861.77/802: Telegram

The American member of the Inter-Allied Railway Committee (Smith) to the Acting Secretary of State, transmitted by the Consul at Vladivostok (Caldwell)

240. [From Smith:]

Location of Allied troops to guard line as follows: American, Vladivostok inclusive to Nikolsk exclusive, Spaskoe exclusive to Usuri inclusive, Verkhneudinsk inclusive to Baikal inclusive, construct railroad to Suchan coal mines.

[Page 556]

Chinese, Usuri exclusive to Guberovo inclusive, Nikolsk exclusive to Manchuria exclusive, Harbin inclusive to Changchun exclusive.

Japanese [, Nikolsk inclusive] to Spaskoe inclusive, Guberovo exclusive to Karimskaya inclusive, Manchuria inclusive to Verkhneudinsk exclusive.

Czechs, Baikal to Omsk.

Chinese representative claims right of the Station Manchuria, as Chinese customhouse is located there. This will probably be granted by commanders. Chinese in charge of the railroad guard not under command General Otani. Japanese staff stated this would be settled with Chinese Government. Have notified Reinsch. Repeated to Tokyo. Smith.
