550.E1 Russia/7: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy ( Child ) to the Secretary of State


56. I communicated to Barrère31 your reply to the French proposal as instructed and with his consent I communicated to Lloyd George and Schanzer32 its substance regarding the proposals made and conditions laid down. They are all in agreement that The Hague proposal now being discussed meets your three conditions. Barrère thinks that the French memorandum and the conditions of The Hague proposal are substantially the same. As I understand your formal reply to the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, it does not make impossible the consideration of a final invitation in case the attitude of Soviet Russia changes, as now seems likely. The Russians did not initiate the proposal for a meeting at The Hague and gave their consent reluctantly under pressure from the other powers. The connection of Russia with The Hague proposal is not at all binding, and in case the ban on separate agreements is extended our final support with a view to inquiry may have the moral effect of steadying a hectic Europe, concluding this conference without breaks, and of safeguarding American interests by close contact. It will help to have any word from you which will reinforce your assent to continuing the exchange of views.

  1. Camille Barrère, French Ambassador in Italy and member of the French delegation at the Genoa Conference.
  2. Carlo Schanzer, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and president of the political subcommission of the Genoa Conference.