861.00/4180: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

1436. Department desires to call your attention to Archangel’s number 39 to you23 in which Poole and Military Attaché express the opinion that a statement should be issued in order to allay discontent and preserve morale among the American troops in the Archangel region and also to a second telegram dated March 31 relative thereto which has been repeated to you as Poole’s number 70 [71]24 regarding dissatisfaction and unrest among the American soldiers. The Secretary of War has reconsidered the matter and concurs in the opinion that some statement should be issued, especially along the lines of the suggestions contained in number 70 [71]. The Secretary of War, however, thinks that this statement might properly be issued direct by General Pershing. Department would be glad to receive your comments.

  1. No. 858, Feb. 13, 5 p.m., to the Secretary of State, p. 615.
  2. No. 1012, Mar. 31, 6 p.m., to the Secretary of State, p. 623.