Paris Peace Conference 861.48/42

The Russian Ambassador to the United States (Bakhmeteff) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: I have the honor of transmitting to you herewith a statement signed by the representatives of the unified [Page 110] National Governments of Russia, with regard to the proposal made by Dr. Nansen to relieve famine stricken districts of Russia.

Accept [etc.]

B. Bakhmeteff

Statement by the Russian Political Conference

Referring to the project of Dr. Nansen concerning the food supply of the famine-stricken regions of Russia, the undersigned, in the name of the Russian Political Conference, believe it to be their duty to make the following statement:

The desire of the Allies to aid the Russian people, dying of famine and disease as a result of the Bolshevist régime, can be received only with profound gratitude. It constitutes not only an act of humanity, but gives expression to that solidarity of nations without which humanity could not bear the consequences of this war.

The undersigned believe, however, that this generous idea will end in a quite opposite result unless efficient precautions are taken to prevent the food supply of Russia from falling into the hands of the Bolshevist authorities; if it does, this act of humanity to the Russian nation will serve only to favor those who are profiting by the Bolshevist régime and to prolong their domination.

The task of the national Russian movement is to save Russia from those who have reduced her to the present state of impotence and to the necessity of seeking her food from abroad. The feeding of the starving population is not a solution of the Russian question. Consequently, the struggle for the liberation of Russia from her oppressors, with the object of making her capable of existing by her own means and of governing herself according to her own will, must not for any reason be halted.

As to the means of paying for the food, the undersigned declare that Russia will pay her debts and repay the services which have been rendered her under this head, but she hopes that the Allies no more than she herself will recognize that the Bolshevist usurpers have the right to dispose of the national patrimony under any pretext whatever.

  • Prince Lvoff
  • Sazonov
  • N. W. Tchaykovsky
  • N. Maklakoff

  1. File translation revised.