
The Secretary of State to the Chilean, Ambassador (Mathieu)

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I have received your note of this date with respect to a point in the interpretation of the clause that I suggested, relating to the contingency of a decision by the arbitrator that a plebiscite should not be held.

This clause was as follows:

“It is understood, in the interest of peace and good order, that in this event and pending an agreement as to the disposition of the territory, the administrative organization of the provinces shall not be disturbed.”

I should hesitate to make any further suggestion for reasons which I am sure you will appreciate, save in a further conference with the delegates.

[Page 505]

It seems to me, however, that it may serve the purpose you have in view if I send to you a summary prepared by Dr. Howe of the interview held with Señor Aldunate and Dr. Porras,29 in the course of which the clause in question was suggested. It seems to me that what was then said is entirely sufficient by way of commentary upon the purpose and intent of the clause.

With high regard [etc.]

Charles E. Hughes
  1. Memorandum of conference held July 17, 1922, p. 501.