
The Secretary of the Treasury (Mellon) to the Secretary of State

Sir: Reference is made to your letter of the 17th instant, (File S O 811.114/204:) with its enclosure of a communication from the Italian Embassy96 regarding the practice of collectors of customs under T. D. 38218, of sealing liquors listed as sea stores on vessels arriving in ports of the United States, and keeping them under seal during the vessel’s stay in port.

[Page 560]

You are advised that following the receipt of an opinion rendered by the Attorney General in the matter,97 this Department has prepared for publication as a Treasury Decision98 at an early date, an amendment to the decision mentioned above, by reason of which liquors on foreign vess.els will be placed under seal while the vessels are in port and such portions thereof released from seal from time to time as may be required for use by the officers and crews.

Appropriate instructions have been issued to collectors of customs at the various ports by telegram directing a modification of their practice in accordance with the foregoing.

By direction of the Secretary.


Jouett Shouse

Assistant Secretary
  1. Not printed.
  2. 32 Op. Att. Gen. 96.
  3. Treasury Decision 38248.