
Memorandum by the Secretary of State of a Conversation with the Counselor of the Japanese Embassy (Saburi), November 26, 1921

Mr. Saburi said that he had been instructed by Baron Shidehara8 to give to the Secretary a memorandum with respect to the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. He said that Baron Shidehara had not received instructions from his government with regard to the memorandum and that it represented a personal view in the light of what had been said to him by Mr. Balfour. Mr. Saburi added that Baron Shidehara had shown it to the other members of the Japanese Delegation and that while they had not received instructions from the [Page 4] Japanese Government regarding it they were personally in accord with the memorandum.

Mr. Saburi said that he had just shown it to Mr. Balfour, who had made certain suggested changes upon a copy. Both Baron Shidehara’s memorandum and the copy with Mr. Balfour’s notations were handed to the Secretary.9 Mr. Saburi said that Baron Shidehara was communicating with his government and would let the Secretary know as soon as he received instructions regarding the matter but in the meantime he desired the Secretary to have an opportunity to consider it.

  1. Japanese Ambassador and member of the Japanese delegation.
  2. The memorandum referred to may be the draft arrangement infra. The copy with Mr. Balfour’s notations has not been found.