
The Russian Chargé (Ughet) to the Acting Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Phillips: The Russian Embassy is advised by Ambassador Bakhmeteff from Paris that General E. Miller, Acting Chief of the Provisional Government of the Northern Regions, sent a cable to Paris relative to the recall in the near future of two American railway engineer companies, which have been working on the Murmansk Line. These troops are of greatest value in the Northern Region and cannot be replaced at present by any other units.

In view of the above I beg earnestly to request you to communicate with the respective authorities in an effort to have these men retained on the Murmansk Railway at least until they can be replaced by some other engineering troops.

Assuring you that any action on your behalf in this matter so vital to the activities of the Russian authorities in the Northern Region would be deeply appreciated, I am [etc.]

S. Ughet