861.00/4682: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

2297. For the Secretary of State and McCormick:

Referring to my telegram of May 9, 8 p.m. No. 1920, following from Consul at Vladivostok illustrates result of the extremely rigid interpretation of his instructions which has characterized the action of American Commander. The Suchan mines mentioned are understood by the Department to give the coal supply necessary for the operation of the section of the Siberian Railway from Vladivostok to Habarovsk.

“June 11, 6 p.m. Called meeting Vladivostok Chamber of Commerce last night heard special report on policy American Expeditionary Forces particularly in Suchan Mine district and adopted strong protest against it as promoting reestablishment Bolshevik régime in that district. Resolutions in part reading

‘Local American command adopted one sided and fasted [sic] idea of maintaining order on section Russian railway trusted to it, on one hand hindering Russian authorities and Russian people from preventing resurgence of Bolshevism, and on other displaying tolerance toward and even indirect protection of anti-governmental elements. As translations from declaration of Colonel Pendleton, American command regards Bolshevik leaders of small Bolshevik band as regular authority and maintains relations with them on a parity with Government of Russia which is not only insulting to feelings of patriotic population but also strengthens position of those elements that by destruction and terrorism disturb and undermine the country. Action of local American Command to our profound regret is accompanied by ignoring of the laws and arbitrary arrests of loyal Russian citizens. Sympathizing with the American people and its democratic institutions and gratefully acknowledging economic assistance rendered by American Government, Vladivostok Chamber of Commerce appeals to whole American people with warm protest against one-sided action of American Command in the Maritime Province which have been condemned by Russian public opinion.’”
