861.00/5911: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Irkutsk (Harris)

Please comment on the following report which the Department has just received:25 [Page 230]

“There is not the least hope that the Kolchak Government can be sustained. The attitude of Bolshevik[s in] Siberia has completely changed. They are committing no excesses and are gradually advancing eastward from Omsk establishing order. They have practically all the people with them and are exhibiting moderation and good sense. There is nothing to prevent them from coming as far as they want. They have not executed anybody, or even held prisoners of war. Have advised all parties regardless of former affiliations to go about their business and they would not be molested, on the contrary would be provided with food. Trotsky is at Omsk and they are proceeding with arrangements for election delegates to General Constituent Assembly. There is reason to believe that they have an understanding with Czechs and as the latter retire as they are doing, they will follow peacefully. I believe that now conditions will shortly be such as will permit constructive work to be done providing that the policy of the United States is to be such as will permit of dealings with these people.”

  1. From John F. Stevens, president of the Technical Board, by telegram of Dec. 15, 2 p.m., from Harbin (not printed).