550.E1 Russia/69

The Chargé in the Netherlands ( Sussdorff ) to the Secretary of State

No. 1042


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One of the most important results of the Conference was the adoption of a resolution introduced by Mr. Cattier containing a “non-infringement clause.” The French and Belgian delegations laid great emphasis on the importance of this resolution because they feared that if the Conference terminated without the adoption of a satisfactory general agreement the Soviets would immediately seek to dispose of nationalized property in the form of concessions. The resolution in its final form reads as follows:

“The Conference recommends for the consideration of the governments represented thereon the desirability of all governments not assisting their nationals in attempting to acquire property in Russia formerly belonging to other foreign nationals and confiscated since November 1st 1917 without the consent of such foreign owners and concessionnaires, provided that the same recommendation is subsequently made by governments represented at The Hague Conference to all governments not so represented and that no decision shall be come to except jointly with these governments.”

[Page 824]

Mr. Cattier informed me that if he had not had the information contained in the Department’s telegram No. 49, of July 15, 2 pm, he would not have been successful in securing the adoption of this resolution. Mr. Cattier stated that he desired to introduce a stronger resolution, but that the British delegates had received definite instructions from their Government that the resolution which he finally proposed was the maximum statement to which the British Government would adhere. Mr. Cattier further stated that it was quite obvious that the British delegation was not at all in favor of the resolution.

Both in Conference circles, and outside, great satisfaction has been expressed at the adoption of Mr. Cattier’s resolution and it is felt that even though it will not prevent all persons from entering into agreements with the Soviets, nevertheless, it will, in many cases, act as a deterrent to the conclusion of such agreements. Great satisfaction has also been created by the Department’s statement to the press regarding the attitude of the United States on the same subject.45

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I have [etc.]

Louis Sussdorff, Jr.
  1. Quoted in footnote 44, supra.