661.77/934: Telegram
The Minister in China (Reinsch) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received July 14, 1919, 1:45 p.m.]
Following from [Harris at] Omsk.
323. July 13, 3 p.m. Foreign Office has handed me following for Department which is literal translation of the French text.
“In view of the projected evacuation of the Czech troops and sending to the front of a Russian detachment commanded by General [Page 285] Rosanoff, the question of guarding the Trans-Siberian and maintaining order along the line is actively occupying the Russian Government. It would seem to indicate that it is impossible to dispense with the assistance of foreign forces for the protection of the line for some time longer which has already been provided for by Inter-Allied Agreement relating to the operating of the Trans-Siberian.91
In referring to the decision of the Allied and Associated Powers, which was transmitted to the Supreme Ruler in a telegram from Mr. Clemenceau dated July 2d, 1919,92 the Russian Government is pleased to believe that the Government of the United States of America will not refuse to consider the urgency of this question and notably the possibility of Russian-Japanese troops together with an American detachment, to guarantee safety of railway. This would allow eventually the reenforcement of the Japanese contingents by new [omission]. As to the American forces it would seem possible to advance them [sic] further than Irkutsk one of the detachments operating at the present time in the region of Verchniudinsk or Vladivostok.
The method of accepting in practice this plan might be studied by competent military authorities. Signed Soukine.[”]
- Harris
- Reinsch