in these reports constitute the only possible base for the resumption of economic relations with Russia.

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It thinks that the American Government shares its point of view in this respect and asks if the American Government after having examined these reports would not be willing to make a declaration indicating its approval of the conditions therein set forth.”

I take it for granted that the Department is already in possession of the reports referred to above.

  1. See Great Britain, Cmd. 1724 (1922), Papers Relating to the Hague Conference, June–July, 1922.