861.00/5198½: Telegram

The Commanding General of the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia (Graves) to The Adjutant General (Harris)

467. Paragraph 1. Slaughter telegraphs64 that Chief Technical Department of War Ministry has orders to buy at least 20 tanks [Page 515] and number of armored motor cars in United States. Suggested depositing 4,000,000 yen gold in city National Bank, Vladivostok, to cover purchase price. There is no question in my mind that Semenoff and Kalmikoff and probably Rozanoff are practically independent of Kolchak and appear to support him when it suits their purpose to do so. Kalmikoff recently received 30,000 yen from Japan. His Cossacks on September 5th arrested an American Captain and Corporal because they had no Russian passports. His Cossacks released the Captain but took Corporal to Habarovsk and whipped him. The Commanding Officer arrested three Cossacks and held them until return of American Corporal. Kalmikoff ordered the Corporal’s release, which was done September 7th. I told Rozanoff that Kalmikoff Cossacks must never touch an American soldier and if they did I would arrest Kalmikoff and hold him as prisoner. Kalmikoff has called upon Cossacks assemble with view to driving Americans out of Siberia. I am told by Rozanoff’s assistant that Semenoff is ready to assist Kalmikoff in case of trouble with Americans. In view of this I have told Slaughter I will not recommend the sale of anything to Kolchak until these Cossacks are controlled.

Paragraph 2. Reference your No. 357. The 1,000,000 gold was offered me this morning and delivery of rifles requested. On account of anti-American action of Kolchak agents here, Semenoff, Kalmikoff, Rozanoff, I have refused to take gold and refused to give up rifles. Request approval of this action. Mr. Morris here and approved. I have told Slaughter to inform Omsk Government we will not give them any military supplies as long as Kolchak agents of the East are threatening to use military force against the United States. I believe this anti-American action directed by Japan.

  1. From Omsk.