
The Secretary of State to Ambassador Jusserand, of the French Delegation

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I take pleasure in handing you the form of proposed letter which Baron Shidehara left with me this morning with respect to the conclusion of an agreement supplementary to the Quadruple Treaty signed at Washington on December 13, 1921, together with the text of the proposed supplementary agreement.

I also hand you herewith a copy of the identic note which it is proposed that the Four Powers should deliver, through their Ministers at The Hague, to the Netherlands Government.38

Sincerely yours,

Charles E. Hughes
[Enclosure 1]

Draft of a Proposed Note from Ambassador Shidehara, of the Japanese Delegation, to the Secretary of State

Sir: Referring to the question of the applicability to Japan Proper of the term “insular possessions and insular dominions” used in the Quadruple Treaty signed at Washington on December 13, 1921, I have the honor to inquire, under instructions from my Government, whether there is any objection, so far as the United States is concerned, to the conclusion of an agreement supplementary [Page 44] to the said Treaty, to the effect that the term above quoted shall, in its application to Japan, include only Sakhalin, Formosa and the Pescadores, and the islands under the mandate of Japan.

Accept [etc.]

K. Shidehara
[Enclosure 2]

Draft of an Agreement Supplementary to the Treaty of December 13, 1921, between the United States of America, the British Empire, France, and Japan

The United States of America, the British Empire, France and Japan have, through their respective Plenipotentiaries, agreed upon the following stipulations supplementary to the Quadruple Treaty signed at Washington on December 13, 1921:—

The term “insular possessions and insular dominions” used in the aforesaid Treaty shall, in its application to Japan, include only Sakhalin, Formosa and the Pescadores, and the islands under the mandate of Japan.

The present agreement shall have the same force and effect as the said Treaty to which it is supplementary.

  1. Presumably the same as the draft sent Jan. 3 to Mr. Balfour, of the British delegation, p. 41.