
The Russian Embassy to the Department of State

A cable from Stockholm dated August 15th, appearing in the press referred to an alleged agreement between General Youdenich, [Page 706] Commander in Chief of the Russian armed forces in the Northwest, and the Esthonian Government. The agreement was reported to include the recognition of the independence of Esthonia and quoted General Marsh of the British Army as being instrumental in bringing forth the transaction.

Under such circumstances it is incumbent to present to the attention of the State Department the following: Action, if any, taken by General Youdenich relative to recognizing the independence of Esthonia has been entirely of his own initiative and responsibility. No authority to this effect has been given to General Youdenich.

Admiral Kolchak, in his reply to the Allied and Associated Powers dated June 4th,44 clearly defined the attitude of the Russian Government toward the future status of Esthonia; the status to be an autonomous arrangement within the boundaries of a reconstituted Russian State with the rights of nationalities guaranteed without prejudice to the unity and sovereignty of Russia as a whole.

Moreover, a presentation addressed to the Peace Conference by the Russian delegation in Paris on May 24th clearly defined Russia’s attitude toward the different existing governmental formations in the Baltic provinces, while the question of military co-operation with the Esthonians has been treated in an exchange of memorandums between General Bliss and Mr. Bakhmeteff, dated Paris, July 4–8.45

It has been clearly established that, while welcoming practical procedure which would assist the Esthonians in their endeavour to combat anarchy and restitute law and orderly life, assistance rendered to the existing governmental bodies or relations with such should not be construed in any way as entailing recognition or legalizing definitely the temporary existing formations.

The reports relative to General Youdenich’s agreement have been brought in particular to the attention of the British Government. The British Government stated that as far as British military representatives had been concerned in the transaction, they had acted on their own initiative without the knowledge or authority of London.

The British Government has been informed by the Russian Chargé d’Affaires in London that notice is taken of such statement and it is further expected that England will not support subsequently eventual claims of the Esthonians which might arise from the agreement.

  1. Ante, p. 375.
  2. Ante, pp. 683687.