Paris Peace Conf. 181.9102/9
Report of the American Section of the International
Commission on Mandates in Turkey
Section One |
—Report upon Syria. |
Section Two |
—Report upon Mesopotamia.10 |
Section Three |
—Report upon the non-Arabic-Speaking Portions of the Former
Ottoman Empire.11 |
Submitted by the Commissioners:
- Charles K. Crane
- Henry Churchill King
section one. the report upon
The American Commissioners of the projected International Commission on
Mandates in Turkey, herewith submit their final report upon the Syrian
portion of their task.
The Commission’s conception of its mission was defined in the following
statement which was given to the press wherever the Commission went:
The American Section of the International Commission on Mandates
in Turkey, in order that their mission may be clearly
understood, are furnishing to the press the following statement,
which is intended to define as accurately as possible the nature
of their task, as given to them by President Wilson.
The American people—having no political ambitions in Europe or
the Near East; preferring, if that were possible, to keep clear
of all European, Asian, or African entanglements; but
nevertheless sincerely desiring that the most permanent peace
and the largest results for humanity shall come out of this
war—recognize that they cannot altogether avoid responsibility
for just settlements among the nations following the war, and
under the League of Nations. In that spirit they approach the
problems of the Near East.
An International Commission was projected by the Council of Four
of the Peace Conference to study conditions in the Turkish
Empire with reference to possible mandates. The American Section
of that Commission is in the Near East simply and solely to get
as accurate and definite information as possible concerning the
conditions, the relations, and the desires of all the peoples
and classes concerned; in order that President Wilson and the
American people may act with full knowledge of the facts in any
policy they may be called upon hereafter to adopt concerning the
problems of the Near East—whether in the Peace Conference, or in
the later League of Nations.
This statement of the mission of the Commission is in complete
harmony with the following paragraph from the Covenant of the
[Page 752]
League of Nations,
particularly referring to portions of the former Turkish Empire:
“Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire
have reached a stage of development where their existence as
independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to
the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a
Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The
wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in
the selection of the Mandatory”.
The Commission had in their survey of Syria the assistance of Dr. Albert
H. Lybyer, Dr. George E. Montgomery, and Captain William Yale, U. S. A.,
as Advisors; of Captain Donald M. Brodie, U. S. A., as Secretary and
Treasurer; of Dr. Sami Haddad, Instructor in the School of Medicine of
the Syrian Protestant College of Beirut, as Physician and Interpreter;
of Mr. Laurence S. Moore as Business Manager; and of Sergeant Major Paul
O. Toren as stenographer. The advisers had all been previously connected
as Experts with the Peace Conference in Paris, and had been students of
the special problems of the Near East.
The report naturally falls into three divisions: Data, General
Considerations, and Recommendations.
The Commission had already familiarized itself before leaving Paris with
the full and varied reports and material coming into the office of the
Western Asia Division of the Experts of the American Section of the
Peace Conference, and with considerable other literature bearing on the
Near East. The survey of Syria was made in the light of all this
previous study.
The method of the Commission, in its inquiry in Syria, was to meet in
conference individuals and delegations who should represent all the
significant groups in the various communities, and so to obtain as far
as possible the opinions and desires of the whole people. The process
itself was inevitably a kind of political education for the people, and,
besides actually bringing out the desires of the people, had at least
further value in the simple consciousness that their wishes were being
sought. We were not blind to the fact that there was considerable
propaganda; that often much pressure was put upon individuals and
groups; that sometimes delegations were prevented from reaching the
Commission; and that the representative authority of many petitions was
questionable. But the Commission believes that these anomalous elements
in the petitions tend to cancel one another when the whole country is
taken into account, and that, as in the composite photograph, certain
great, common emphases are unmistakable.
[Page 753]
The Commissioners were struck, on the other hand, with the large degree
of frankness with which opinions were expressed to them, even where
there was evident fear of consequences. In this respect the American
Section had an evident advantage, which could not have held for a mixed
Commission. Moreover, the nearly universal recognition of the fact that
America sought no additional territory was favorable to a frank
expression of opinion.
The direct data, furnished by the inquiry in Syria, are given in a series
of tables, prepared by the Secretary of the Commission, and based
immediately upon the Conferences of the Commission and the petitions
there presented.
The area and towns covered by the Commission’s inquiry are shown in the
following itinerary for June 10th to July 21st, and in the table of the
towns, classified according to the different divisions of the Occupied
Enemy Territory Administrations—British, French, and Arab. These tables
show that the Commission visited thirty-six of the more important towns
of Syria, scattered through all the military areas, and heard
delegations from other important centers. It should be noted that the
list does not include at all the names of hosts of villages in the
vicinity of towns visited, which were also represented by delegations
before the Commission. Our records show that there were 1520 such
villages. Cilicia was briefly included in the Syrian inquiry, because it
is disputed territory claimed both by Syria and by the Turkish-speaking
portion of the former Turkish Empire.
the itinerary
[Page 754]
June |
10 |
Commission arrived in Jaffa. |
11, 12 |
Interviews at Jaffa. |
13 |
By auto to Tel Aviv, Richon-le-Sion and Jerusalem. |
14 |
Jerusalem. Official Calls. |
15 |
(Sunday) |
16 |
Jerusalem. Interviews. |
17 |
To Bethlehem, Hebron and Beersheba by auto. Interviews at
Bethlehem and Hebron. |
18 |
Interviews at Beersheba, including Gaza delegations. To
Jerusalem by auto. |
19, 20 |
Jerusalem. Interviews. |
21 |
By auto to Ramallah and Nablus. Interviews at both
places. |
22 |
By auto to Jenin and Nazareth. Interviews at Jenin. |
23 |
Interviews at Nazareth. To Haifa (Mt. Carmel Monastery) by
auto. Interviews. |
24 |
To Acre by auto. Interviews. To Nazareth by auto. |
June |
25 |
To Damascus by auto, via Tiberias and Capernaum. |
26 |
Damascus. Official Calls. |
27, 28 |
Damascus. Interviews. |
29 |
(Sunday) |
30 |
Damascus. Interviews. |
July |
1 |
To Amman and Deraa by train. Interviews at both places. |
2,3 |
Damascus. Interviews. |
4 |
To Baalbek by auto. |
5 |
Baalbek. Interviews. To Beirut by auto. |
6 |
Beirut (Aleih). |
7,8 |
Beirut. Interviews. |
9 |
To Jebeil, Batrun, and Bkerke, by auto. Interviews at each
place. |
10 |
To Sidon and Tyre by auto. Interviews at both places. |
11 |
To Ainab, Baabda, and Zahle by auto. Interviews at each
place. |
12 |
To Tripoli by yacht. Interviews. |
13 |
To Alexandretta by yacht. Interviews. |
14 |
To Ladikiya by yacht. Interviews. To Tripoli by yacht. |
15 |
To Horns by auto. |
16 |
Interviews at Horns. To Hama by auto. Interviews. To Aleppo by
train. |
17 |
Aleppo. |
18, 19 |
Aleppo. Interviews. |
20 |
To Adana, by train. |
21 |
Adana. Interviews. To Mersina by train, via Tarsus. Interviews
at Tarsus and Mersina. Commission left Mersina on U. S.
Destroyer Hazelwood for
Constantinople. |
cities and villages of syria at which
delegations were received by the american commission
- I
- —O. E. T. A.13 (South)—Under British Military
Administration—Comprises Palestine west of Jordan line.
- Acre
- Beersheba—(Gaza)†
- Bethlehem
- Haifa
- Hebron
- Jaffa (Ludd, Ramleh)
- Jenin
- Jerusalem
- Nablus
- Nazareth—(Safed, Tiberias)
- Ramallah
- Richon-le-Sion
- Tel Aviv
- II
- —O. E. T. A. (East)—Under Arab Military Administration—Comprises
all of Syria east of Jordan line and Lebanon boundary.
- Aleppo
- Amman—(Es-Salt)
- Baalbek
- Damascus
- Deraa
- Hama
- Homs
- Moalaka
- —O. E. T. A. (West)—Under French Military Administration–Comprises
Lebanon and Coastal Regions north to Alexandretta.
- Ainab
- Alexandretta (Antioch)
- Baabda
- Batrun
- Beirut
- Bkerke
- Jebeil
- Ladikiya
- Sidon
- Tripoli
- Tyre
- Zahle
- IV
- —O. E. T. A. (North)—Under French Military
Administration—Comprises Cilicia.
[Page 756]
An estimate of the population of the different districts is added at this
point, for a better understanding of the tables and discussion which
follow. The figures in all cases must be regarded as only approximate,
but may be taken as giving a fairly accurate view of the proportions of
the population.
Population Estimates
O. E. T. A. South |
O. E. T. A. West |
O. E. T. A. East |
Totals |
Moslems |
515,000 |
600,000 |
1,250,000 |
2,365,000 |
Christians |
62,500 |
400,000 |
125,000 |
587,500 |
Druses |
60,000 |
80,000 |
140,000 |
Jews |
65,000 |
15,000 |
30,000 |
110,000 |
Others |
5,000 |
20,000 |
20,000 |
45,000 |
Totals |
647,500 |
1,095,000 |
1,505,000 |
Grand Total |
3,247,500 |
A map14 accompanies the report, tracing the route taken by
the Commission; showing the boundaries of the military districts; the
larger Palestine desired by the Zionists; and the “larger Lebanon”
desired by the Lebanese.
The tables showing the classes and number of delegations met by the
Commission, should make clear how varied the population is, and also
that no vital interest or element of the population has been omitted in
the inquiry. At the same time it should be carefully borne in mind that
the number of delegations is no proper index of the proportions of the
population. The Christian population is divided into so many small
groups that it is represented in the tables by a larger number of
delegations than the Moslem majority.
classified list of delegations
[Page 757]
O. E. T. A. |
Total |
South |
East |
West |
I—Political Groups: |
1. Mayors and Municipal Councils |
12 |
9 |
13 |
34 |
2. Administrative Councils |
2 |
7 |
6 |
15 |
3. Councils of Village Chiefs |
22 |
20 |
23 |
65 |
4. Arab Sheikhs |
6 |
22 |
2 |
30 |
5. Arab Societies |
2 |
1 |
2 |
5 |
6. Moslem Christian Committees |
3 |
1 |
0 |
4 |
Total Political Groups |
47 |
60 |
46 |
153 |
II—Economic and Social
Groups: |
1. Professions and Trades. |
1 |
6 |
10 |
17 |
2. Farmers, etc |
1 |
4 |
1 |
6 |
3. Young Men’s Clubs |
1 |
5 |
1 |
7 |
4. Chambers of Commerce |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
5. Miscellaneous Groups. |
1 |
1 |
8 |
10 |
Total Economic and Social Groups |
5 |
16 |
20 |
41 |
III—Religious Groups: |
A—Christians— |
1. General Christian Groups (Composite). |
7 |
3 |
3 |
13 |
2. General Catholic Groups |
0 |
0 |
5 |
5 |
3. Christian Ladies |
0 |
3 |
2 |
5 |
4. Protestants |
9 |
5 |
7 |
22 |
5. Latins |
9 |
2 |
4 |
15 |
6. Greek Orthodox |
7 |
6 |
12 |
25 |
7. Greek Catholic |
8 |
5 |
6 |
19 |
8. Maronites |
7 |
2 |
7 |
16 |
9. Armenians (general groups) |
1 |
0 |
3 |
4 |
10. Armenian Catholics |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
11. Armenian Orthodox |
0 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
12. Syrian Catholics |
1 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
13. Syrian Orthodox |
0 |
3 |
0 |
3 |
14. Chaldean Catholics |
1 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
15. Copts |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
16. Abyssinians |
2 |
(53) |
0 |
(36) |
0 |
(50) |
2 |
(139) |
B—Moslems— |
1. Muftis and Ulema |
7 |
7 |
10 |
24 |
2. Moslems Notables |
2 |
10 |
3 |
15 |
3. Moslems (Sunnites) |
9 |
2 |
10 |
21 |
4. Shiites |
0 |
0 |
2 |
2 |
5. Moslem Ladies |
0 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
6. Turkish Moslems |
0 |
0 |
4 |
4 |
7. Ismailites |
0 |
0 |
2 |
2 |
8. Dervishes |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
9. Circassians |
0 |
(18) |
2 |
(24) |
0 |
(32) |
2 |
(74) |
C—Other Religious Groups— |
1. Jews |
14 |
2 |
5 |
21 |
2. Druses |
1 |
1 |
5 |
7 |
3. Samaritans |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
4. Persians |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
5. Nausairiyeh |
0 |
(17) |
0 |
(3) |
5 |
(10) |
5 |
(35) |
Total Religious Groups |
88 |
63 |
97 |
248 |
Grand Totals |
140 |
139 |
163 |
442 |
The tables of summaries made to the Commission, written or oral or both,
reveal the range of the discussions in the conferences, and the chief
positions taken by the people. They are given by Military Districts, as
well as for Syria as a whole, because the petitions vary considerably
with the Districts.
[Page 758]
petition summaries—o. e. t. a.
[Page 759]
Total Number of Petitions Received: 260 |
No. |
Per Cent. |
A—Territorial Limits: |
1. For United Syria |
221 |
85.0 |
2. For Separate Palestine |
3 |
1.1 |
3. For Separate Palestine under British if French have Syrian
Mandate |
1 |
.3 |
4. For Autonomous Palestine within Syrian State |
24 |
9.2 |
5. For Independent Greater Lebanon |
0 |
6. Against Independent Greater Lebanon |
0 |
7. For Autonomous Lebanon with Syrian State |
0 |
8. For Inclusion of Bekaa with Damascus |
0 |
9. For Inclusion of Bekaa with Lebanon |
0 |
10. For Inclusion of Cilicia with Armenian State |
0 |
11. For Inclusion of Cilicia with Syrian State |
0 |
B—Independence: |
1. For Absolute Independence of Syria |
174 |
67.0 |
2. For Independence of Iraq (Mesopotamia) |
26 |
10. |
3. For Independence of all Arab Countries |
30 |
11.5 |
C—Form of Government: |
1. For Democratic Kingdom |
5 |
1.9 |
2. For Emir Feisal as King |
2 |
.8 |
3. For Democratic Representative Government |
0 |
4. For Guarding of Rights of Minorities |
4 |
1.5 |
5. Arabic to be Official Language |
10 |
3.8 |
6. For Abolition of Foreign Capitulations |
5 |
1.9 |
7. For Autonomy for all provinces of Syria |
0 |
D—Choice of Mandate: |
1. British— |
a. For British Mandate |
48 |
18.4 |
b. For British Mandate if mandate is obligatory |
0 |
c. For British “Assistance” |
0 |
Total British First Choice |
48 |
18.4 |
d. For British Mandate as second choice |
2 |
.8 |
e. For British “Assistance” as second choice |
0 |
2. French— |
a. For French Mandate |
17 |
6.5 |
b. For French Mandate if mandate is obligatory |
0 |
c. For French “Assistance” |
0 |
Total French First Choice |
17 |
6.5 |
d. For French Mandate as second choice |
0 |
e. For French “Assistance” as second choice |
0 |
3. American— |
a. For American Mandate |
2 |
.8 |
b. For American Mandate if mandate is obligatory |
3 |
1.1 |
c. For American “Assistance” |
3 |
1.1 |
Total American First Choice |
8 |
3. |
d. For American Mandate as second choice |
5 |
1. 9 |
e. For American “Assistance” as second choice |
0 |
4. Choice of Mandate left to Damascus Conference |
23 |
8.9 |
E—Zionist Program: |
1. For Complete Zionist program (Jewish State and
immigration) |
7 |
2.7 |
2. For Modified Zionist program |
8 |
3. |
3. Against Zionist program |
222 |
85.3 |
F—Protests and Criticisms: |
1. Anti-British— |
a. General Anti-British Statements |
0 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administration |
0 |
c. Protests against Interference with free access to
Commission |
0 |
2. Anti-French— |
a. General Anti-French statements |
4 |
1.5 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administration |
0 |
c. Protests against Interference with free access to
Commission |
3. Anti-Arab— |
a. General Anti-Arab Statements |
7 |
2.7 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administration |
0 |
c. Protests against Interference with free access to
Commission |
4. Against Article 22 of League Covenant |
0 |
5. Against Secret Treaties, especially treaties dividing
Syria |
0 |
petition summaries—o. e. t. a.
[Page 760]
Total Number of Petitions Received: 446 |
No. |
Per Cent. |
A—Territorial Limits: |
1. For United Syria |
187 |
41.9 |
2. For Separate Palestine |
1 |
.22 |
3. For Separate Palestine under British, if French have Syrian
Mandate |
0 |
4. For Autonomous Palestine within Syrian State |
0 |
5. For Independent Greater Lebanon |
196 |
43.9 |
6. Against Independent Greater Lebanon |
108 |
24.2 |
7. For Autonomous Lebanon within Syrian State |
33 |
7.4 |
8. For Inclusion of Bekaa with Damascus |
1 |
.22 |
9. For Inclusion of Bekaa with Lebanon |
7 |
1.5 |
10. For Inclusion of Cilicia within Armenian State |
3 |
.67 |
11. For Inclusion of Cilicia with Syrian State |
2 |
.45 |
B—Independence: |
1. For Absolute Independence of Syria |
130 |
29.1 |
2. For Independence of Iraq (Mesopotamia) |
76 |
17. |
3. For Independence of all Arab Countries |
9 |
2. |
C—Form of Government: |
1. For Democratic Kingdom |
96 |
21.5 |
2. For Emir Feisal as King |
95 |
21.2 |
3. For Democratic Representative Government |
26 |
5.8 |
4. For Guarding of Rights of Minorities |
19 |
4.2 |
5. Arabic to be Official Language |
0 |
6. For Abolition of Foreign Capitulations |
0 |
7. For Autonomy for all provinces of Syria |
13 |
2.9 |
D—Choice of Mandate: |
1. British— |
a. For British Mandate |
4 |
.9 |
b. For British Mandate if Mandate is obligatory |
0 |
c. For British “Assistance” |
4 |
.9 |
Total British First Choice |
8 |
1.8 |
d. For British Mandate as second choice |
26 |
5.8 |
e. For British “Assistance” as second choice. |
70 |
15.7 |
2. French— |
a. For French Mandate |
213 |
47.7 |
b. For French Mandate if Mandate is obligatory |
1 |
.22 |
c. For French “Assistance” |
1 |
Total French First choice |
215 |
48.1 |
d. For French Mandate as second choice |
0 |
e. For French “Assistance” as second choice |
0 |
3. American— |
a. For American Mandate |
36 |
8. |
b. For American Mandate if Mandate is obligatory |
3 |
.66 |
c. For American “Assistance” |
86 |
18. 2 |
Total American First Choice |
125 |
28.0 |
d. For American Mandate as second choice |
3 |
.66 |
e. For American “Assistance” as second choice |
3 |
. 66 |
4. Choice of Mandate left to Damascus Conference |
0 |
E—Zionist Program: |
1. For Complete Zionist Program (Jewish State and
immigration) |
2 |
.45 |
2. For Modified Zionist Program |
0 |
3. Against Zionist Program |
88 |
19.7 |
F—Protests and Criticisms: |
1. Anti-British— |
a. General Anti-British Statements |
2 |
.45 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administration |
0 |
c. Protests against interference with the free access to
Commission |
0 |
2. Anti-French— |
a. General Anti-French Statements |
114 |
25.5 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administrations |
12 |
2.7 |
c. Protests against interference with free access to
Commission |
6 |
1.3 |
3. Anti-Arab— |
a. General Anti-Arab Statements |
23 |
5.1 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administration |
0 |
c. Protests against interference with free access to
Commission |
0 |
4. Against Art. 22 of League Covenant |
78 |
17.4 |
5. Against Secret Treaties, especially treaties dividing
Syria |
48 |
10.7 |
petition summaries—o. e. t. a.
[Page 761]
Total Number of Petitions Received: 1157 |
No. |
Per Cent |
A—Territorial Limits: |
1. For United Syria |
1022 |
94.3 |
2. For Separate Palestine |
2 |
.17 |
3. For Separate Palestine under British if French have Syrian
mandate |
1 |
.08 |
4. For Autonomous Palestine within Syrian State |
0 |
5. For Independent Greater Lebanon |
7 |
.6 |
6. Against Independent Greater Lebanon |
954 |
82.0 |
7. For Autonomous Lebanon within Syrian State |
0 |
8. For Inclusion of Bekaa with Damascus |
3 |
.25 |
9. For Inclusion of Bekaa with Lebanon |
4 |
.34 |
10. For Inclusion of Cilicia with Armenian State |
0 |
11. For Inclusion of Cilicia with Syrian State |
0 |
B—Independence: |
1. For Absolute Independence of Syria |
1066 |
92.2 |
2. For Independence of Iraq (Mesopotamia) |
976 |
84.3 |
3. For Independence of all Arab Countries |
58 |
5.0 |
C—Form of Government: |
1. For Democratic Kingdom |
1006 |
87.0 |
2. For Emir Feisal as king |
1005 |
86.9 |
3. For Democratic Representative Government |
8 |
.68 |
4. For Guarding of Rights of Minorities |
1000 |
86.5 |
5. Arabic to be Official Language |
1 |
.08 |
6. For Abolition of Foreign Capitulations |
0 |
7. For Autonomy for all Provisions of Syria |
1 |
.08 |
D—Choice of Mandate: |
No. |
Per Cent |
1. British— |
a. For British Mandate |
14 |
1.2 |
b. For British Mandate if mandate is obligatory |
0 |
c. For British “Assistance” |
0 |
Total British First Choice |
14 |
1.2 |
d. For British Mandate as second choice |
13 |
1.1 |
e. For British “Assistance” as second choice |
962 |
82.2 |
2. French— |
a. For French Mandate |
41 |
3.5 |
b. For French Mandate if mandate is obligatory |
0 |
c. For French “Assistance” |
1 |
.08 |
Total French First Choice |
42 |
3.6 |
d. For French Mandate as second choice |
3 |
.25 |
e. For French “Assistance” as second choice |
0 |
3. America— |
a. For American Mandate |
19 |
1.6 |
b. For American Mandate if Mandate is obligatory |
2 |
.17 |
c. For American “Assistance” |
975 |
84.3 |
Total American First Choice |
996 |
86.1 |
d. For American Mandate as second choice |
4 |
.34 |
e. For American “Assistance” as second choice |
0 |
4. Choice of Mandate left to Damascus Conference |
0 |
E—Zionist Program: |
1. For Complete Zionist Program (Jewish State and
immigration) |
2 |
.18 |
2. For Modified Zionist Program |
0 |
3. Against Zionist Program |
1040 |
90.0 |
F—Protests and Criticisms: |
1. Anti-British— |
a. General Anti-British Statements |
1 |
.08 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administration |
0 |
c. Protests against Interference with free access to
Commission |
0 |
2. Anti-French— |
a. General Anti-French Statements |
983 |
85.0 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administration |
12 |
1.04 |
c. Protests against interference with free access to
Commission |
5 |
. 51 |
3. Anti-Arab— |
a. General Anti-Arab Statements |
5 |
.51 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administration |
4 |
.34 |
c. Protests against Interference with free access to
Commission |
0 |
4. Against Art. 22 of League Covenant |
955 |
82.1 |
5. Against Secret Treaties, especially treaties dividing
Syria |
940 |
81.3 |
petition summaries—syria
[Page 762]
Total Number of Petitions Received: 1863 |
No. |
Per Cent |
A—Territorial Limits: |
1. For United Syria |
1500 |
80.4 |
2. For Separate Palestine |
6 |
.32 |
3. For Separate Palestine under British if French have Syrian
Mandate |
2 |
.1 |
4. For Autonomous Palestine within Syrian State |
24 |
1.29 |
5. For Independent Greater Lebanon |
203 |
10.9 |
6. Against Independent Greater Lebanon |
1062 |
57.0 |
7. For Autonomous Lebanon within Syrian State |
33 |
1.76 |
8. For Inclusion of Bekaa with Damascus |
4 |
.21 |
9. For Inclusion of Bekaa with Lebanon |
11 |
.59 |
10. For Inclusion of Cilicia within Armenian State |
3 |
.16 |
11. For Inclusion of Cilicia with Syrian State |
2 |
. 1 |
B—Independence: |
1. For Absolute Independence of Syria |
1370 |
73.5 |
2. For Independence of Iraq (Mesopotamia) |
1278 |
68.5 |
3. For Independence of all Arab Countries |
97 |
5.2 |
C—Form of Government: |
1. For Democratic Kingdom |
1107 |
59.3 |
2. For Emir Feisal as King |
1102 |
59. |
3. For Democratic Representative Government |
34 |
1.82 |
4. For Guarding of Rights of Minorities |
1023 |
54.9 |
5. Arabic to be Official Language |
5 |
.27 |
6. For Abolition of Foreign Capitulations |
10 |
53. |
7. For Autonomy of all Provinces of Syria |
19 |
1.02 |
D—Choice of Mandate: |
1. British— |
a. For British Mandate |
66 |
3.53 |
b. For British Mandate if Mandate is obligatory |
0 |
c. For British “Assistance” |
4 |
.21 |
Total British First Choice |
70 |
3.75 |
d. For British Mandate as Second Choice |
41 |
2.19 |
e. For British “Assistance” as Second Choice |
1032 |
55.3 |
2. French— |
a. For French Mandate |
271 |
14.52 |
b. For French Mandate if Mandate is obligatory |
1 |
.05 |
c. For French “Assistance” |
2 |
.1 |
Total French First Choice |
274 |
14.68 |
d. For American Mandate as second choice |
3 |
.15 |
e. For French “Assistance” as second choice |
0 |
3. American— |
a. For American Mandate |
57 |
3.05 |
b. For American Mandate if Mandate is obligatory |
8 |
.4 |
c. For American “Assistance” |
1064 |
57.0 |
Total American First Choice |
1129 |
60.5 |
d. For American Mandate as second choice |
8 |
.4 |
e. For American “Assistance” as second choice |
3 |
. 15 |
4. Choice of Mandate left to Damascus Conference |
23 |
1.23 |
E—Zionist Program: |
1. For Complete Zionist Program (Jewish State and
immigration) |
11 |
.59 |
2. For Modified Zionist Program |
8 |
.4 |
3. Against Zionist Program |
1350 |
72.3 |
F—Protests and Criticisms: |
1. Anti-British— |
a. General Anti-British Statements |
3 |
15 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administration |
0 |
c. Protests against Interference with free access to
Commission |
0 |
2. Anti-French— |
a. General Anti-French Statements |
1129 |
60.5 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administrations |
24 |
1.29 |
c. Protests against Interference with free access to
Commission |
11 |
.59 |
3. Anti-Arab— |
a. General Anti-Arab Statements |
35 |
1.87 |
b. Specific Criticisms of Administration |
4 |
.2 |
c. Protests against Interference with free access to
Commission |
0 |
4. Against 22d Article of League Covenant |
1033 |
55.3 |
5. Against Secret Treaties, especially treaties dividing
Syria |
988 |
52.9 |
[Page 763]
The Secretary’s Summarized Statement of Significant Conclusions brought
out in the Tables of Petitions, gives added information and discussion,
greatly needed for a proper interpretation of the petitions and of our
entire survey; and is therefore made the concluding section of the
Secretary’s presentation of data.
summarized statement of significant
I—The Value of the Petitions as an
Estimate of Public Opinion in Syria:
The 1863 petitions received by the American Commission in Syria and the
summary tables prepared from them cannot of course be regarded as a
mathematically accurate analysis of the real desires of the peoples of
Syria. There are at least five unavoidable difficulties that have
qualified their accuracy:
- 1.
- The number of the petitions from the different sections of
Syria is not proportional to their respective, populations, e.
g., O. E. T. A. South, with thirteen cities at which delegations
were received is represented by only 260 petitions, while 1157
petitions were received from O. E. T. A. East, in which but
eight cities were visited. As the Commission progressed
northward the petitions became more numerous, due to the
increased time afforded for knowledge of the Commission’s
coming, for the preparation of petitions, for the activities of
propaganda agents, and for the natural crystallization of public
- 2.
- The number of petitions from the different religious
organizations is not proportional to the numerical strength of
the religious faiths. This is especially true of the verbal
requests made by delegations. In O. E. T. A. South for instance,
on account of the number of sects of the Christian faith, 53
delegations of Christians were received, and only eighteen
delegations of Moslems, whereas the Moslem population is fully
eight times as large as that of the Christian. This disparity
does not, however, hold for the total number of petitions,
verbal and written, as it was corrected in part by the large
number of petitions from Moslem villages presented to the
Commission at Aleppo and other northeastern points.
- 3.
- A number of petitions show clearly the influence of organized
propaganda. This is sometimes evidenced in the petitions
themselves by numerous similarities of phrasing, by many
identical wordings, and by a few instances in which printed
forms, obviously intended as models for written documents, have
been signed and given to the Commission.
- In addition to the internal evidence, there were also many
external indications of systematic efforts to influence the
character of the petitions. The same Arab Agent was observed in
four cities of Palestine, assisting in the preparation of
petitions. Similar activities on the part of French sympathizers
were observed in Beirut.
- 4.
- In addition to this general propaganda, which was entirely
legitimate as well as natural and inevitable, it is certain that
a small number of petitions were fraud[ul]ently secured. In two
cases the signatures were in the same handwriting. Three
instances of “repeater”
[Page 764]
signatures were discovered. In addition, the seals of new
organizations, purporting to be Trade Unions of Beirut, were
discovered to have been ordered by the same propaganda agent a
few days before the arrival of the Commission. All possible
precautions were taken to insure authenticity of petitions and
signatures, but in view of the character of the Commission’s
survey and the limited facilities for close checking, the
genuineness of all cannot be guaranteed.
- 5.
- The value of the individual petitions varies also with the
number of signatures, although mere numbers cannot be taken as
the only criterion. For example, some petitions signed by only a
small Municipal Council may represent a larger public opinion
than a petition signed by a thousand villagers. The number of
signatures is 91,079:26,324 for the Petitions of O. E. T, A.
South, 26,884 for the Petitions of O. E. T. A. West, and 37,871
for the Petitions of O. E. T. A. East. This represents a general
average of 49 signatures for each petition. The number of
signatures varies widely from this average, but the totals for
the different programs are fairly well equalized.
Yet despite these five qualifications, it is believed that the petitions
as summarized present a fairly accurate analysis of present political
opinion in Syria. The great majority of irregularities offset one
another. The preponderance of Christian petitions in Palestine is
balanced by the flood of Moslem appeals at Aleppo. The activities of
French sympathizers in Tripoli probably did not influence the character
of the petitions presented much more than the contrary efforts of the
Independent Program representatives in Amman.
The petitions are certainly representative. As the classified list of
delegations received by the Commission clearly indicates, the petitions
came from a wide range of political, economic, social, and religious
classes and organizations. It was generally known throughout Syria that
the American Commission would receive in confidence any documents that
any individual or group should care to present. In the few cities in
which the military authorities sought to exert control, directly or
indirectly, over the delegations, without exception the opposition
parties found opportunities to present their ideas to the Commission, if
not always orally, at least in writing.
II—Definite Programs Revealed in the
Before considering the special requests contained in the petitions, it is
advisable to present the six distinct political programs that were
clearly revealed in the petitions, and that in some instances were
developed during the investigation of the Commission. Of the 1863
petitions for Syria, 1364 are exact copies of some of these programs and
many others have close resemblances. They are:
[Page 765]
1. The Independence
The first petitions received by the Commission, those at Jaffa on June
11, except in the case of the Zionist statements, do not give evidence
of any agreed and elaborated policy for the future of Syria. The
petitions varied greatly in content and wording. There were, however,
four of the twenty petitions at Jaffa that contained what may be termed
an Independence Program with three “planks” in its platform: (1) The
Political Unity of Syria, including Cilicia on the north, the Syrian
Desert on the east, and Palestine, extending as far as Rafah on the
south; (2) Absolute Independence for Syria; (3) Opposition to a Zionist
State and Jewish Immigration. This program became the dominant note in
the petitions presented in O. E. T. A. South. At Jerusalem, eight of the
twenty-three petitions received contained the Independence Program, with
practically identical wording. At Haifa and Nazareth, two of the last
cities visited in the District, if [it]
constituted 35 and 10 respectively, of the 60 and 18 petitions
presented. Of the 260 petitions from O. E. T. A. South, 83, or 32 per
cent, were simply the Independence Program, while many others closely
resembled it. One printed form of this program was received by the
Commission as a petition at Jenin, June 22nd, and doubtless other
printed copies had been models for many of the petitions received in the
last cities visited.
2. The “Damascus” Program.
The original Independence Program was expanded on July 2d by the General
Syrian Congress’ meeting at Damascus into what came to be known as the
Damascus Program. This program contained the three points of the
Independence Program, modified by asking “assistance” for the Syrian
State from America, or, as second choice, from Great Britain, and
expanded by adding: (1) A rejection of Art. 22 of the League Covenant;
(2) A rejection of all French claims to Syria; (3) A protest against
secret treaties and private agreements (by inference the Sykes-Picot
Agreement and the Balfour Declaration); (4) Opposition to independence
for Greater Lebanon; (5) Request for a democratic, non-centralized
government under Emir Feisal; and (6) A request for the independence and
economic freedom of Mesopotamia.
Three petitions with the Damascus program in full had been received by
the Commission prior to its adoption by the Syrian Congress. After that
date 1047 of the 1473 petitions received during that period contained
this program. Of that number, 964 were on printed blanks of which there
were seven distinct “forms” with the program printed in full.
[Page 766]
3. The Lebanon Programs:
There are three distinct types of Lebanese Programs that appear in the
- (a)
- The French Independent Greater Lebanon. This program asks for
complete independence and separation from Syria for the Greater
Lebanon, including the Valley of Bekaa and in some instances
Tripoli. France is asked for as the mandatory Power. 139 of the
446 petitions received in O. E. T. A. West contain this program,
with practically identical wording. Of these twenty are on three
varieties of printed forms.
- (b)
- The Independent Lebanon Program. Another distinct program asks
for the same points with the exception of a French Mandate. 33
of the 36 petitions with the wording of this program are on two
varieties of printed forms. In eight instances requests for a
mandate are added in writing.
- (c)
- The Autonomous Lebanon Program. This program asks for a
greater Lebanon as an autonomous province within a United Syrian
State. No mandate is mentioned. 49 petitions are copies of this
program, three of them on a printed form.
4. The Zionist Program:
Eleven petitions with varying wording favor the Zionist Program of a
Jewish State and extensive Jewish immigration. These are all from Jewish
delegations. Eight other petitions express approval of the Zionist
colonies in Palestine without endorsement of the complete program. Four
of these latter are statements by Arab peasants that they are on good
terms with the Jewish colonies.
III—Specific Requests as Given in the
Tables: (Compare Summary)
A—Territorial Limits:
- 1.
- The largest percentage for any one request is that of 1500
petitions (80.4 per cent) for United Syria, including Cilicia, the
Syrian Desert, and Palestine. The boundaries of this area are
usually defined as “The Taurus Mountains on the north; the Euphrates
and Khabur Rivers, and the line extending east of Abu Kamal to the
east of Al Jauf on the east; Rafah and the line running from Al Jauf
to the south of Akaba on the south; and the Mediterranean Sea on the
West”. In addition to being the first plank of the Damascus program,
a United Syria received strong support from many Christians in all
the O. E. T. A.’s, as the number of petitions indicates.
- 2.
- In opposition to Syrian Unity, six of the nineteen pro-Zionist
petitions ask for a separate Palestine, and presumably it is implied
in the others.
- 3.
- In addition, two Christian groups in Palestine asked for a
separate Palestine under the British, in preference to a United
Syria under the French.
- 4.
- 24 petitions, chiefly from Christian sources in O. E. T. A. South,
asked for an autonomous Palestine within the Syrian State. For many
other delegations this was doubtless implied in the general request
for independence and a non-centralized government.
- 5.
- In opposition also to a United Syria are the 203 petitions (10.9
per cent) asking for an independent Greater Lebanon. 196 of these
came from Lebanon and 139 are copies of the French-Lebanon
- 6.
- The request for a United Syria is made even more emphatic by the
1062 protests against an Independent Greater Lebanon. These include
the Damascus program petitions and some from Protestant and other
Christian sources in Lebanon.
- 7.
- 33 Lebanese Delegations representing both Moslems and Christians,
fearing the economic future of a separate Lebanon, asked for
autonomy within a Syrian State. Others also regarded autonomy as
implied in the requests for independence and a non-centralized
- 8–9.
- The Valley of Bekaa is usually regarded as an integral part of
Greater Lebanon. 11 petitions, however, make especial reference to
its inclusion, while eight ask that the Valley remain in the
Damascus area.
- 10–11.
- Similarly, while Cilicia is definitely included in the demand for
a United Syria made by 1500 petitions, two petitions asked
specifically for it, while three requested that it be given to the
Armenian state.
- 1.
- The second largest percentage of all, 1370 (73.5 per cent) is for
“Absolute Independence”, the second cardinal point of the Damascus
Program, supported generally by all Moslem delegations. It is
certain from the oral statements that accompanied the petitions that
the term, “absolute independence”, was seldom used in the sense of
an entire freedom from any foreign guidance such as that of a
mandatary under the League of Nations, inasmuch as the request was
frequently combined with a choice of mandate, and in all but a few
cases with either a choice of mandate or a request for foreign
“assistance”. While a few of the Young Arab clubs certainly desired
freedom from all foreign control, the great majority asked for
independence and defined a mandate to mean only economic and
technical assistance, because of a widespread fear that the
mandatory arrangement would be used to cloak colonial
- 2–3.
- Only a slightly smaller number, 1278 (68.5 per cent) asked for the
independence of Iraq, or Mesopotamia. To these should be added 93 of
the 97 petitions for the independence of all Arab countries, as in
only four petitions do both requests appear, and the second includes
the first. The phrasing “for all Arab countries” was first used in
Palestine, and dropped for the special mention of Iraq in the
Damascus Program. A total of 1371 petitions, therefore, asked for
the independence and economic freedom of the Iraq regions.
C—Form of Government:
- 1–2.
- The establishment of a “democratic, non-centralized,
constitutional” kingdom is one of the points of the Damascus
program, as the number of petitions for it, 1107 (59.3 per cent)
indicate. All but five of these petitions, also, ask that Emir
Feisal be made the king. These petitions were especially numerous in
O. E. T. A. East, where 1005 of 1157 request both a kingdom and the
Emir as king. This part of the program had apparently not been
developed when the Commission was in Palestine, as only five of 260
O. E. T. A. South petitions referred to a kingdom, and only two
mentioned Emir Feisal.
- 3.
- A request for a democratic representative government, presumably
of a republican character, came to the Commission from 26 Christian
groups in O. E. T. A. West, and eight groups in O. E. T. A. East, a
total of 24 (1.8 per cent). This request was usually made in
opposition to the Moslem idea of a Syrian kingdom under
- 4.
- The request for proper safe-guarding of the rights of minorities
included in the Damascus program was also made by many of the
Christian groups in the Lebanon. The total is 1023 (54.9 per cent).
This request received a more united support from both Moslems and
Christians than any other, except anti-Zionism.
- 5–6.
- Five requests for the retention of Arabic as the official language
(rather than Hebrew) and ten requests for the abolition of foreign
capitulations, (officially annulled by the Turks, but without
sanction of the Powers), came from scattered points in O. E. T. A.
- 7.
- Nineteen (1.02 per cent) petitions were received for the autonomy
of all the provinces of Syria. This is in addition to the separate
requests for autonomy of Lebanon and Palestine. Once more it should
be said that many regarded a large measure of local autonomy as
implicit in the general idea of a democratic, non-centralized
government, but these nineteen groups made special reference to
D—Choice of Mandate:
With regard to choice of mandate, five classes of requests had to be
distinguished, as shown in the tables. In addition to definite
[Page 769]
requests for a given nation as
the mandatory power, a few groups gave their preference, “if a mandatary
is obligatory”, i. e., rather under protest, while the great majority
asked for “Assistance” rather than a mandatory, because of a
misunderstanding, and the fear referred to above that a “mandate” is a
convenient cloak for colonial aggression. Petitions of these three
classes have therefore been grouped in the summary as “Total first
choice”. In addition preferences for second choice of mandate and
“Assistance” have been tabulated.
- 1.
- The total of the petitions asking for Great Britain as first
choice is 66 (3.5 per cent). 48 came from Palestine; 13 are from
Greek Orthodox delegations and four from the Druses. The second
choice total is 1073 (57.5 per cent), due to the 1032 requests for
British “Assistance” if America declined, in accordance with the
Damascus program.
- 2.
- The French total for first choice is 274 (14.68 per cent), all but
59 of them from the Lebanon District. The second choice total is
- 3.
- The 1064 requests for American “Assistance” according to the
Damascus Program, with 57 selections of America as mandatory power,
and eight more if a mandate is obligatory, make up the first choice
total of 1129 (60.5 per cent). The second choice total is 11.
- 4.
- 23 petitions received at Jenin, Haifa, and Nazareth just before
the Damascus program was adopted, left the choice of mandate to the
Syrian Congress. This means, therefore, an additional 23 for
American first choice and British second choice total.
1–2–3. The petitions favoring the Zionist program have been analysed
above in the discussion of programs. In opposition to these are the 1350
(72.3 per cent) petitions protesting against Zionist claims and
purposes. This is the third largest number for any one point and
represents a more widespread general opinion among both Moslems and
Christians than any other. The anti-Zionist note was especially strong
in Palestine, where 222 (85.3 per cent) of the 260 petitions declared
against the Zionist program. This is the largest percentage in the
district for any one point.
F—Protests and Criticisms:
Another distinct classification is that of protests and criticisms.
Criticisms against nations have been divided into: (a) General statements criticising national claims, character,
or policies, without making specific references; (b) Specific criticisms, usually of alleged mismanagement or
corruption in the local military administration; (c)
[Page 770]
Protests against
the interference of the local military authorities with free access to
the American Commission.
- 1.
- Three general anti-British statements were presented.
- 2.
- The general anti-French statements were much more numerous, 1129
(60.5 per cent), due largely to the fact that such a protest is
included in the Damascus program. There were also 24 specific
criticisms of French administration in O. E. T. A. West, and 11
protests against deportation, armed guards, threats, and
intimidation said to have been used by the French administrative
authorities in O. E. T. A. West, to prevent individuals with
anti-French views from appearing before the Commission.
- 3.
- General criticism of the Arab Government appeared in 35 petitions,
always from Christian sources, and expressing fear as to the fate of
the Christians under an independent Arab rule. In addition the
administration of O. E. T. A. East is criticized in four
- 4.
- The Damascus Program protest against applying Article 22 of the
Covenant of the League of Nations to Syria is included in 1033 (55.3
per cent) petitions. This article states that “certain communities
formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a state of
development where their existence as independent nations can be
provisionally recognized, subject to the rendering of administrative
advice and assistance by a mandatary, until such time as they are
able to stand alone.” This protest is in line with the Damascus
Program plea for complete independence and the fear already referred
to that a mandate might impair the full freedom of Syria. It is
interesting to note that this protest did not appear until after the
22nd Article had been published in a statement given by the
Commissioners to all the newspapers in Damascus.
- 5.
- One more protest is a part of 988 (52.9 per cent) petitions, a
protest against secret treaties, treaties dividing Syria without the
consent of the Syrians, and private agreements. The Sykes-Picot
Agreement and the Balfour Declaration are not mentioned, but it is
usually understood that they are referred to. This protest is
included in the Damascus program and also received support from
other elements.
These statements—chiefly tabular—prepared by the Secretary, of the
results of the inquiry into Syrian opinion, need to be supplemented by a
historical account prepared by the General Adviser, Dr. Lybyer. This
account will help to put concretely the entire situation, and to give
the atmosphere of our inquiry, and so complete the basic data as
presented in the field.
historical sketch
The whole area visited by the Commission during the forty-two days from
June 10 to July 21 is Occupied Enemy Territory, under the supreme
authority of General Allenby. The administration is conducted under the
Turkish laws, with small local modifications,
[Page 771]
in many cases continuing in office part or all of
the officials left behind by the Turks. A system of military governors
and officers assigned to special duties, such as financial and medical
advice, liaison work, etc., parallels the civil administration. The
whole area is in four portions, known respectively as O. E. T. A.,
(Occupied Enemy Territory Administration) South, West, East and North,
and administered under the guidance respectively of English, French,
Arab, and French officers. The order of description followed below is by
these areas, and is nearly coincident with the itinerary of the
Commission, the only exception being that much of O. E. T. A. East was
visited before O. E. T. A. West. Fifteen days were spent in the South,
ten in the West, fifteen in the East, and two in the North.
I—The Area Under English
Occupation (O. E. T. A. South):
1. Narrative—
Owing to changes of plan at a late date, the Commission arrived in Jaffa
at a time when the British authorities were not expecting it, and the
program followed there was arranged mainly without their help. The
endeavor was made to ascertain the opinions and desires of every
important group, sect and organization, of a few well-informed
representative individuals, and of significant minorities or
sub-divisions, especially in cases where there seemed to be disposition,
for any reason, to suppress these. Because of the numerous subdivisions
of the Christians and particularly of the Roman Catholics it was
inevitable that from the beginning the Commission would give a
disproportionate number of interviews and amount of time to them. The
Commissioners had prepared a statement of their purposes, to be found
elsewhere in this report, which was read to important groups, and given
to the press in lieu of interview. Care was taken to make it clear, in
response to frequent questioning, that the policy of the United States
in regard to accepting a mandate anywhere was unformed and
unpredictable, and that the Commission had no power of decision.
Automobiles were secured from the A. C. R. N. E.,15 in order to be as little as possible dependent upon
others than Americans. Word was given out that the Commission would not
accept general social invitations or consent to demonstrations.
On leaving Jaffa the Commission stopped at two Jewish schools and took
luncheon at the Richon-le-Sion colony, where it met the chief men of
several Jewish colonies, as well as the members of the central Zionist
A week was spent in Jerusalem, with two days out for visiting Bethlehem,
Hebron, and Beersheba. A limited amount of hospitality
[Page 772]
was accepted in a quiet way from the
British and French officials. In order that none might be offended the
heads of the various religious groups were received, although some of
them, as for instance the Copts and Abyssinians, had little to say along
the line of the inquiry.
After leaving Jerusalem, a rapid journey was made through northern
Palestine, delegations being received at Ramallah, Nablus, Jenin,
Nazareth, Haifa and Acre. At most of these places, groups came in, not
only from the surrounding country, but from other administrative centers
which it was impossible to visit.
2. The Attitude of the Occupying
The British officials, from Major General Sir Arthur Money, who was in
command of O. E. T. A. South, down to the youngest officer, were
courteous, obliging, and helpful. Most of them had had Indian, Egyptian,
or Soudanese experience before the Great War. As a body, they gave an
impression of ability, efficiency, and a serious effort to administer
the country for the good of the people.
It should be noted here that General Allenby detailed to accompany the
Commission as aide Lt. Col. J. K. Watson, who had served for years in a
similar capacity with Lord Kitchener and later with the Khedive of
Egypt. His thoughtfulness, kindness, and efficiency, though the
circumstances of travel were often trying, were unfailing, and the
comfort, good health, and success in the investigation of the Commission
were largely furthered by him.
3. Wishes of the People—
The Moslems constitute about four-fifths of the actual population of
Palestine, according to a recent British census. Except for certain
official groups they were practically unanimous for the independence of
United Syria, and were responsive to the current political influences.
The organizations met at Jaffa took the position that Syria is capable
of self-government without a mandatory power, but if one should be
insisted upon by the Peace Conference, they preferred the United
At Jerusalem, however, and in all other places in Palestine, the program
of independence was affirmed. For the most part, the question of a
mandate was referred, either in writing, or more often in response to
questions, to the approaching Syrian Congress at Damascus, at which they
would have representation. Some Moslems, especially in the South,
maintained emphatically that they could accept no mandate whatever. It
is evident that since the Damascus Congress later declared for American
assistance, with the British as second choice, and emphatic refusal of
the French, this is the program
[Page 773]
to which the great majority of the Moslems of Palestine are
committed. Probably most of them had it in mind when they declared for
reference to Damascus.
The Christians of Palestine, who altogether constitute less than ten per
cent of the population, showed more difference of opinion. Some groups
in the north, as the Latin Catholics of Tiberias and Haifa and most of
the Christians of Nazareth, were with the Moslems for independence and
the reference to Damascus. Maronites and Greek Catholics, and usually
the Latin Catholics, were for a French mandate. The Greek Orthodox
everywhere, according to an agreed program, were for a British mandate,
as were several scattering groups. None asked directly for the United
States, though the opinion was expressed that if there were assurance
that we would come if asked, most Christians would favor this solution.
The Christians were in general strongly in favor of a mandatory power,
which should exercise a real control.
The Jews, who constitute a little more than ten per cent of the
population, were all for Zionism, under a British Mandate. The Moslem
and Christian population was practically unanimous against Zionism,
usually expressing themselves with great emphasis. This question was
closely connected with that of the unity of all Syria under one
4. Zionism—
The Jews of Palestine declared themselves unanimously in favor of the
Zionistic scheme in general, though they showed difference of opinion in
regard to the details and the process of its realization. The elements
of agreement may be stated as follows:
- a.
- Palestine, with a fairly large area, to be set aside at once
as a “national home” for the Jews.
- b.
- Sooner or later the political rule of the land will become
organized as a “Jewish Commonwealth”.
- c.
- At the start authorization will be given for the free
immigration of Jews from any part of the world; for the
unrestricted purchase of land by the Jews; and for the
recognition of Hebrew as an official language.
- d.
- Great Britain will be the mandatory power over Palestine,
protecting the Jews and furthering the realization of the
- e.
- The Great Powers of the world have declared in favor of the
scheme, which merely awaits execution.
Differences exist especially along two lines:
- a.
- Whether the Jewish Commonwealth should be set up soon or after
a considerable lapse of time.
- b.
- Whether the chief emphasis should be upon a restoration of the
ancient mode of life, ritual, exclusiveness and particularism of
the Jews; or upon economic development in a thoroughly modern
[Page 774]
fashion, with
afforestation, electrification of water-power, and general full
utilization of resources.
5. Special Discussion:
The Custody of the Holy Places—For four centuries the Turk has served as
guardian of the peace between Moslems, Christians, and Jews, and even
between the different sects of each, in the Holy Land. Nor has his
function been merely nominal: being really a foreigner and having upon
himself the responsibility of government, he has, on the whole well
maintained the status quo, or policed slow and
delicate changes in one direction or another. Now that his authority is
gone, a substitute must be provided, whatever be the new regime. This
might be the mandatory power. If, however, any Roman Catholic power
should receive the mandate, trouble would arise from the fact that at
present the Catholics feel unfairly treated and claim increase of
privilege at the expense of the Greek Orthodox. A Catholic power would
be tempted promptly to disturb the equilibrium, especially during the
eclipse of the power of Russia.
There is already a “Custodian of the Holy Places” for the Roman
Catholics. Might not this idea be extended to the constitution of a
permanent Commission for the Holy Places, on which might be placed this
man, and representatives of Greek Orthodox Christianity, Protestant
Christianity, Sunnite Islam, Shiite Islam, and Judaism. The Commission
might be given authority and means to guard and care for all the places
in Palestine that are sacred to the three religions, and to adjudicate
all disputes about their custody. Its composition should ensure
conservatism and promote harmony.
II—The Area Under French
Occupation (Tyre to Alexandretta)
1. Narrative—
The Commission reached Beirut after having visited Palestine and the
southern half of the territory occupied by the Arab forces. Two days
were spent in interviews in the city, and visits were paid by automobile
to points from Tyre to Batrun. General Allenby was kind enough to place
his yacht the Maid of Honor at the disposal of
the Commission, and thus Tripoli, Alexandretta, and Ladikiya were seen.
Delegations were thus heard from every part of O. E. T. A. West.
Arrangements as to program, demonstrations, and the like, were in
general maintained as in other areas. The French officials were at great
pains to arrange suitably for the hearings of the Commission, and to
provide for its comfort and well-being.
The women of the Moslem Trades School at Beirut had woven a rug for
presentation to the Peace Conference, which is interesting as being a
map, patterned so as to show the area claimed by Syrian Nationalists for
United Syria.
[Page 775]
2. Wishes of the People—
In general the situation was in accordance with that in Palestine and the
Damascus area. With few exceptions the Moslems were for American or
British assistance according to the “Damascus Program”; the Druses were
for an English Mandate; the Maronites and all varieties of Catholics
were for France. But the Greek Orthodox were divided, instead of
standing for a British Mandate as usually in Palestine and Damascus. The
Ismailians were mostly for France, and the Nusairiyeh were divided.
Those who stood for a French Mandate were of different opinions as
regards the place and relationship of Lebanon in Syria. From Tyre to
Tripoli they mostly followed a rigid formula which calls for a Greater
Lebanon, absolutely independent of the rest of Syria, and under France:
the supporters of this view showed no response to the idea of Syrian
national unity, and apparently wish to become French citizens at an
early moment.
Others desire the unity of Syria under the French Mandate, preferring
ordinarily that the Lebanon District should be enlarged and given a high
degree of autonomy.
In the Lebanon proper the majority is probably sincerely for a French as
opposed to a British, mandate. The Commission could not inquire whether
those who declared for France were well disposed toward an American
Mandate, in case this were possible and a French Mandate for any reason
undesirable; but there were a number of emphatic assurances that the
great majority of the population, including even the Maronites, prefers
America to any other; this is said to be based upon America’s unselfish
part in the war, her generosity before and after the armistice, and the
personal relationships established by the large number of Lebanese who
have gone to live for shorter or longer periods in the United States and
who return home loyal.
The Druses ask emphatically to be left out of the Lebanon in case it be
given to France.
But outside the Lebanon proper, in the areas which it is proposed to
include in the “Greater Lebanon”, such as Tyre, Sidon, “Hollow Syria”,
and Tripoli, a distinct majority of the people is probably averse to
French rule. This includes practically all the Sunnite Moslems, most of
the Shiites, a part of the Greek Orthodox Christians, and the small
group of Protestants. Most of these ask earnestly for America, with
Britain as second choice; the balance for Britain with America as second
In the rest of O. E. T. A. West, north of the proposed Greater Lebanon,
the majority is probably against a French Mandate in any circumstances.
A considerable proportion of the remainder are
[Page 776]
averse to a separation from the interior of the
country, and place the unity of Syria above their preference for
It is worthy of note that whereas the Syrian nationalists everywhere
distinctly and by name rejected the assistance of France, no one who
supported France declared for a specific rejection of England or
America. In a number of instances, however, the fear was expressed by
Christians that England, if made the mandatory power, would show more
favor to Moslems than to Christians.
3. The Lebanon—
The mountainous area set off in 1861 to be under the nominal protection
of six European powers, with a Christian governor, has been a particular
interest of France ever since. The population is largely Maronite and
Roman Catholic. As in the case of all regions that have been removed
from the direct jurisdiction of the Porte, progress has been
comparatively rapid; roads have been built, trees planted, and a large
number of stone houses erected. Money earned in America has helped
greatly in these improvements. The Maronite ecclesiastical and monastic
organizations have increased greatly in wealth in these years.
The Lebanon has been freed from the burden of military service, and taxes
have consequently been light. The area has been predominantly Christian
and the Christians have enjoyed rather more than their proportion of the
offices. Druses on the other hand have shown a tendency to emigrate to
join their brethren in the Hauran, and they resent the inequalities of
treatment to which they have been subjected.
The French policy of “colonization” shows its fruits in many inhabitants
of this area, as well as of Beirut and other parts of Syria, who feel
that they know French better than Arabic, and who are apt to hold
themselves as of a distinctly higher order of civilization than the
people of the interior. It is among these that the idea of a complete
political separation of the Lebanese area from the rest of Syria has
taken root.
The propinquity of this area led the Turkish government to be lenient and
favorable to Christians and others in adjacent regions, so that no very
sharp line of difference of prosperity is visible. Nevertheless the
appeal of lighter taxes and military service, greater security and
opportunities for office-holding has an effect upon Christians in
neighboring areas, so that many of them incline toward a Greater Lebanon
under a permanent French mandate. But there is a considerable party,
even among the pro-French, who are opposed to becoming a part of France.
This is in fact the official Maronite position.
[Page 777]
Any revision of the situation should not diminish the security of the
inhabitants of the Lebanon, but should raise the rest of Syria to a like
security. This can be provided for in a United Syria by a sufficient
measure of local autonomy. Care should be taken to avoid leaving this
portion of the country in a position of perpetual special privilege, in
which the common burdens would rest more heavily on other areas.
III—The Area Under Arab
1. Narrative—
The Commission spent nine days in Damascus, six of which were filled up
with interviews, held with representatives of religious and political
groups, councils and boards of the Government, and prominent officials
and other notable persons of every grade, including even the Emir Feisal
and General Allenby. More time was spent here than anywhere else in
Syria, because Damascus will be the capital of United Syria, if such be
created, and an Arab government over O. E. T. A. East is already in
operation there, showing much activity and endeavoring by
accomplishment, display, and intrigue to prepare the way for the larger
unity. During the Commission’s visit, the “Syrian Congress” met, whose
charter and program are described below.16 The bazaars were placarded with the signs “We want
absolute independence”, and these were removed by government orders. The
interview of the Commission with the Mufti, Kadi, and Ulema was
published with considerable accuracy in the local newspapers (of course
by no act or permission of the Commission), and this gave rise to
animated discussions on the part of the people and the press. The
commission accepted hospitality from the Emir Feisal on two
In the midst of the stay in Damascus a trip was taken southward to Amman
and Deraa, for the purpose of conferring with people from the edge of
the desert. The note received from all Moslems was for complete
independence without protection or a mandatory power; but recognizing
that they need financial and economic advice, they proposed after the
recognition of independence, to ask advisers from America. Eloquent Arab
orators appealed to America, as having freed them, to uphold their
independence before the Peace Conference, saying that they hold our
country responsible before God for completing the work we have begun.
The Christians, who are few in these areas, were in great fear. They
desire that a strong mandatory power be appointed over Syria, so that
they may have full protection; they prefer that Britain be that power,
and that the area be annexed to and governed with Palestine.
[Page 778]
After leaving Damascus, a day was spent at Baalbek, where was encountered
first, the struggle for and against annexing “Hollow Syria” (known as
the Bekaa) to the Greater Lebanon. After ten days in O. E. T. A., West,
the Arab area was entered again by the road from Tripoli to Horns.
Delegations were heard at Horns, and Hama, after which three days were
spent in Aleppo. Besides hearing delegations of all important Aleppine
groups and opinions, visits were paid to the centers of relief for
refugee Armenians.
The claim for the independence of Mesopotamia was presented very
vigorously in the north. Certain groups at Aleppo were much interested,
however, in pushing the boundary of Syria well to the east, so as to
include the Syrian desert (Badiet esh Sham).
2. Attitude of the Occupying
The higher Arab officials include a number of men of dignity, ability,
intelligence, and apparent honesty and patriotism. Practically all are
Syrian born. Some of them, as General Haddad Pasha, chief of police and
gendarmerie, and Said Pasha Zoucair,
financial adviser, have been trained under British Administration in
Egypt; and others, as Col. Yussef Bey, aide-de-camp of the Emir Feisal,
General Jaafer Pasha, Military Governor of Aleppo, and Ihsan Allah
Djabri, Mayor of Aleppo, have had their education and experience in the
Turkish service. Most of the lower officials in this area (as well as in
the other O. E. T. A. regions) have simply been continued from the
Turkish regime, and in many cases are said to practice extortions and
malversations as much as under the former Government.
Every effort was made to do honor to the Commission and execute its
wishes. Sometimes ostentatious attempts were made to give the impression
of absolute non-interference with freedom of access to an expression
before the Commission.
3. Wishes of the People—
The declarations in O. E. T. A. East were much nearer to unanimity than
in the South or the West, as may be seen by a glance at the Tables of
“Petition Summaries”. The greater part of the declarations, both oral
and written, conformed to the resolutions of the Syrian Congress at
Damascus, which is discussed separately below. This program was reached
by the action of conflicting forces, in the presence of a general
feeling that it was overwhelmingly important for reasons of national
safety to reach unity of expression. The pressure brought to bear by the
Government and the different political parties was of undoubted weight
in bringing into line opinions of a more extreme sort, such as those in
favor of independence in the
[Page 779]
highest degree and those which called for a perpetual strong mandatory
control. But on the whole there can be no doubt that the main elements
of this program represent the popular will as nearly as that can be
expressed in any country.
The people of the area declared themselves almost unanimously for United
Syria, for its complete independence, and against any help from France,
and against the Zionist program. The Moslems were in nearly unanimous
agreement upon a request for American assistance. The Jews asked for
autonomy for themselves, and the Zionist scheme for their brethren in
Palestine. The Druses were for the Arab government under a British
mandate. The Christians were divided, partly by sects and partly by
geographical location. All of the few Christians in the south, including
Latin Catholics, were for a British mandate, with America in case for
any reason Britain cannot come. So also were the Greek Orthodox of
Damascus, and a portion of the Greek Orthodox farther north. The small
groups of Protestants were for an Anglo-Saxon mandate, some preferring
America and some Britain. The Orthodox Syrians were for America. All the
Catholics (except at Amman and Deraa) and the Maronites were for France.
Nearly all of the Christians were for a strong mandatory control.
4. The Syrian Congress at
From the time of reaching Jerusalem, the Commission began to be told of a
Congress that was in preparation, to be held soon at Damascus, which
would for a large part of the population determine the question of a
mandate. Sessions were held while the Commission was at Damascus and on
the last day there, a deputation presented to the Commission the program
that had been prepared.
The Congress was not elected directly by the people, or by a fresh appeal
to the people, the reason given being that time was lacking to revise
the voting lists and carry through a new scheme. At the last Turkish
election, before the war, electors were chosen to select deputies for
the Turkish parliament. The survivors of these electors chose the
members of the Damascus Congress. Criticisms were made against the plan
of choice to the effect that it was unconstitutional and
extraconstitutional, that the electors had mostly belonged to the Party
of Union and Progress, and that the members of the Congress were not
distributed in proportion to population. 69 members attended, and about
20 others from the west and north had been elected, but had not arrived.
There were a number of Christians in the Conference, but no Jews, though
some Jews among the electors were said to have given their approval.
Much evidence goes to show that the program
[Page 780]
prepared represents well the wishes of the people
of Syria. The program is as follows:
“We the undersigned members of the General Syrian Congress,
meeting in Damascus on Wednesday, July 2nd, 1919, made up of
representatives from the three Zones, viz., the Southern,
Eastern, and Western, provided with credentials and
authorizations by the inhabitants of our various districts,
Moslems, Christians, and Jews, have agreed upon the following
statement of the desires of the people of the country who have
elected us to present them to the American Section of the
International Commission; the fifth article was passed by a very
large majority; all the other articles were accepted
- “1. We ask absolutely complete political independence for
Syria within these boundaries. The Taurus System on the
North; Rafah and a line running from Al Jauf to the south of
the Syrian and the Hejazian line to Akaba on the south; the
Euphrates and Khabur Rivers and a line extending east of Abu
Kamal to the east of Al Jauf on the east; and the
Mediterranean on the west.
- “2. We ask that the Government of this Syrian country
should be a democratic civil constitutional Monarchy on
broad decentralization principles, safeguarding the rights
of minorities, and that the King be the Emir Feisal, who
carried on a glorious struggle in the cause of our
liberation and merited our full confidence and entire
- “3. Considering the fact that the Arabs inhabiting the
Syrian area are not naturally less gifted than other more
advanced races and that they are by no means less developed
than the Bulgarians, Serbians, Greeks, and Roumanians at the
beginning of their independence, we protest against Article
22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, placing us
among the nations in their middle stage of development which
stand in need of a mandatory power.
- “4. In the event of the rejection by the Peace Conference
of this just protest for certain considerations that we may
not understand, we, relying on the declarations of President
Wilson that his object in waging war was to put an end to
the ambition of conquest and colonization, can only regard
the mandate mentioned in the Covenant of the League of
Nations as equivalent to the rendering of economical and
technical assistance that does not prejudice our complete
independence. And desiring that our country should not fall
a prey to colonization and believing that the American
Nation is farthest from any thought of colonization and has
no political ambition in our country, we will seek the
technical and economical assistance from the United States
of America, provided that such assistance does not exceed 20
- “5. In the event of America not finding herself in a
position to accept our desire for assistance, we will seek
this assistance from Great Britain, also provided that such
assistance does not infringe the complete independence and
unity of our country and that the duration of such
assistance does not exceed that mentioned in the previous
- “6. We do not acknowledge any right claimed by the French
Government in any part whatever of our Syrian country and
refuse that she should assist us or have a hand in our
country under any circumstances and in any place.
- “7. We oppose the pretentions of the Zionists to create a
Jewish commonwealth in the southern part of Syria, known as
Palestine, and oppose Zionist migration to any part of our
country; for we do not acknowledge their title but consider
them a grave peril to our people from the national,
economical, and political points of view. Our Jewish
compatriots shall enjoy our common rights and assume the
common responsibilities.
- “8. We ask that there should be no separation of the
southern part of Syria, known as Palestine, nor of the
littoral western zone, which includes Lebanon, from the
Syrian country. We desire that the unity of the country
should be guaranteed against partition under whatever
- “9. We ask complete independence for emancipated
Mesopotamia and that there should be no economical barriers
between the two countries.
- “10. The fundamental principles laid down by President
Wilson in condemnation of secret treaties impel us to
protest most emphatically against any treaty that stipulates
the partition of our Syrian country and against any private
engagement aiming at the establishment of Zionism in the
southern part of Syria; therefore we ask the complete
annulment of these conventions and agreements.
“The noble principles enunciated by President Wilson strengthen
our confidence that our desires emanating from the depths of our
hearts, shall be the decisive factor in determining our future;
and that President Wilson and the free American people will be
our supporters for the realization of our hopes, thereby proving
their sincerity and noble sympathy with the aspiration of the
weaker nations in general and our Arab people in particular.
“We also have the fullest confidence that the Peace Conference
will realize that we would not have risen against the Turks,
with whom we had participated in all civil, political, and
representative privileges, but for their violation of our
national rights, and so will grant us our desires in full in
order that our political rights may not be less after the war
than they were before, since we have shed so much blood in the
cause of our liberty and independence.
“We request to be allowed to send a delegation to represent us at
the Peace Conference to defend our rights and secure the
realization of our aspirations”.
The program mostly speaks sufficiently for itself. Various points in it
are commented upon elsewhere in this report. It is the most substantial
document presented to the Commission, and deserves to be treated with
great respect. The result of an extensive and arduous political process,
it affords a basis on which the Syrians can get together, and as firm a
foundation for a Syrian national organization as can be obtained. The
mandatory power will possess in this program a commitment to liberal
government which will be found to be very valuable in starting the new
state in the right direction.
[IV] Cilicia:
1. General—
- (a)
- The Commission did not endeavor to give thorough hearings in this
region, feeling that it is not seriously to be considered a part of
Syria, and desiring not to open up as yet the question of the
Turkish-speaking portion of the former Turkish Empire.
- (b)
- The population statistics vary considerably but there can be no
doubt of a marked Moslem majority in Cilicia before the war, now
probably somewhat increased.
2. Wishes of the People—
- (a)
- The Turks here, like most of those heard previously, wish to
retain Turkish unity under the house of Osman, and leave the
question of what shall be the Mandatory Power, if any, to the
Turkish Government at Constantinople.
- (b)
- The Arabs (who are mainly Turkish-speaking, but are chiefly
Nusairiyeh or Alouites) ask for union with Syria under a French
- (c)
- The Armenians (who are also chiefly Turkish-speaking) ask for the
union of Cilicia with Armenia under an American mandate.
- (d)
- The other Christians, a small minority, are mostly for France,
particularly the Greeks, who are working in close relation with the
French in the northern regions of Turkey.
[V] Mesopotamia:
It was impossible for the Commission to visit Mesopotamia at this time.
Earnest requests to make such a visit were presented at Damascus and
Aleppo, accompanied by complaints that the British occupying forces are
restricting freedom of speech, movement, and political action, and that
they show signs of an intention to allow extensive immigration from
India, to the great detriment of the rights and interests of the
inhabitants of the region.
A committee at Aleppo presented a program for Mesopotamia which parallels
closely the “Damascus Program” for Syria. An abstract of their claims
- 1.
- Mesopotamia should be completely independent, including
Diarbekir, Deir-ez-Zor, Mosul, Bagdad, and Muhammerah.
- 2.
- The Government should be a constitutional civil
- 3.
- The King should be a son of the King of the Hejaz, either
Abdullah or Zeid.
- 4.
- Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations is
protested against.
- 5.
- No outside government should interfere in the country.
- 6.
- After the recognition of independence, technical and
economical assistance is to be asked for from America.
- 7.
- Objection is raised to all immigration and especially to that
of Hindus and Jews.
- 8.
- The complete independence of Syria is asked for.
- 9.
- It is asked that there be no interference of France in
It will be noticed that conformably to the custom of all nascent nations,
wide boundaries are claimed, which would involve difficulties with
adjacent areas, such as Deir-ez-Zor with Syria, Diarbekr with Armenia,
and Muhammerah with Persia.
The Orthodox Syrian Patriarch, from Der Zafran, near Mardin, met the
Commission at Horns. He stated that 90,000 of his people were slain in
1915; when the British came in 1918, all were willing to submit to their
rule; but emissaries came from Constantinople to stir up the Kurds and
Arabs in favor of independence, and now the situation is much worse; the
area occupied by his people should go with Mesopotamia, under the
mandate of either America or Britain.
[Page 783]
The entire data have been given, thus, so fully as to make it possible to
test at every point the legitimacy of the inference drawn from the data,
and of the final recommendations for action by the Peace Conference.
Further data for our final inference and recommendations were afforded by
comprehensive reports of the entire survey, made by all three Advisers.
The recommendations of the Commissioners have thus been shaped, in the
light of surveys made from different points of view, and taking into
account a wide range of considerations— local, national, racial, and
religious; considerations both of principle and of practical policy; and
of the world’s dire need of a peace everywhere justly and so permanently
II—General Considerations
The Commissioners have sought to make their survey of Syria, and the
report upon Syria now submitted, in the spirit of the Instructions given
them by the Council of Four,17 and especially in harmony with the Resolutions
adopted on January 30, 1919 by the Representatives of the United States,
Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan, and with the Anglo-French
Declaration of November 9, 1918—both quoted at length in the
Commission’s instructions. The second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth
of the Resolutions adopted on January 30th are particularly pertinent to
this report, and should be here recorded. The general purpose of the
Peace Conference concerning these areas in the former Turkish Empire is
here clearly disclosed:
- 2.
- For similar reasons, and more particularly because of the
historical mis-government by the Turks of subject peoples and
the terrible massacres of Armenians and others in recent years,
the Allied and Associated Powers are agreed that Armenia, Syria,
Mesopotamia, Palestine and Arabia must be completely severed
from the Turkish Empire. This is without prejudice to the
settlement of other parts of the Turkish Empire.
- 3.
- The Allied and Associated Powers are agreed that advantage
should be taken of the opportunity afforded by the necessity of
disposing of these colonies and territories formerly belonging
to Germany and Turkey which are inhabited by peoples not yet
able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of
the modern world, to apply to these territories the principle
that the well-being and development of such peoples form a
sacred trust of civilization and that securities for the
performance of this trust should be embodied in the constitution
of the League of Nations.
- 4.
- After careful study they are satisfied that the best method of
giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage
of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who, by
reason of their resources, their experience or their
geographical positions, can
[Page 784]
best undertake this responsibility, and
that this tutelage should be exercised by them as mandatories on
behalf of the League of Nations.
- 5.
- The Allied and Associated Powers are of opinion that the
character of the mandate must differ according to the stage of
development of the people, the geographical situation of the
territory, its economic conditions, and other similar
- 6.
- They consider that certain communities formerly belonging to
the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where
their existence as independent nations can be provisionally
recognized, subject to the rendering of administrative advice
and assistance by a mandatory power until such time as they are
able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a
principal consideration in the selection of the mandatory
. . . . . . .
In every case of mandate, the mandatory state shall render to the League
of Nations an annual report in reference to the territory committed to
its charge.
The Anglo-French Declaration was spread broadcast throughout Syria and
Mesopotamia, and, as bearing directly upon our problem, may also well be
called to mind at this point:
The aim which France and Great Britain have in view in
prosecuting in the East the war let loose by German ambition is
the complete and final liberation of the peoples so long
oppressed by the Turks and the establishment of national
governments and administrations deriving their authority from
the initiative and free choice of the native population.
In order to give effect to these intentions, France and Great
Britain have agreed to encourage and assist the establishment of
native governments and administrations in Syria and Mesopotamia
already liberated by the Allies, and in the territories which
they are proceeding to liberate, and they have agreed to
recognize such governments as soon as they are effectively
established. So far from desiring to impose specific
institutions upon the populations of these regions, their sole
object is to ensure, by their support and effective assistance,
that the governments and administrations adopted by these
regions of their own free will shall be exercised in the normal
way. The function which the two Allied Governments claim for
themselves in the liberated territories is to ensure impartial
and equal justice for all; to facilitate the economic
development of the country by encouraging local initiative; to
promote the diffusion of education; and to put an end to the
division too long exploited by Turkish policy.
Of this Declaration, M. Pichon very properly said in the French Chamber
December 29th, 1918: “Of course we admit the complete freedom of the
Conference, and its right to give these agreements their proper
conclusions, but these agreements are binding both upon England and upon
us”. This statement is the more significant because it is exactly these
two peoples of the Allies who are immediately
[Page 785]
related to the problems in the Arabic-speaking
portions of the Turkish Empire.
Our survey made it clear that this Anglo-French Declaration, and similar
utterances of the Peace Conference, and President Wilson’s Fourteen
Points,19 had made a deep impression upon
the Syrian people and lay in the background of all their demands. The
promises involved not only cannot justly be ignored by the Peace
Conference, but should be faithfully fulfilled. This is particularly
true of the British-French Declaration; for it is completely in accord
with the repeated statements of the aims of the Allies, and was
expressly directed to the Arabic-speaking portions of the Turkish
Empire, especially Syria and Mesopotamia.
It is noted that these Resolutions of January 30th, 1919, and this
Declaration of November 9th, 1918, clearly look to complete separation
of the Arabic-speaking areas from Turkey; propose that Syria and
Mesopotamia shall not be colonies in the old sense at all; shall not be
exploited for the benefit of the occupying power; but shall rather be
directly encouraged and assisted in developing national independence as
quickly as possible. And the Declaration makes the promises equally
binding for Syria and Mesopotamia.
The Resolutions and Declaration invoked in the Instructions given to our
Commission thus form the basis of the whole policy of sending a
Commission, and of ascertaining the desires of the people.
The sincerity of the professed aims of the Allies in the war, therefore,
is peculiarly to be tested in the application of these aims in the
treatment of the Arabic-speaking portions of the former Turkish Empire.
For the promises here made were specific and unmistakable. It is worth
consideration, too, that the whole policy of mandataries under the
League of Nations might here be worked out with special success, and
success here would encourage the steady extension of the policy
elsewhere, and do something so significant for world progress as to help
to justify the immeasurable sacrifices of the war. There is also
probably no region where the Allies are freer to decide their course in
accordance with the principles they have professed.
The gravity of the Syrian problem is further to be seen in certain
well-known facts. The fact that the Arabic-speaking portion of the
Turkish Empire has been the birthplace of the three great religions:
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and that Palestine contains places
sacred to all three, makes Syria inevitably a center of interest and
concern for the whole civilized world. No solution which is merely local
or has only a single people in mind can avail.
As a portion of the bridge-land uniting Europe, Asia, and Africa,
too—where in a peculiar degree the East and the West meet—Syria
[Page 786]
has a place of such strategic
importance, politically and commercially, and from the point of view of
world civilization, as also to make it imperative that the settlement
here brought about should be so just as to give promise of permanently
good results for the whole cause of the development of a righteous
civilization in the world. Every part of the former Turkish Empire must
be given a new life and opportunity under thoroughly changed political
The war and the consequent breaking up of the Turkish Empire, moreover,
give a great opportunity—not likely to return—to build now in Syria a
Near East State on the modern basis of full religious liberty,
deliberately including Various religious faiths, and especially guarding
rights of minorities. It is a matter of justice to the Arabs, in the
recognition of the Arab People and their desire for national expression,
and of deep and lasting concern to the world, that an Arab State along
modern political lines should be formed. While the elements are very
various, the interests often divisive, and much of the population not
yet fitted for self-government, the conditions are nevertheless as
favorable as could be reasonably expected under the circumstances to
make the trial now. The mixed and varied populations have lived together
with a fair degree of unity under Turkish domination, and in spite of
the divisive Turkish policy. They ought to do far better under a state
on modern lines and with an enlightened mandatory.
In any case, the oversight of a mandatory Power, and of the League of
Nations, would prevent this attempt from taking such a course as that
taken by the Young Turk Movement. The Arabs, too, will know that this is
their best opportunity for the formation of an Arab State, and will be
put on their mettle to achieve a distinct success. The insight and
breadth of sympathy revealed by Emir Feisal make him peculiarly well
fitted, also, for the headship of a State involving both Oriental and
Occidental elements. The trial at least could safely be made under a
sympathetic mandatory Power, and made with good promise of success. If
the experiment finally failed, division of territory could still follow.
But to begin with division of territory along religious lines is to
invite increasing exclusiveness, misunderstanding, and friction. As Dr.
W. M. Ramsay has said concerning certain other portions of the Turkish
Empire: “The attempt to sort out religions and settle them in different
localities is wrong and will prove fatal. The progress of history
depends upon diversity of population in each district”. And there is
real danger in breaking Syria up into meaningless fragments.
Any policy adopted, therefore, for Syria should look to “the
establishment of a national government and administration deriving their
authority from the initiative and free choice of the native
[Page 787]
and should treat it as far
[as] possible in harmony with its natural geographic and economic unity.
This is the natural course to be taken, if at all feasible. It is
directly in line with the expressed purpose of the Peace Conference. And
it is the plain object of the desires and ambitions of a large majority
of the population concerned.
It is interesting, also, to find that both British and French officers in
Syria seemed agreed in the belief that the unity of all Syria under one
mandatary was desirable; and that there were certain to be constant
friction and dangers to peace among British, French, and Arabs, if both
British and French remained in the country.
On the other hand, the practical obstacles to the unity of Syria are: the
apparent unwillingness of either the British or the French to withdraw
from Syria—the British from Palestine, or the French from Beirut and the
Lebanon; the intense opposition of the Arabs and the Christians to the
Zionist Program; the common Lebanese demand for complete separate
independence; the strong feeling of the Arabs of the East against any
French control; the fear on the part of many Christians of Moslem
domination; and the lack of as vigorous a Syrian national feeling as
could be desired. These obstacles will be discussed in the
recommendations of the Commissioners.
In the light, now, of these practical obstacles to the unity of Syria, of
the general considerations favoring that unity, and of the wide range of
data secured by our survey, we turn to our recommendations.
The Commissioners make to the Peace Conference the following
recommendations for the treatment of Syria:
1. We recommend, as most important of all, and in strict harmony with our
instructions, that whatever foreign administration (whether of one or
more powers) is brought into Syria, should come in, not at all as a
colonizing Power in the old sense of that term, but as a Mandatary under
the League of Nations, with the clear consciousness that “the well-being
and development” of the Syrian people form for it a “sacred trust”.
- (1)
- To this end the mandate should have a limited term, the time of
expiration to be determined by the League of Nations, in the light
of all the facts as brought out from year to year, in the annual
reports of the Mandatory to the League or in other ways.
- (2)
- The Mandatary Administration should have, however, a period and
power sufficient to ensure the success of the new State; and
especially to make possible carrying through important educational
and economic undertakings, essential to secure founding of the
- (3)
- The Mandatory Administration should be characterized from the
beginning by a strong and vital educational emphasis, in clear
recognition of the imperative necessity of education for the
citizens of a democratic state, and the development of a sound
national spirit. This systematic cultivation of national spirit is
particularly required in a country like Syria, which has only
recently come to self-consciousness.
- (4)
- The Mandatory should definitely seek, from the beginning of its
trusteeship, to train the Syrian people to independent
self-government as rapidly as conditions allow, by setting up all
the institutions of a democratic state, and by sharing with them
increasingly the work of administration, and so forming gradually an
intelligent citizenship, interested unselfishly in the progress of
the country, and forming at the same time a large group of
disciplined civil servants.
- (5)
- The period of “tutelage” should not be unduly prolonged, but
independent self-government should be granted as soon as it can
safely be done; remembering that the primary business of governments
is not the accomplishment of certain things, but the development of
- (6)
- It is peculiarly the duty of the Mandatary in a country like
Syria, and in this modern age, to see that complete religious
liberty is ensured, both in the constitution and in the practice of
the state, and that a jealous care is exercised for the rights of
all minorities. Nothing is more vital than this for the enduring
success of the new Arab State.
- (7)
- In the economic development of Syria, a dangerous amount of
indebtedness on the part of the new State should be avoided, as well
as any entanglements financially with the affairs of the Mandatory
Power. On the other hand the legitimate established privileges of
foreigners such as rights to maintain schools, commercial
concessions, etc., should be preserved, but subject to review and
modification under the authority of the League of Nations in the
interest of Syria. The Mandatory Power should not take advantage of
its position to force a monopolistic control at any point to the
detriment either of Syria or of other nations; but it should seek to
bring the new State as rapidly as possible to economic independence
as well as to political independence.
Whatever is done concerning the further recommendations of the
Commission, the fulfillment of at least the conditions now named should
be assured, if the Peace Conference and the League of Nations are true
to the policy of mandatories already embodied in “The Covenant of the
League of Nations.” This should effectively guard the most essential
interests of Syria, however the machinery of administration is finally
organized. The Damascus Congress betrayed in many ways their intense
fear that their country would become, though
[Page 789]
under some other name, simply a colonial
possession of some other Power. That fear must be completely
2. We recommend, in the second place that the unity of Syria be
preserved, in accordance with the earnest petition of the great majority
of the people of Syria.
- (1)
- The territory concerned is too limited, the population too small,
and the economic, geographic, racial and language unity too
manifest, to make the setting up of independent states within its
boundaries desirable, if such division can possibly be avoided. The
country is very largely Arab in language, culture, traditions, and
- (2)
- This recommendation is in line with important “general
considerations” already urged, and with the principles of the League
of Nations, as well as in answer to the desires of the majority of
the population concerned.
- 3)
- The precise boundaries of Syria should be determined by a special
commission on boundaries, after the Syrian territory has been in
general allotted. The Commissioners believe, however, that the claim
of the Damascus Conference to include Cilicia in Syria is not
justified, either historically or by commercial or language
relations. The line between the Arabic-speaking and the
Turkish-speaking populations would quite certainly class Cilicia
with Asia Minor, rather than with Syria. Syria, too, has no such
need of further sea coast as the large interior sections of Asia
- (4)
- In standing thus for the recognition of the unity of Syria, the
natural desires of regions like the Lebanon, which have already had
a measure of independence, should not be forgotten. It will make for
real unity, undoubtedly, to give a large measure of local autonomy,
and especially in the case of strongly unified groups. Even the
“Damascus Program” which presses so earnestly the unity of Syria,
itself urges a government “on broad decentralization
Lebanon has achieved a considerable degree of prosperity and autonomy
within the Turkish Empire. She certainly should not find her legitimate
aspirations less possible within a Syrian national State. On the
contrary, it may be confidently expected that both her economic and
political relations with the rest of Syria would be better if she were a
constituent member of the State, rather than entirely independent of
As a predominantly Christian country, too, Lebanon naturally fears Moslem
domination in a unified Syria. But against such domination she would
have a four-fold safeguard: her own large autonomy; the presence of a
strong Mandatary for the considerable period in which the constitution
and practice of the new State would be forming; the oversight of the
League of Nations, with its insistence upon religious liberty and the
rights of minorities; and the certainty that the Arab
[Page 790]
Government would feel the necessity of
such a state, if it were to commend itself to the League of Nations.
Moreover, there would be less danger of a reactionary Moslem attitude,
if Christians were present in the state in considerable numbers, rather
than largely segregated outside the state, as experience of the
relations of different religious faiths in India suggests.
As a predominantly Christian country, it is also to be noted that Lebanon
would be in a position to exert a stronger and more helpful influence if
she were within the Syrian State, feeling its problems and needs, and
sharing all its life, instead of outside it, absorbed simply in her own
narrow concerns. For the sake of the larger interests, both of Lebanon
and of Syria, then, the unity of Syria is to be urged. It is certain
that many of the more thoughtful Lebanese themselves hold this view. A
similar statement might be made for Palestine; though, as “the holy
Land” for Jews and Christians and Moslems alike, its situation is
unique, and might more readily justify unique treatment, if such
treatment were justified anywhere. This will be discussed more
particularly in connection with the recommendation concerning
3. We recommend, in the third place, that Syria be placed under on[e]
Mandatory Power, as the natural way to secure real and efficient
- (1)
- To divide the administration of the provinces of Syria among
several mandataries, even if existing national unity were
recognized; or to attempt a joint mandatory of the whole on the
commission plan:—neither of these courses would be naturally
suggested as the best way to secure and promote the unity of the new
State, or even the general unity of the whole people. It is
conceivable that circumstances might drive the Peace Conference to
some such form of divided mandate; but it is not a solution to be
voluntarily chosen, from the point of view of the larger interests
of the people, as considerations already urged indicate.
- (2)
- It is not to be forgotten, either, that, however they are handled
politically, the people of Syria are there, forced to get on
together in some fashion. They are obliged to live with one
another—the Arabs of the East and the people of the Coast, the
Moslems and the Christians. Will they be helped or hindered, in
establishing tolerable and finally cordial relations, by a single
mandatary? No doubt the quick mechanical solution of the problem of
difficult relations is to split the people up into little
independent fragments. And sometimes, undoubtedly, as in the case of
the Turks and Armenians, the relations are so intolerable as to make
some division imperative and inevitable. But in general, to attempt
complete separation only accentuates the differences and increases
the antagonism. The whole lesson of the
[Page 791]
modern social consciousness points to the
necessity of understanding “the other half”, as it can be understood
only by close and living relations. Granting reasonable local
autonomy to reduce friction among groups, a single mandatary ought
to form a constant and increasingly effective help to unity of
feeling throughout the state, and ought to steadily improve group
The people of Syria, in our hearings, have themselves often insisted
that, so far as unpleasant relations have hitherto prevailed among
various groups, it has been very largely due to the direct instigation
of the Turkish Government. When justice is done impartially to all; when
it becomes plain that the aim of the common government is the service of
all classes alike, not their exploitation, decent human relations are
pretty certain to prevail, and a permanent foundation for such relations
to be secured—a foundation which could not be obtained by dividing men
off from one another in antagonistic groups.
The Commissioners urge, therefore, for the largest future good of all
groups and regions alike, the placing of the whole of Syria under a
single mandate.
4. We recommend, in the fourth place, that Emir Feisal be made the head
of the new united Syrian State.
- (1)
- This is expressly and unanimously asked for by the representative
Damascus Congress in the name of the Syrian people, and there seems
to be no reason to doubt that the great majority of the population
of Syria sincerely desire to have Emir Feisal as ruler.
- (2)
- A constitutional monarchy along democratic lines, seems naturally
adapted to the Arabs, with their long training under tribal
conditions, and with their traditional respect for their chiefs.
They seem to need, more than most people, a King as the personal
symbol of the power of the State.
- (3)
- Emir Feisal has come, too, naturally into his present place of
power, and there is no one else who could well replace him. He had
the great advantage of being the son of the Sherif of Mecca, and as
such honored throughout the Moslem world. He was one of the
prominent Arab leaders who assumed responsibility for the Arab
uprising against the Turks, and so shared in the complete
deliverance of the Arab-speaking portions of the Turkish Empire. He
was consequently hailed by the “Damascus Congress” as having
“merited their full confidence and entire reliance.” He was taken up
and supported by the British as the most promising candidate for the
headship of the new Arab State—an Arab of the Arabs, but with a
position of wide appeal through his Sherifian connection, and
through his broad sympathies with the best in the Occident. His
relations with the Arabs to the east of Syria are friendly, and his
kingdom would not be threatened
[Page 792]
from that side. He undoubtedly does not make
so strong an appeal to the Christians of the West Coast, as to the
Arabs of the East; but no man can be named who would have a stronger
general appeal. He is tolerant and wise, skillful in dealing with
men, winning in manner, a man of sincerity, insight, and power.
Whether he has the full strength needed for his difficult task it is
too early to say; but certainly no other Arab leader combines so
many elements of power as he, and he will have invaluable help
throughout the mandatory period.
The Peace Conference may take genuine satisfaction in the fact that an
Arab of such qualities is available for the headship of this new state
in the Near East.
5. We recommend, in the fifth place, serious modification of the extreme
Zionist Program for Palestine of unlimited immigration of Jews, looking
finally to making Palestine distinctly a Jewish State.
- (1)
- The Commissioners began their study of Zionism with minds
predisposed in its favor, but the actual facts in Palestine, coupled
with the force of the general principles proclaimed by the Allies
and accepted by the Syrians have driven them to the recommendation
here made.
- (2)
- The Commission was abundantly supplied with literature on the
Zionist program by the Zionist Commission to Palestine; heard in
conferences much concerning the Zionist colonies and their claims;
and personally saw something of what had been accomplished. They
found much to approve in the aspirations and plans of the Zionists,
and had warm appreciation for the devotion of many of the colonists,
and for their success, by modern methods, in overcoming great
natural obstacles.
- (3)
- The Commission recognized also that definite encouragement had
been given to the Zionists by the Allies in Mr. Balfour’s often
quoted statement, in its approval by other representatives of the
Allies. If, however, the strict terms of the Balfour Statement are
adhered to—favoring “the establishment in Palestine of a national
home for the Jewish people”, “it being clearly understood that
nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious
rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”—it can
hardly be doubted that the extreme Zionist Program must be greatly
modified. For “a national home for the Jewish people” is not
equivalent to making Palestine into a Jewish State; nor can the
erection of such a Jewish State be accomplished without the gravest
trespass upon the “civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish
communities in Palestine”. The fact came out repeatedly in the
Commission’s conference with Jewish representatives, that the
Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of
the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, by various forms of
[Page 793]
In his address of July 4, 1918,21 President Wilson laid down the
following principle as one of the four great “ends for which the
associated peoples of the world were fighting”: “The settlement of every
question, whether of territory, of sovereignty, of economic arrangement,
or of political relationship upon the basis of the free acceptance of
that settlement by the people immediately concerned, and not upon the
basis of the material interest or advantage of any other nation or
people which may desire a different settlement for the sake of its own
exterior influence or mastery”. If that principle is to rule, and so the
wishes of Palestine’s population are to be decisive as to what is to be
done with Palestine, then it is to be remembered that the non-Jewish
population of Palestine—nearly nine-tenths of the whole—are emphatically
against the entire Zionist program. The tables show that there was no
one thing upon which the population of Palestine were more agreed than
upon this. To subject a people so minded to unlimited Jewish
immigration, and to steady financial and social pressure to surrender
the land, would be a gross violation of the principle just quoted, and
of the peoples’ rights, though it kept within the forms of law.
It is to be noted also that the feeling against the Zionist program is
not confined to Palestine, but shared very generally by the people
throughout Syria, as our conferences clearly showed. More than 72 per
cent—1350 in all—of all the petitions in the whole of Syria were
directed against the Zionist program. Only two requests—those for a
united Syria and for independence—had a larger support. This general
feeling was only voiced by the “General Syrian Congress”, in the
seventh, eighth and tenth resolutions of their statement:
- 7.
- We oppose the pretentions of the Zionists to create a Jewish
commonwealth in the southern part of Syria, known as Palestine,
and oppose Zionist migration to any part of our country; for we
do not acknowledge their title, but consider them a grave peril
to our people from the national, economical, and political
points of view. Our Jewish compatriots shall enjoy our common
rights and assume the common responsibilities.
- 8.
- We ask that there should be no separation of the southern part
of Syria known as Palestine nor of the littoral western zone
which includes Lebanon from the Syrian country. We desire that
the unity of the country should be guaranteed against partition
under whatever circumstances.
- 10.
- The fundamental principles laid down by President Wilson in
condemnation of secret treaties impel us to protest most
emphatically against any treaty that stipulates the partition of
our Syrian country and against any private engagement aiming at
the establishment of Zionism in the southern part of Syria;
therefore we ask the complete annulment of these conventions and
[Page 794]
The Peace Conference should not shut its eyes to the fact that the
anti-Zionist feeling in Palestine and Syria is intense and not lightly
to be flouted. No British officer, consulted by the Commissioners,
believed that the Zionist program could be carried out except by force
of arms. The officers generally thought that a force of not less than
fifty thousand soldiers would be required even to initiate the program.
That of itself is evidence of a strong sense of the injustice of the
Zionist program, on the part of the non-Jewish populations of Palestine
and Syria. Decisions, requiring armies to carry out, are sometimes
necessary, but they are surely not gratuitously to be taken in the
interests of a serious injustice. For the initial claim, often submitted
by Zionist representatives, that they have a “right” to Palestine, based
on an occupation of two thousand years ago, can hardly be seriously
There is a further consideration that cannot justly be ignored, if the
world is to look forward to Palestine becoming a definitely Jewish
state, however gradually that may take place. That consideration grows
out of the fact that Palestine is “the Holy Land” for Jews, Christians,
and Moslems alike. Millions of Christians and Moslems all over the world
are quite as much concerned as the Jews with conditions in Palestine,
especially with those conditions which touch upon religious feeling and
rights. The relations in these matters in Palestine are most delicate
and difficult. With the best possible intentions, it may be doubted
whether the Jews could possibly seem to either Christians or Moslems
proper guardians of the holy places, or custodians of the Holy Land as a
whole. The reason is this: the places which are most sacred to
Christians—those having to do with Jesus—and which are also sacred to
Moslems, are not only not sacred to Jews, but abhorrent to them. It is
simply impossible, under those circumstances, for Moslems and Christians
to feel satisfied to have these places in Jewish hands, or under the
custody of Jews. There are still other places about which Moslems must
have the same feeling. In fact, from this point of view, the Moslems,
just because the sacred places of all three religions are sacred to
them, have made very naturally much more satisfactory custodians of the
holy places than the Jews could be. It must be believed that the precise
meaning, in this respect, of the complete Jewish occupation of Palestine
has not been fully sensed by those who urge the extreme Zionist program.
For it would intensify, with a certainty like fate, the anti-Jewish
feeling both in Palestine and in all other portions of the world which
look to Palestine as “the Holy Land.”
In view of all these considerations, and with a deep sense of sympathy
for the Jewish cause, the Commissioners feel bound to recommend that
only a greatly reduced Zionist program be attempted by
[Page 795]
the Peace Conference, and even that, only
very gradually initiated. This would have to mean that Jewish
immigration should be definitely limited, and that the project for
making Palestine distinctly a Jewish commonwealth should be given
There would then be no reason why Palestine could not be included in a
united Syrian State, just as other portions of the country, the holy
places being cared for by an International and Inter-religious
Commission, somewhat as at present, under the oversight and approval of
the Mandatary and of the League of Nations. The Jews, of course, would
have representation upon this Commission.
6. The Recommendations now made lead naturally to the necessity of
recommending what Power shall undertake the single Mandate for all
(1) The considerations already dealt with suggest the qualifications,
ideally to be desired in this Mandatory Power: First of all it should be
freely desired by the people. It should be willing to enter heartily
into the spirit of the mandatory system, and its possible gift to the
world, and so be willing to withdraw after a reasonable period, and not
seek selfishly to exploit the country. It should have a passion for
democracy, for the education of the common people and for the
development of national spirit. It needs unlimited sympathy and patience
in what is practically certain to be a rather thankless task; for no
Power can go in, honestly to face actual conditions (like
land-ownership, for example) and seek to correct these conditions,
without making many enemies. It should have experience in dealing with
less developed peoples, and abundant resources in men and money.
(2) Probably no Power combines all these qualifications, certainly not in
equal degree. But there is hardly one of these qualifications that has
not been more or less definitely indicated in our conferences with the
Syrian people and they certainly suggest a new stage in the development
of the self-sacrificing spirit in the relations of peoples to one
another. The Power that undertakes the single mandate for all Syria, in
the spirit of these qualifications, will have the possibility of greatly
serving not only Syria but the world, and of exalting at the same time
its own national life. For it would be working in direct line with the
high aims of the Allies in the war, and give proof that those high aims
had not been abandoned. And that would mean very much just now, in
enabling the nations to keep their faith in one another and in their own
highest ideals.
(3) The Resolutions of the Peace Conference of January 30, 1919, quoted
in our Instructions, expressly state for regions to be “completely
severed from the Turkish Empire”, that “the wishes of these communities
must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatary
Power.” Our survey left no room for doubt of the
[Page 796]
choice of the majority of the Syrian people.
Although it was not known whether America would take a mandate at all;
and although the Commission could not only give no assurances upon that
point, but had rather to discourage expectation; nevertheless, upon the
face of the returns, America was the first choice of 1152 of the
petitions presented—more than 60 per cent—while no other Power had as
much as 15 per cent for first choice.
And the conferences showed that the people knew the grounds upon which
they registered their choice for America. They declared that their
choice was due to knowledge of America’s record: the unselfish aims with
which she had come into the war; the faith in her felt by multitudes of
Syrians who had been in America; the spirit revealed in American
educational institutions in Syria, especially the College in Beirut,
with its well known and constant encouragement of Syrian national
sentiment; their belief that America had no territorial or colonial
ambitions, and would willingly withdraw when the Syrian state was well
established as her treatment both of Cuba and the Philippines seemed to
them to illustrate; her genuinely democratic spirit; and her ample
From the point of view of the desires of the “people concerned”, the
Mandate should clearly go to America.
(4) From the point of view of qualifications, too, already stated as
needed in the Mandatory for Syria, America, as first choice of the
people, probably need not fear careful testing, point by point, by the
standard involved in our discussion of qualifications; though she has
much less experience in such work than Great Britain, and is likely to
show less patience; and though her definite connections with Syria have
been less numerous and close than those of France. She would have at
least the great qualification of fervent belief in the new mandatary
system of the League of Nations, as indicating the proper relations
which a strong nation should take toward a weaker one. And, though she
would undertake the mandate with reluctance, she could probably be
brought to see, how logically the taking of such responsibility follows
from the purposes with which she entered the war, and from her advocacy
of the League of Nations.
(5) There is the further consideration, that America could probably come
into the Syrian situation, in the beginning at least, with less friction
than any other Power. The great majority of Syrian people, as has been
seen, favor her coming, rather than that of any other power. Both the
British and the French would find it easier to yield their respective
claims to America than to each other. She would have no rival imperial
interests to press. She would have abundant resources for the
development of the sound prosperity of Syria; and this would inevitably
benefit in a secondary way the
[Page 797]
nations which have had closest connection with Syria, and so help to
keep relations among the Allies cordial. No other Power probably would
be more welcome, as a neighbor, to the British, with their large
interests in Egypt, Arabia, and Mesopotamia; or to the Arabs and Syrians
in these regions; or to the French with their long-established and
many-sided interests in Beirut and the Lebanon.
(6) The objections to simply recommending at once a single American
Mandate for all Syria are: first of all, that it is not certain that the
American people would be willing to take the Mandate; that it is not
certain that the British or French would be willing to withdraw, and
would cordially welcome America’s coming—a situation which might prove
steadily harassing to an American administration; that the vague but
large encouragement given to the Zionist aims might prove particularly
embarrassing to America, on account of her large and influential Jewish
population; and that, if America were to take any mandate at all, and
were to take but one mandate, it is probable that an Asia Minor Mandate
would be more natural and important. For there is a task there of such
peculiar and worldwide significance as to appeal to the best in America,
and demand the utmost from her, and as certainly to justify her in
breaking with her established policy concerning mixing in the affairs of
the Eastern Hemisphere. The Commissioners believe, moreover, that no
other Power could come into Asia Minor, with hands so free to give
impartial justice to all the peoples concerned.
To these objections as a whole, it is to be said, that they are all of
such a kind that they may resolve themselves; and that they only form
the sort of obstacles that must be expected, in so large and significant
an undertaking. In any case they do not relieve the Commissioners from
the duty of recommending the course which, in their honest judgment, is
the best course, and the one for which the whole situation calls.
The Commissioners, therefore, recommend, as involved in the logic of the
facts, that the United States of America be asked to undertake the
single Mandate for all Syria.
If for any reason the mandate for Syria is not given to America, then the
Commissioners recommend, in harmony with the express request of the
majority of the Syrian people, that the mandate be given to Great
Britain. The tables show that there were 1073 petitions in all Syria for
Great Britain as Mandatory, if America did not take the mandate. This is
very greatly in excess of any similar expression for the French. On the
contrary—for whatever reason—more than 60 percent of all the petitions,
presented to the Commission, directly and strongly protested against any
French Mandate. Without going into a discussion of the reasons for this
situation, the Commissioners
[Page 798]
are reluctantly compelled to believe that this situation itself makes it
impossible to recommend a single French mandate for all Syria. The
feeling of the Arabs of the East is particularly strong against the
French. And there is grave reason to believe that the attempt to enforce
a French Mandate would precipitate war between the Arabs and the French,
and force upon Great Britain a dangerous alternative. The Commissioners
may perhaps be allowed to say that this conclusion is contrary to their
own earlier hope, that—because of France’s long and intimate relations
with Syria, because of her unprecedented sacrifices in the war, and
because the British Empire seemed certain to receive far greater
accessions of territory from the war—it might seem possible to recommend
that France be given the entire mandate for Syria. But the longer the
Commission remained in Syria, the more clear it became that that course
could not be taken.
The Commissioners recommend, therefore, that if America cannot take the
mandate for all Syria, that it be given to Great Britain; because of the
choice of the people concerned; because she is already on the ground and
with much of the necessary work in hand; because of her trained
administrators; because of her long and generally successful experience
in dealing with less developed peoples; and because she has so many of
the qualifications needed in a Mandatory Power, as we have already
considered them.
We should hardly be doing justice, however, to our sense of
responsibility to the Syrian people, if we did not frankly add some at
least of the reasons and misgivings, variously expressed and implied in
our conferences, which led to the preference for an American mandate
over a British mandate. The people repeatedly showed honest fear that in
British hands the mandatory power would become simply a colonizing power
of the old kind; that Great Britain would find it difficult to give up
the colonial theory, especially in case of a people thought inferior;
that she would favor a civil service and pension budget too expensive
for a poor people; that the interests of Syria would be subordinated to
the supposed needs of the Empire; that there would be, after all, too
much exploitation of the country for Britain’s benefit; that she would
never be ready to withdraw and give the country real independence; that
she did not really believe in universal education, and would not provide
adequately for it; and that she already had more territory in her
possession—in spite of her fine colonial record—than was good either for
herself or for the world. These misgivings of the Syrian people
unquestionably largely explain their demand for “absolute independence”,
for a period of “assistance” of only twenty years, their protest against
Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, etc. They all mean
that whatever Power the Peace Conference shall send into Syria, should
go in as a true mandatory under the League of
[Page 799]
Nations, and for a limited term. Anything else
would be a betrayal of the Syrian people. It needs to be emphasized,
too, that under a true mandatory for Syria, all the legitimate interests
of all the nations in Syria would be safeguarded. In particular, there
is no reason why any tie that France has had with Syria in the past
should be severed or even weakened under the control of another
mandatory power, or in an independent Syria.
There remains only to be added, that if France feels so intensely
concerning her present claims in Syria, as to threaten all cordial
relations among the Allies, it is of course possible to give her a
mandate over the Lebanon (not enlarged), separated from the rest of
Syria, as is desired by considerable groups in that region. For reasons
already given, (See Page 42)22 the Commissioners cannot recommend this course,
but it is a possible arrangement.
Respectfully submitted,
- Charles R. Crane
- Henry C. King
section two. the report upon
In view of the Resolutions, passed by the Peace Conference on January
30th, 1919, and of the Anglo-French Declaration of November 9th,
1918—on the eve of the Armistice—both of which documents class Syria
and Mesopotamia together to be treated in the same way, and make to
them the same promises and assurances, the Commissioners recommend
that the Peace Conference, adopt for Mesopotamia a policy in general
parallel to that recommended for Syria, in order that the
Anglo-French Declaration may not become another “scrap of
1. We accordingly recommend, as most important of all, and in strict
harmony with our Instructions, that whatever foreign administration
is brought into Mesopotamia, should come into Mesopotamia, not at
all as a colonizing power in the old sense of that term, but as a
Mandatory under the League of Nations, with clear consciousness that
“the well-being and development” of the Mesopotamian people form for
it a “sacred trust”. To this end the Mandate should have a limited
term, the time of expiration to be determined by the League of
Nations, in the light of all the facts as brought out from year to
year, whether in the annual reports of the Mandatary to the League
or in other ways.
The entire text of the first recommendation for Syria, with its
subordinate recommendations, applies point by point to Mesopotamia
as truly as to Syria.
If the Peace Conference, the League of Nations, and the appointed
Mandatory Power loyally carry out the policy of mandataries embodied
[Page 800]
in the Covenant of the
League of Nations, the most essential interests of Mesopotamia would
be fully safeguarded—but only so.
2. We recommend, in the second place, that the unity of Mesopotamia
be preserved: the precise boundaries to be determined by a special
commission on boundaries, after the mandate has been assigned. It
should probably include at least the Vilayets of Basra, Bagdad, and
Mosul. And the Southern Kurds and Assyrians might well be linked up
with Mesopotamia. The wisdom of a united country needs no argument
in the case of Mesopotamia.
3. We recommend, in the third place, that Mesopotamia, be placed
under one Mandatory Power, as the natural way to secure real and
efficient unity. The economic, political, social and educational
development of the people all call for such a unified mandate. Only
waste, confusion, friction, and injury to the people’s interests,
could come from attempting a division and “spheres of influence” on
the part of several nations. But this implies that the Mandatory
Power shall not itself be an exploiting power, but shall sacredly
guard the people’s rights.
4. Since it is plainly desirable that there be general harmony in the
political and economic institutions and arrangements of Mesopotamia
and Syria; and since the people themselves should have chief voice
in determining the form of government under which they shall live,
we recommend that the Government of Mesopotamia, in harmony with the
apparent desires of its people, be a Constitutional Monarchy, such
as is proposed for Syria; and that the people of Mesopotamia be
given opportunity to indicate their choice of Monarch, the choice to
be reviewed and confirmed by the League of Nations. It may be fairly
assumed that the 1278 petitions from Syrians for the independence of
Mesopotamia—68.5 per cent of the total number received—reflects the
feeling in Mesopotamia itself; and such contact as we have been able
to secure with Mesopotamians confirms the assumption, and leads to
the belief that the program, presented at Aleppo by representative
Mesopotamians, headed by Jaafar Pasha, Military Governor of the
Aleppo District, and practically parallel to the Damascus Program,
would be generally supported by the Mesopotamian people. Whether
this support extends to each item in the program alike, and so to
the naming of a King from the sons of the King of the Hedjaz, we
have not sufficient data to determine, and so have recommended that
a plebiscite be taken upon that point; although there is British
evidence that many Mesopotamians have expressed themselves in favor
of one of the sons of the King of the Hedjaz as Emir.
5. The Mesopotamian Program expresses its choice of America as
Mandatory, and with no second choice. Undoubtedly there has been a
good deal of feeling in Mesopotamia against Great Britain, and
[Page 801]
the petitioners
specifically charge the British authorities in Mesopotamia with
considerable interference with freedom of opinion, of expression,
and of travel,—much of which might be justified in time of military
occupation. But feeling so stirred might naturally breed
unwillingness to express desire for Great Britain as Mandatary. On
the other hand, the material in the pamphlet called “Copies and
Translations of Declarations and other Documents relating to
Self-Determination in Iraq” (Mesopotamia) was called out by an
attempt on the part of the British Government in Mesopotamia to
secure the opinions of leading men of all groups concerning
“self-determination.” This material, just because reported directly
to British officials, is doubtless somewhat more favorable to the
British than it would otherwise be; but it gives unquestionably good
evidence of much opinion likely to choose a British mandate. And
after all, the range of choice of a mandatary, of sufficient power
and experience and of essential justice, is decidedly limited, and
it is by no means improbable that if the Mesopotamians were
confronted by a refusal of America to take a mandate for
Mesopotamia, they would make Great Britain at least second choice,
as the majority of the Syrians did. There is supplementary evidence
also upon this point.
Now it seems so unlikely that America could or would take a mandate
for Mesopotamia, in addition to the possible consideration of Syria
and Asia Minor, that the Commissioners recommend that the Peace
Conference assign the mandate for Mesopotamia to Great Britain:
because of the general reasons already given for recommending her as
mandatary in Syria, if America does not go in there; because she is
probably best of all fitted for the particular task involved, in
view of her long relations with the Arabs; in recognition of the
sacrifices made by her in delivering Mesopotamia from the Turks,
though with no acknowledgement of right of conquest, as her own
statements expressly disclaim; because of the special interests she
naturally has in Mesopotamia on account of its nearness to India and
its close connections with Arabia; and because of Work already done
in the territory.
These reasons make it probable that the largest interests of the
people of Mesopotamia as a whole will be best served by a British
Mandate, in spite of the fact that from the point of view of
world-interests, in the prevention of jealousy, suspicion, and fear
of domination by a single power, it were better for both Britain and
the world that no further territory anywhere be added to the British
Empire. A British Mandate however, will have the decided advantage
of tending to promote economic and educational unity throughout
Mesopotamia and Syria whether Syria be under Great Britain or
America—and so will reflect more fully than ever before, the close
[Page 802]
relations in language,
customs, and trade between these parts of the former Turkish
In a country so rich as Mesopotamia in agricultural possibilities, in
oil, and in other resources, with the best intentions, there will
inevitably be danger of exploitation and monopolistic control by the
Mandatory Power, through making British interests supreme, and
especially through large Indian immigration. This danger will need
increasingly and most honestly to be guarded against. The
Mesopotamians feel very strongly the menace particularly of Indian
immigration, even though that immigration should be confined to
Moslems. They dread the admixture of another people of entirely
different race and customs, as threatening their Arabic
Respectfully submitted,
- [Charles R. Crane]
- [Henry C. King]
section three. the report upon the
non-arabic-speaking portions of the former ottoman
The method of inquiry, in making our survey of the Asia Minor portion
of our task, has necessarily differed from that followed in the
study of Syria. For our ultimate duty, according to our
Instructions, is “to form an opinion … of the divisions of territory
and assignment of mandates which will be most likely to promote the
order, peace, and development” of the peoples concerned.
Now we faced in Turkey a unique situation as to mandates. In Syria we
were in a region already virtually separated from the Turkish
Empire, a region whose boundaries were in general clear, and a
region recognized as under a temporary government. In such a
territory, it was entirely feasible to go from community to
community to seek the desires of the peoples concerning a mandate.
None of these conditions held for Asia Minor.
For in the case of the proposed State of Armenia, for example, the
territory was not yet set off, nor its boundaries even approximately
known; the Armenians were not largely present in any of the
territory to be assigned; the wishes of the Armenians themselves as
to mandate were already known; and the wishes of the rest of the
population could not be taken primarily into account, since the
establishment of the Armenian State would be in a sense penal for
the Turkish people, and naturally to be accepted only as a
If a Constantinopolitan State were to be set off, similar
difficulties, in getting the wishes of the people upon a mandate,
would be encountered. For the primary interest in such a State is a
world interest, rather than a local one; the population would be
likely to shift considerably with so new a policy, and so the choice
of the present population, especially in such troublous times, would
not be particularly
[Page 803]
significant; and the fact that a large element of the population
belongs to the official class would make an unbiased opinion hardly
Even in the portions of Asia Minor sure to be left with the Empire,
an inquiry for choice of mandate, like that conducted in Syria, was
not practicable. For the Peace Conference had not declared—at least
up to the present—that Turkey must have a mandatory power over her,
and consequently it was largely within her own choice whether she
should have any mandatary at all, she had also long been an
independent country, so that the mandate would be inevitably
somewhat modified and adjusted through agreement with the
Moreover, even if an inquiry for choice of mandatory were feasible,
it would be most difficult to get trustworthy results. For it is
perfectly clear that opinion in Constantinople is not free to
express itself. The Government pressure in various forms upon
individuals and groups, and the partisan censorship of the Press,
are both manifest. In the case of an American Mandate, too, it was
not known whether America would take it at all; so that there was
fear of punishment from some other Power, if declarations were made
for America and she did not actually accept the Mandate. Like
conditions held in the interior, and there is even less
understanding there of the political situation; so that it was felt
that there would not be much gain from further inquiry in other
parts of the Empire, in addition to the frequent reports by various
investigators to which we already had access.
The plainly imperative need of the whole country for as prompt a
settlement as possible of its fate also led the Commission to give
up visits to various parts of the Empire, in order not to defer its
report and so possibly delay action by the Peace Conference. The
Commissioners have had the less hesitancy in hastening their report,
because it was believed that the essential facts upon which
recommendations must be based were already in hand.
In this situation, the method for our inquiry in Asia Minor has been:
to build, first of all, on our two months study in Paris of the
Turkish problem in the course of which we used the reports and other
material of the Western Asia Division of the American Experts, and
had many conferences with experts there, and with able authorities
coming direct from Turkey; to take full advantage of all the general
work done in the survey of Syria, as part of the former Turkish
Empire, with its fundamentally similar problems and its incidental
sidelights; especially to see as many representative groups and
individuals as possible in Constantinople, and so to get reports on
all phases of our inquiry, and from all parts of Asia Minor; to
supplement the information so received with reports, for recent
months, of the American Embassy and Consular Offices (through the
kind cooperation of
[Page 804]
Admiral Bristol and Commissioner Ravndal); and to supplement still
further reports of personal investigations by American Missionaries,
knowing the country thoroughly, and by representatives of the A. C.
R. N. E., and of American business corporations.
In this way a large mass of valuable material has been brought
together and studied by all three advisers—Dr. Albert H. Lybyer, Dr.
George B. Montgomery, and Captain William Yale, U. S. A.— who
summarized their inferences from it, and reported on special phases
of the common problem. To test our conclusions, expert advice at all
possible points was also sought from American and other leaders—many
of them personally known by members of the Commission. The report of
the Commissioners is based on the whole of the resulting
Our report falls naturally into five divisions: pertinent action
already taken by the Peace Conference; dangers from a selfish
division and exploitation of the Turkish Empire; considerations
looking to a proper division of Turkey; resulting problems; and
Pertinent Action Already Taken by
the Peace Conference
To begin with, the action creating the Commission, of which the
Commissioners now reporting make the American Section, was taken by
the Council of Four. Our Instructions were called: “Instructions for
Commissioners from the Peace Conference to make enquiry in certain
portions of the Turkish Empire which are to be permanently separated
from Turkey and put under the guidance of Governments acting as
mandatories under the League of Nations”. The Instructions then go
on to say: “It is the purpose of the Conference to separate from the
Turkish Empire certain areas comprising, for example, Palestine,
Syria, the Arab countries to the East of Palestine and Syria,
Mesopotamia, Armenia, Cilicia, and perhaps additional areas in Asia
Minor, and to put their development under the guidance of
Governments, which are to act as mandatories of the League of
So far as concerns Asia Minor, this commits the Conference to two
courses of action: permanent separation from the Turkish Empire of
“Armenia, Cilicia, and perhaps additional areas in Asia Minor”; and
dealing with these territories under the mandatory, not colonial,
That this is the deliberate purpose of the Council is further shown
by the added statement: “It is expected that this will be done in
accordance with the following Resolutions, adopted by the
Representatives of the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy
and Japan, at a Conference held at the Quai d’Orsay on January 30,
[Page 805]
1. Having regard to the record of the German Administration in the
colonies formerly part of the German Empire, and to the menace which
the possession by Germany of submarine bases in many parts of the
world would necessarily constitute to the freedom and security of
all nations, the Allied and Associated Powers are agreed that in no
circumstances should any of the German Colonies be restored to
2. For similar reasons, and more particularly because of the
historical mis-government by the Turks of subject peoples and the
terrible massacres of Armenians and others in recent years, the
Allied and Associated Powers are agreed that Armenia, Syria,
Mesopotamia, Palestine and Arabia must be completely severed from
the Turkish Empire. This is without prejudice to the settlement of
other parts of the Turkish Empire.
3. The Allied and Associated Powers are agreed that advantage should
be taken of the opportunity afforded by the necessity of disposing
of these colonies and territories formerly belonging to Germany and
Turkey which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by
themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, to
apply to these territories the principles that the well-being and
development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilization and
that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied
in the constitution of the League of Nations.
4. After careful study they are satisfied that the best method of
giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of
such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who, by reason
of their resources, their experience or their geographical
positions, can best undertake this responsibility, and that this
tutelage should be exercised by them as mandatories on behalf of the
League of Nations.
5. The Allied and Associated Powers are of opinion that the character
of the mandate must differ according to the stage of development of
the people, the geographical situation of the territory, its
economic conditions, and other similar circumstances.
6. They consider that certain communities formerly belonging to the
Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their
existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized,
subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by
a mandatory power until such time as they are able to stand alone.
The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in
the selection of the mandatory power.23
. . . . . . .
In every case of mandate, the mandatory state shall render to the
League of Nations an annual report in reference to the territory
committed to its charge.
The Resolutions clearly assert several things: (1) that in settling
the issues of the Turkish Empire, account may rightfully be taken of
any “menace” to “the freedom and security of all nations”; (2) that
“the historical mis-government by the Turks of subject peoples and
the terrible massacres of Armenians and others in recent years”
[Page 806]
a special
reason for separation of territory, but “without prejudice to the
settlement of other parts of the Turkish Empire”; (3) that this
separation of territory should be taken as a special opportunity to
apply “the principle that the well-being and development of subject
peoples form a sacred trust of civilization and that securities for
the performance of this trust should be embodied in the constitution
of the League of Nations”; (4) that this principle should be carried
out through the mandatory system, which the remaining resolutions
carefully define.
The Instructions then continue: “And it is agreed that the
administration of these mandates shall be in the spirit of the
following document which was formally presented to the President of
the United States on behalf of the Governments of Great Britain and
The aim which France and Great Britain have in view in
prosecuting in the East the war let loose by German ambition
is the complete and final liberation of the peoples so long
oppressed by the Turks and the establishment of national
governments and administrations deriving their authority
from the initiative and free choice of the native
In order to give effect to these intentions, France and Great
Britain have agreed to encourage and assist the
establishment of native governments and administrations in
Syria and Mesopotamia already liberated by the Allies, and
in the territories which they are proceeding to liberate,
and they have agreed to recognize such governments as soon
as they are effectively established. So far from desiring to
impose specific institutions upon the populations of these
regions, their sole object is to ensure, by their support
and effective assistance, that the governments and
administrations adopted by these regions of their own free
will shall be exercised in the normal way. The function
which the two Allied Governments claim for themselves in the
liberated territories is to ensure impartial and equal
justice for all; to facilitate the economic development of
the country by encouraging local initiative; to promote the
diffusion of education; and to put an end to the divisions
too long exploited by Turkish policy.
This is as admirable a statement of the spirit in which mandates
should be administered as could be asked, and reflects honor on the
two great Allies from whom it originally came.
Taken as a whole, the actions of the Peace Conference, in which all
the Allies have shared, reflected in the forming of the Commission
on Mandates and embodied in the Instructions to the Commission, form
a solid basis for the policy to be adopted in Asia Minor. It is no
sentimental program; but it is just on the one hand, and considerate
on the other. If the Conference proceeds, in its further dealings
with Turkey, honestly and strongly and consistently to build on the
foundations so prepared, essential justice will be done to all the
peoples concerned, rankling wrongs will be set right, and the
purposes of the Allies will be just so far vindicated.
[Page 807]
And the Peace Conference should not shut its eyes to the fact that
vindication is greatly needed just now. For there are set directly
over against such a procedure as that now outlined and to which the
Peace Conference is in principle and in all honesty committed, the
still active policies of the old diplomacy of secret treaties and
understandings and of division of spoils among victors. The direct
consequences of such selfish and ultimately self-destructive
policies are to be seen in all the world today. It is to be feared
that some of the highest aims of the Allies in the war have already
been well nigh lost, because of these policies creeping in, in all
manner of “settlements”; It concerns the Peace Conference to decide
whether the same fateful method is to be followed in Turkey.
The Dangers of a Selfish Division
and Exploitation of the Turkish Empire
In considering recommendations concerning the future administration
of large parts of the former Turkish Empire, involving millions of
people, it is imperative that the Peace Conference should make clear
to itself from the beginning the serious dangers involved in the
selfish and divisive national and corporate policies, into which the
Allies have been drifting in their treatment of the Turkish Empire;
and should squarely challenge that drift at once.
No doubt this policy of selfish exploitation in Turkey is in its
entirety not the deliberate aim of any Power. Much confusion has
unavoidably prevailed. The demands upon the Allies and upon the
Peace Conference have been beyond human power wholly to meet. Under
the pressure of immediate necessity for some kind of action, many
steps have been taken in good faith, which have later proved
temptations to selfish advantage, and provocations to jealousy and
suspicion. The situation, too, has been most complex, by reason of
previous engagements, and of countless interrelations of
interest—private, party, national and international. This complexity
has often made it honestly difficult to disentangle exactly the
right course.
But however the drift toward selfish exploitation of the Turkish
Empire has come about, there should be no mistake about the fact or
its dangers. It needs to be said and heeded, that Constantinople is
once again a nest of selfish, suspicious, hateful intrigue, reaching
out over the whole Empire, if not the world. What will it mean if
this policy is allowed to prevail? In definitely raising this
question, the Commissioners are not for an instant supposing that
there is any easy and inexpensive solution of the Turkish problem.
The justest solution at best will not be wholly welcome to Turkey,
and will encounter
[Page 808]
opposition. But in such a solution the Allies could at least know
that their sacrifices were being made for the establishment of
progressively righteous relations among men, not for sowing the
seeds of endless and bitter discord.
In seeking, then, a practical plan for the righteous treatment of the
Turkish Empire, the Allies should bear clearly in mind, that their
fidelity to their announced aims in the war is here peculiarly to be
tested; and that, in the proportion in which the division of the
Turkish Empire by the Allies is made a division of spoils by
victors, and is primarily determined by the selfish national and
corporate interests of the Allies, in just that proportion will
grave dangers arise.
- (1)
- Such a division, in the first place, would have to be forced
upon the peoples concerned—not chosen by them. Every separate
occupation of territory would be resented, and felt to be a
constant injustice. The feeling of the Turkish people concerning
the occupation of the Smyrna region by the Greeks is
illustrative. They cannot be convinced that such seizure of
territory can be harmonized with the professed principles of the
Allies in the war. In such a case there is no possibility of
laying the foundations of truly cordial relations with the
Turkish people.
- (2)
- In the second place, just because these occupations of
territory have to be forced upon the Turks, a large number of
troops would be required to establish and maintain each
occupation. With the intolerable burdens which the war has
brought upon all the nations, and with the insistent demands for
the demobilization of troops, this would be certain to prove an
increasingly serious situation. The number of troops required
for an occupation looked upon as temporary and for police
purposes, is no measure of the forces required to maintain an
aggressive and permanent seizure of territory, as the Turks
themselves proved to their sorrow both in Macedonia in 1903–06
and in Yemen through a series of years. The selfishly divisive
policy will go far toward turning Turkey into an armed camp, and
breeding a constant state of brigandage.
- (3)
- It should not be forgotten, either, in the third place, that
this selfishly divisive policy would naturally provoke violent
retaliation, as in the whole region of Smyrna. Such retaliation,
too, is likely to be visited not only upon the immediate
aggressors, but also upon the Christian population generally.
For a selfish division and exploitation of territory may easily
induce in the Turks the attitude, that, since the worst from
outside is probably to come upon them in any case, they may as
well take the occasion to rid themselves entirely of those whom
they look upon as internal enemies. In that case the Allies
would have to share the guilt of the Turks.
- (4)
- Such selfish exploitation of Turkey, also, would not only
certainly call out the resentment of the most solid portion of
the American people, as emphatically not illustrating the ends
for which America came into the war; but would also tend to
alienate the best sentiment among all the Allies. To eliminate
from the cause of the Allies this weight of moral judgment would
involve a loss of influence in the world—already greatly
diminished—not lightly to be faced.
- (5)
- Such exploitation would mean, too, the deliberate sowing of
dissension of the gravest kind among the Allies themselves,
threatening the moral unity of their cause and entailing serious
world consequences. This situation has already come to pass in
no small degree. Only moral blindness can deny it. Suspicion and
distrust are rife, and the meanest kind of intrigue against one
another has been seen in not a few situations. It may be doubted
if the moral unit of the Allies is more than a fraction of what
it was in the war or in the early days of the Armistice. Now
that is a calamity well nigh immeasurable, and it can be cured
by no mechanics. Are the Allies to go on increasing this moral
dissension among the world’s leaders, and deliberately inviting
the moral shipwreck of the world by their policies in
- (6)
- Coupled with similar decisions already reached, selfish
division and exploitation in Turkey would also go far to
convince men of independent moral judgment all over the
world—including many previously ardent upholders of the cause of
the Allies—that the aims of the Allies had become as selfish and
ruthless as those of the Germans had been. That would carry with
it its own fateful consequences.
For example, no thoughtful man who had the opportunity of watching in
France the stream of American officers and soldiers and of able men
enlisted for various forms of service to the soldiers, as they came
and went, could fail to see among these men, as the Armistice went
on, the spread, like a contagion, of depression and disillusionment
as to the significance of the war aims, because of the selfish
wrangling of the nations. The fact should be squarely faced that
thousands of Americans who served in the war have gone home
disillusioned, greatly fearing, if not convinced, that the Allies
had not been true to their asserted war aims, and have been
consequently driven to an almost cynical view of the entire
conflict—cynicism, that made them feel like withdrawing all further
American help, and henceforth washing their hands of the whole
European imbroglio. This attitude has been reflected in many other
American citizens who had been devoted supporters of the Allied
cause. Now that is not a good result for America, for the Allies, or
for the world.
[Page 810]
But that situation, and similar situations among the best in all the
Allies, can be changed only by some clear demonstration that
somewhere and on a large and impressive scale, the often asserted
high and unselfish aims of the Allies have been honestly carried
out. That would come like an invigorating breeze out of the North,
bringing new faith in men and in the genuineness of human ideals and
That opportunity is offered, in a peculiar degree, in the righteous
settlement of the problems of the Turkish Empire. No namby-pamby,
sickly sentimental treatment is called for here. There are great and
lasting wrongs in Turkey which must be set right. And there are
world relations and interests honestly to be recognized and
permanently to be satisfied. For the sake of justice to Turkey
herself and to all her subject peoples; for the sake of the honor of
the Allies and the renewed confidence of men in them; for the
stemming of the tide of cynicism and selfish strife; for a fresh and
powerful demonstration of moral soundness in the race; the Allies
should recognize the grave dangers of all selfish exploitation of
Turkey, and turn their backs on every last vestige of it.
Consideration Looking to a Proper
Division of the Turkish Empire
But if a selfishly exploiting division of the Turkish Empire is not
justified it may be asked: Why is it necessary to divide Asia Minor,
at least, at all? For such a division there are at least two great
reasons: first, the hideous mis-government and massacres of the
Turkish rule; and second, Turkey’s utter inadequacy to the strategic
world position in which she is placed.
1. In the first place, there cannot be left out of account the
hideous mis-government of Turkey for centuries, even for citizens of
the Turkish race.
(1) One may recognize fully the agreeable and attractive personal
qualities of the Turks that commonly make them the best liked,
probably, of all the peoples in the Empire, and that almost
unconsciously turn most foreigners who stay long in the country into
pro-Turks. One may recognize, too, that there has long been in the
Turkish Government a kind of negative, indolent tolerance of other
peoples, that allowed them much of the time to go on in their own
ways, though constantly despised, robbed, oppressed. It may be
granted, also, that the Turks have been successful in keeping,
through long periods, widely scattered areas together and giving
them a sort of unity, by the method of “divide and rule”, of leaving
regional governments pretty largely to themselves so long as the
Turkish revenues
[Page 811]
obtained; and of using other races very largely as officials. It is
only fair, also, to remember the very considerable amount of
demoralization caused by the perpetual intriguing of European powers
in Turkish affairs.
(2) But while all this may be freely admitted, it must still be
clearly seen, that the Government of the Turkish Empire has been for
the most part a wretched failure, in spite of generally good laws.
For that Government has been characterized by incessant corruption,
plunder, and bribery. It might almost be called a government of
simple exploitation. So that Ramsay, who judges the Turk leniently,
feels obliged to say: “The Turk is not naturally a good officer or a
good official”. …24 “Bribery is the universal
rule”.25 And he speaks of
the deep-seated mingled hatred and fear on the part even of the
Turkish peasantry for government officials. In fact it is hardly too
much to say that Turkish history shows gross neglect of the most
ordinary and essential duties of a government in the Empire as a
(3) And the treatment of the other subject races has been still worse
than that of the Turks. For them nothing has been secure—whether
property, lives, wives, or children. To all this have been added the
horrible massacres of the Armenians, especially since Abd-ul-Hamid’s
time, and somewhat similar deportations of the Greeks. Both races
have proved themselves abler, more industrious, enterprising, and
prosperous than the Turks, and so have made themselves feared and
hated, doubtless not altogether without some provocation on their
part in certain cases. And these massacres have been due to
deliberate and direct government action, in which the Turkish people
themselves have been too willing to share. They have not been crimes
of the passion of the moment. And they have involved cruelties
horrible beyond description.
For it must not be forgotten that this thing was not done in a
corner. The evidence for few events in history has been more
carefully gathered, sifted and ordered. The Bryce report upon The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire,
1915–16,26 leaves no room for doubt of the
essential facts. It is idle to attempt to deny it, or appreciably to
mitigate its force.
Lord Bryce, himself a trained historian, says of the report: “Nothing
has been admitted the substantial truth of which seems open to
reasonable doubt”. And in estimating the value of the evidence, he
calls attention to these facts: (1) “Nearly all of it comes from eye
witnesses”; (2) “the main facts rest upon evidence coming
[Page 812]
from different and
independent sources”; (3) “facts of the same, or of a very similar
nature, occurring in different places, are deposed to by different
and independent witnesses”,—including Danish and German witnesses;
(4) “the volume of this concurrent evidence from different quarters
is so large as to establish the main facts beyond all question”; (5)
“in particular it is to be noted that many of the most shocking and
horrible accounts are those for which there is the most abundant
testimony from the most trustworthy neutral witnesses. None of these
cruelties rest on native evidence alone”. And he adds: “A
recollection of previous massacres will show that such crimes are a
part of a long settled and often repeated policy of Turkish rulers”
. . . .27 “The attempts made to find excuses for
wholesale slaughter and for the removal of a whole people from its
homes leave no room for doubt as to the slaughter and the removal.
The main facts are established by the confession of the criminals
themselves . . . .27 The disproval of palliations
which the Turks have put forward is as complete as the proof for the
atrocities themselves.”
Mr. Moorfield Storey, ex-President of the American Bar Association,
records the natural verdict of one skilled in the weighing of
evidence, when he writes to Lord Bryce: “In my opinion, the evidence
which you print is as reliable as that upon which rests our belief
in many of the universally admitted facts of history, and I think it
establishes beyond all reasonable doubt the deliberate purpose of
the Turkish authorities practically to exterminate the Armenians,
and their responsibility for the hideous atrocities which have been
perpetrated upon that unhappy people.”
It is not pleasant to call these dark facts to mind, but unfortuately
there is only the slightest evidence that the Turkish Government or
people as a whole have recognized or repudiated the crime of the
Armenian massacres, or done anything appreciable to set them right.
Some small groups of Turks have characterized these crimes aright,
but there is almost nothing to show repentance or the fruits of
repentance on the part of the great majority of the people or of
their leaders, or to give reasonable hope that the massacres might
not be repeated; though there is doubtless some excuse for the
comparative indifference with which these massacres have been
regarded by the Turks, because of a certain amount of revolutionary
activity on the part of Armenians in some cases, and because of the
widespread wretchedness and want and sufferings of the whole Turkish
population in ten years of war and disorder.
Now these crimes—black as anything in human history—cannot be simply
forgotten and left out of account in seeking a righteous solution of
the Turkish problem. If the rankest conceivable wrongs are
[Page 813]
not to be passed over in
silence, it is inevitable that any just solution of the Turkish
problem must contain that small measure of justice which it is now
possible to render in this case.
It is strange that Lord Bryce in reviewing all the evidence
concerning the Armenian massacres of 1915–16 should feel compelled
to say: “The record of the rulers of Turkey for the last two or
three centuries, from the Sultan on his throne to the district
Mutessarif, is, taken as a whole, an almost unbroken record of
corruption, of injustice, of an oppression which often rises into
hideous cruelty. …28 Can anyone still continue to hope
that the evils of such a government are curable? Or does the
evidence contained in this volume furnish the most terrible and
convincing proof that it cannot longer be permitted to rule over
subjects of a different faith”? Is it strange that he should be
unable to shake off the conviction that these facts are inevitably
knit up with a proper solution of the problem of Turkey: “It is
evidently desirable”, he writes, “that the public opinion of the
belligerent nations—and, I may add, of neutral peoples also—should
be enabled by knowledge of what has happened in Asia Minor and
Armenia, to exercise its judgment on the course proper to be
followed when, at the end of the present war, a political
re-settlement of the Nearer East has to be undertaken”.
Surely the Peace Conference was justified in its resolution: “more
particularly because of the historical mis-government by the Turks
of subject peoples and the terrible massacres of Armenians and
others in recent years, the Allied and Associated Powers are agreed
that Armenia …28 must be completely severed from the
Turkish Empire”.
That the formation of a separate Armenian State is the deliberate
intention of the Peace Conference seems further indicated in the
later actions of the Conference concerning Armenia, like the
appointment of Colonel Haskell as High Commissioner in Armenia on
behalf of the four Great Powers, and the appointment of Major
General Harbord by President Wilson to investigate conditions in
Armenia.29 Many incidental things also indicate the
general expectation on the part of the Allies that an Armenian State
will be formed.
(4) The great and primary reason for this decision by the Peace
Conference, is undoubtedly to be found in the Armenian massacres
which have just been reviewed. But it might still be asked whether
the situation created by the massacres could be met only by the
formation of a separate Armenia. For such a separation, it must be
admitted, involves very difficult problems. Why, then, is it
necessary to set off an Armenian State? What are the reasons?
[Page 814]
The only possible substitute for a separated Armenia is a general
mandate by one of the Great Powers over all Asia Minor, which should
ensure equal rights to all elements of the population,—to all races,
and to all religions. If such a mandate were honestly carried out,
we should certainly hope for a far better government on modern
lines. But under the proposed mandatory system of the League of
Nations, it is intended that the mandate shall be for a limited
period. Even if that period were considerably prolonged, what would
happen when the Mandatary withdrew? It is impossible to be sure, if
the Turks still constituted the majority, that the state would not
slump back into many of its old evils, including oppression of other
races. The history of the Turks, unfortunately, gives all too small
reason to hope for more.
The reasons for a separate Armenia, then, may be said to be: because
of the demonstrated unfitness of the Turks to rule over others, or
even over themselves; because of the adoption of repeated massacres
as a deliberate policy of State; because of almost complete lack of
penitence for the massacres, or repudiation of the crime—they rather
seek to excuse them; because practically nothing has been done by
the Turks in the way of repatriation of Armenians or of reparations
to them—a condition not naturally suggesting a repetition of the
experiment of Turkish rule; because, on the contrary, there is
evidence of intense feeling still existing against the Armenians,
and implicit threatening of massacre; because there has been
sufficient proof that the two races cannot live peaceably and
decently together so that it is better for both that they have
separate states; because of complete failure of the strong clauses
of the Treaty of 187831 to protect
the Armenians; because the most elementary justice suggests that
there must be at least some region in Turkey where Armenians can go
and not have to live under Turkish rule; because nothing less than
that could give to the Armenians any adequate guarantee of safety;
because, consequently, nothing less will satisfy the conscience of
the world upon this point; because in this day of opportunity for
small nations under the League of Nations, the Armenians have surely
earned the right, by their sufferings, their endurance, their
loyalty to principles, their unbroken spirit and ambition, and their
demonstrated industry, ability and self-reliance, to look forward to
a national life of their own; because such a separate state would
probably make more certain decent treatment of Armenians in other
parts of Turkey; and because there is no adequate substitute for
such a state. In the interests of the Armenians, of the Turks, and
of the peace of the world alike, the formation of a separate
Armenian State is to be urged.
[Page 815]
2. But the reasons for some righteous division of Turkey do not lie
simply in that “historical mis-government”, which justly challenges
her rule over any other people; but also in her utter unfitness for
the strategic world position in which she is placed. The very fact
of her age-long misrule, coupled with her occupation of territory of
critical significance to the world, constitutes her a “menace to the
freedom and security of all nations”, and makes unusual restriction
in her case necessary, for the greater good of the world and of her
own subject peoples.
(1) For Turkey is held, as Dominian has said, by “a people whose
incompetence to convert nature’s gifts into use or profit is
historically patent” (Dominian, Frontiers of
Language and Nationality in Europe, p. 236). But, striking
as has been their economic failure, the failure of the Turks has
been far more than merely external or material. She has acted rather
as a kind of blight upon all the peoples she has conquered. As
Ramsay—possibly too strongly—puts it: “The action of the Turks in
every department of life has simply been to ruin, never to rebuild.
…32 They destroyed the intellectual and
moral institutions of a nation; they broke up and dissolved almost
the entire social fabric; they undermined every educating and
civilizing influence in the land, and they brought back a great part
of the country to the primitive simplicity of nomadic life”. “There
is hardly a social institution in Asia Minor, showing any degree of
social constructiveness, that is not an older Anatolian creation,
Moslemized in outward form, and usually desecrated in the process”.
(Ramsay, Impressions of Turkey, pp. 264,
(2) Now the evil of this blighting influence of Turkish rule is
vastly increased because of the critical significance of the
territory which she occupies. First of all, in the words of another,
“Turkey is before everything else a roadway—a bridge-land. …32 No solution of the political problem involved can
be attained without full consideration of its geographic aspects”.
“Turkey has been a highway of commerce and civilization between
Europe on the one hand and Asia and Africa on the other. …32 The through roads converging into the Turkish
territory are probably the oldest commercial routes of the world. At
any rate they connect the sites on which the most ancient
civilization rose”. By position, then, Turkey lies “at the junction
of three continents, and therefore on the main field of history”,
and is “the site of convergence of the main avenues of continental
travel”; and becomes, thus, in a peculiar degree, “the meeting place
of races which are generally associated with the three continents
which the country unites. Aryan, Tatar, and Semitic peoples
therefore are strongly represented in the land”. With this advantage
[Page 816]
of position her
remarkable topography combined to “create Turkey’s relation with the
world beyond its borders”. “This relation was facilitated by the
admirable set of natural routes which lead in and out of the
country”: by the Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Turkish Straits, and
the Black Sea, “the shores of which are closely dotted with the
terminals of great avenues from northeastern Europe, as well as all
of northern and central Asia. …”32 and by “the
rift Valley of Syria”. Hence “the Eastern question is as old as the
history of civilization on this particular spot of the inhabited
world”—always “this momentous international problem of determining
which people or nation shall control the Straits between Europe and
Asia, who shall get toll from the enormous transit trade of the
region”. (See Dominian, pp. 248, 222, 228,
230, 231)
Now under the new conception of a League of Nations, and of mandatory
powers who are to think of the “well-being and development” of
peoples temporarily placed under their care as a “sacred trust of
civilization”, it is proposed to change this age-old Eastern
Question from one of a selfish scramble among the nations to one of
recognizing here a great and distinctly international or world
interest; to make definite provision for this world interest, and
yet not only with full justice to the Turkish people more
immediately concerned, but to their greater advantage. For, except
for a practically all-powerful nation, a position like that of
Turkey, makes the land inevitably a perpetual prey of warring
powers, so that Dominian could say quite truthfully of Turkey: “The
land staggers under the load of misfortune which its central
position in the Eastern Hemisphere has heaped upon it”. The
situation has been inevitably one of exceeding difficulty for
Is it not high time, then, in this crisis of the world’s history, and
after the immeasurable sacrifices of the Great War, that intelligent
men should recognize the stupid futility of the old method of
incessant political and commercial national strife, and face this
agelong Eastern Question in a totally new spirit?
(3) But because Turkey has been so markedly a “bridge-land”, it
became also “the debatable land”; so that Ramsay can say that at the
present day the central movement in Asia is, what it always has
been, a conflict between the Eastern and Western spirit. “About 1070
most of Asia Minor became Oriental in language and in Government”.
“For nearly eight centuries the Oriental element reigned supreme in
Asia Minor and swept far into Europe. …33 But step by step Asia has been driven back, and
in Asia Minor the old struggle has recommenced”. “On the west coast
of Asia Minor the Greek element has increased enormously in strength
while the Turkish element has grown
[Page 817]
weaker”. The Oriental element “dies out in
these parts by a slow but sure decay”. “A revival of Orientalism”
was planned and directed by Abd-ul-Hamid and by the later Young Turk
movement. “But even in the Eastern parts of Asia Minor, the Oriental
spirit is doomed”. “Orientalism is ebbing and dying in the country”.
(Ramsay, Impressions of Turkey, pp. 127, 129,
131, 157, 158)
Ramsay’s analysis is probably correct and important. But is there not
something far greater to be looked for, than that gradual driving
out of the “Oriental spirit” in Turkey? In one sense, doubtless,
that spirit is doomed and must go. We are to be done with Oriental
domination in Turkey, it may be hoped, when we get states which know
in their citizens no privileged and unprivileged classes, but only
equals before the law. But are we not also to be freed from
Occidental domination? Was it not one of the greatest of the
convictions of the Allies in the war, that no nation, no “Kultur”,
however great and fine it might be, was good enough to blot out all
others? Are there not priceless Oriental values, gratefully to be
recognized and sedulously to be preserved? And may not Turkey, just
because she has been, through the ages, “bridge-land” and “debatable
land”, become in some rich and high sense mediating-land as well
between the Occident and the Orient, teaching the nations how to
combine the quietism of the East, and the pragmatism of the West;
the religious dependence of the East, and the scientific mastery of
natural forces of the West; the mental and spiritual fellowship of
the East, and the mental and spiritual independence of the West?
As illustrative of the spiritual values still resident in Islam, for
example, may be mentioned the remarkable and inspiring achievements
of the Senussi sect, in establishing a vast state in a most barren
unpromising land, and in up-lifting, organizing, and harmonizing a
most backward and degenerated population in the heart of Africa
within a comparatively few years, and under influences purely
Moslem. Such a state should not be needlessly encroached upon. It
rather affords ample warrant for expecting that under new democratic
processes and in due time the Moslems will prove themselves able to
build up and manage their own states in the Arabian and Anatolian
peninsulas. If the Entente powers are sincere in their declarations
not further to harass the Moslem world and so give excuse for a
pan-Islamic movement, they should also at once definitely and
publicly renounce all further political encroachments on that world,
and outline a clear policy of uplifting the Moslems, already subject
to their control, by enlarged opportunities both in education and in
public service.
(4) With the vision of such larger possible goals for this
“bridge-land” and “debatable land” of the Eastern Hemisphere, one
approaches the problem of the control of Constantinople and the
[Page 818]
in a different
spirit. The situation is so unique, the relations so complex and
far-reaching, the responsibilities so heavy, and the possibilities
so enthralling, that no one nation can be equal to the task,—least
of all a nation with Turkey’s superlatively bad record of misrule.
No situation in the world demands so compellingly international
rule—not only to put an end here to the selfish scramble and
perpetual intrigue of the nations, but also, above all, to rise to
the possibilities of this strategic opportunity, for the benefit of
all the race.
This calls for a Constantinopolitan State, directly and permanently
vested in the League of Nations, but best managed probably through a
single mandatary as trustee, steadily responsible to the League and
removable by the League.
Such a solution, at first sight, will undoubtedly be unwelcome to
most Turks. But Turkey is simply not conceivably equal to a great
world responsibility; and the larger world interests must prevail.
Moreover, it is certainly better for Turkey herself to be delivered
from this intolerable responsibility, and to have her own government
taken out of the midst of what has been, through the centuries, a
center of boundless intrigue. The common people of Turkey would lead
a much happier life in a state freed from outreaching imperialism,
and at liberty to devote itself to the welfare of its own
3. If one turns aside now for a moment from the immediate problem of
Asia Minor to that of the former Turkish Empire as a whole, other
reasons for division of the Turkish Empire may be suggested.
(1) For one thing, there would be real danger, even under a mandate,
in keeping intact the Turkish Empire as a whole—the danger of a
later revival of the Turkish Empire and a repetition of its past
history, on account of the often revived jealousies of the Powers.
That danger is not to be lightly regarded.
(2) The Turkish Empire, too, as it has existed, is not truly a unit
from any point of view,—certainly not the Arabic and the
non-Arabic-speaking portions. Its interests—except those of good
government— are not one. It is hardly too much to say that however
much the land has been a single unit with reference to
intercontinental travel and trade, the fact remains that it has been
clearly subdivided within itself. There would probably be distinct
gain, consequently, in similarly dividing its problems, and seeking
separate solutions for them. Syria, Mesopotamia, and Arabia, for
example, each has a kind of unity of its own.
It was natural, therefore, that the Peace Conference should have
resolved that Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia, and Arabia should be
completely severed from the Turkish Empire. The first three have
already been dealt with in the preceding reports of this Commission.
It may be briefly pointed out here, however, that these areas are
[Page 819]
naturally cut off from
Turkey, because of their different language, customs, and
civilization; that the people do not wish further connection with
Turkey, but were rather greatly rejoiced to be freed forever from
the Turkish yoke; and that there is opportunity in the
Arabic-speaking portions of the former Turkish Empire for at least
two strong national states—Syria, including Palestine, and
Mesopotamia, in accordance with the hopes of the Peace Conference
and the desires of the people themselves. Both Syria and Mesopotamia
should be, of course, under mandatories for a time.
Resulting Problems
The considerations now dealt with looking to a righteous division of
the Turkish portion of the former Ottoman Empire, clearly involve
the setting off of an Armenian State, and of a Constantinopolitan
State; but as clearly imply the continuance of a distinctly Turkish
State, with guarantees of justice to all its constituent peoples.
The resulting problems, now to be considered, therefore, naturally
become: the problem of a separate Armenia; the problem of an
international Constantinopolitan State; the problem of a continued
Turkish State; the problem of the Greeks; and of other minority
1. the problem of a separate
(1) The reasons why it is necessary that a separate Armenian State
should be set up, have already been fully given. (See Page 16)35 They need not be
(2) The conception of such a State. It is well to have in mind the
exact nature of the State proposed in this report, in order to
prevent misunderstandings on any side.
It is not proposed in such a state to establish the rule of a
minority of Armenians over a majority of other peoples. That would
inevitably seem to the Turks to be very unjust, and would at once
excite resentment and unremitting opposition. Moreover, such an
arrangement would be unfair to the Armenians as well, for it would
place them from the start in a false and untenable position. It
would put them, too, under great temptation to abuse of power. And
it would be no fair trial of a truly Armenian State. It would, of
course, also make any mandate mean little or nothing, if not make it
entirely impossible.
But such a separated State should furnish a definite area into which
Armenians could go with the complete assurance, that there they
would never be put under the rule of the Turks. It should be also
[Page 820]
a region in which
Armenians could gradually concentrate, and from which the Turkish
population might tend increasingly to withdraw; though no compulsion
should be put on any people.
All this necessitates a strong Mandatory Power. The State could not
even start without such help. This separated State should be
therefore a state definitely under the rule of a Mandatory
Government, organized on modern lines to do justice to all elements
of the population: and a state from which the Mandatory should not
withdraw, until the Armenians constituted an actual majority of the
entire population, or at least until the Turks were fewer than the
Armenians. This would necessarily mean that full Armenian
self-government would be long delayed. And that fact should be
definitely faced as inevitable. The conditions are such that there
is no defensible alternative.
(3) The term of the Mandate is practically involved in the conception
of the State, which is forced upon us. It cannot be a short-term
mandate, not because of any reluctance to withdraw on the part of
the Mandatary, but because under the peculiar circumstances, a true
Armenian State cannot be established in a brief period of time,
however ardent the desires of both the Armenians and the Mandatory
Power. For the Armenians cannot safely undertake the government
independently, until they constitute an actual majority. There is
also the added consideration of the natural need of considerable
time for the amalgamation and consolidation of the Armenian people,
as against some tendency to split up into fragments. The mandate
must be long enough, too, to make the people thoroughly ready for
both self-government and self-protection, through an increasing use
of Armenians in the government even from the beginning.
(4) An American Mandate Desired. It seems universally recognized that
the Armenians themselves desire an American Mandate. And this choice
is apparently generally approved by America’s Allies. The Turks,
too, though not wishing any separate Armenian State, would probably
favor an American Mandate for Armenia, if there must be an Armenia
at all.
(5) The Conditions upon which America would be justified in taking
the mandate for Armenia may be said to be: the genuine desire of the
Armenians; the cordial moral support of the Allies in carrying out
the mandate; willingness on the part of the Armenians to bear with a
pretty long mandatory term, for the reasons already stated, and to
give up all revolutionary committees; that Armenia should have
territory enough to ensure a successful development; and that the
peculiarly difficult mandate for Armenia should not be the only
mandate given America in Turkey. None of these conditions, perhaps,
call for comment, except the last, which will come up for later
[Page 821]
(6) The Extent and Boundaries of the Armenian State. The General
Adviser, Dr. Lybyer, has expressed so exactly the convictions of the
Commissioners concerning the extent and boundaries of the Armenian
State, that his statement may well replace any other discussion of
this question:
- 1.
- The Armenians should be provided with a definite
territory, and organized as soon as practicable into a
self-governing independent state. Otherwise the questions of
their safety and of their ceasing to be a center of
world-disturbance cannot be answered.
- 2.
- This area should be taken from both Turkish and Russian
territory. The wars of the 19th century divided the proper
Armenian land between these two empires.
- 3.
- The Armenians are entitled to an amount of Turkish
territory which takes into account their losses by the
massacres of 1894–6, 1908–9, and 1915–16. These losses may
be estimated at one million.
- 4.
- They should not be given an excessive amount of Turkish
territory, if their state is to be practicable.
- a.
- The Turks, Kurds, and other races should not be
left with a just grievance, since that would
solidify their traditional hostility, and embitter
them against the League of Nations.
- b.
- It has been questioned, even by many of
themselves, whether the Armenians are ready for
self-government at present; certainly an imperial
rule by them over other peoples should not be
thought of for the present or the future.
- c.
- It is too much to ask of the League of Nations or
a mandatory power that they undertake to hold down
and perhaps squeeze out a large majority, in order
that a small minority may have time to multiply and
fill the land.
- d.
- There is a limit beyond which the project of ever
producing an Armenian majority is actually not
feasible; that is to say, if the Armenians are
assigned too large an area, they will never be able
to occupy and hold it.
- e.
- The idea has been suggested that Armenia should be
developed as a wall of separation or a buffer state
between the two Moslem areas occupied by Turks and
Arabs. This might be done by a compact, homogeneous
state with considerable population and resources,
but it is a burden which the Armenian state cannot
be expected to bear within a conceivable
- 5.
- The proposed large Armenia, to extend from the Black Sea
to the Mediterranean, is probably impossible of realization,
and therefore should not be planned for. It encounters all
the objections previously mentioned.
- a.
- In 1914 and before 1894 the Armenians were in a
small minority in such an area, probably never
exceeding twenty-five per cent. If they should be
given the control, the majority populations would be
injured, in violation of all “Wilsonian principles”
and war aims. With allowance for the estimated
million who perished, and assuming that all these
could have been fathered into the territory, the
Armenians would still now number only about
one-third of the total population.
- b.
- There never was an Armenia which ruled all this
territory. The real Armenia, as maps and records
show, was a highland country, which at one time
reached the Caspian Sea, which came near to the
Black Sea without reaching it, and which never came
near the Mediterranean Sea. The Lesser Armenia of
the Middle Ages in the Cilician region was the
result of the expulsion and flight of Armenians from
further east,—a process which scattered them over a
large area, in which they have ever since been in a
minority almost everywhere. The demand for both
areas is therefore an imperialistic claim, based
historically upon an overstrained interpretation of
- c.
- The Armenians are reduced, allowing for the return
of survivors, to about ten per cent of the
population in the large area proposed. Assuming an
optimistic amount of migration of other Armenians
into, and of Turks and Kurds out of the land, the
Armenians would still constitute only about
one-fourth of the population. (See appended table of
estimates of population.)36 The
situation of a mandatory power would be extremely
difficult in defending this minority, which would as
future owners and rulers of the land, be much more
obnoxious to the majority than at present.
- d.
- No European power will undertake so difficult a
task, and it must therefore be left to the United
States. If the American people should be induced to
begin the process, and this should turn out to be
fundamentally unjust, they would modify their
intention. The chances are considerable that the
large Armenia would never become an Armenian State
at all, but a mixed State, composed of minorities of
Armenians, Turks, Kurds, etc., which could not
maintain internal order or security against external
aggression without the support of a strong mandatory
power. This would disappoint both the Armenians, who
could never control the government, and the
mandatory power, which could never leave the
- 6.
- On the contrary, an Armenia reduced to the Armenian
highlands in both Turkey and Russia, with an outlet on the
Black Sea, would have a good chance of establishment and
continuance. The Turkish area which the Russians held in
1917 may be taken approximately as the Turkish portion of
this “Small Armenia”, and the present territory of Russian
Armenia as the remainder. Engineers could overcome the
physical obstacles to internal and external communication.
- a.
- The Turks and Kurds could not rightfully complain
of such an area, because it is the historical
Armenia, and because if the million dead Armenians
could be restored and brought into the land, the
Armenians would have about one-half the population
(See table.)37 Migration of Turks and Kurds
from this area can be more easily accomplished than
from the larger land, inasmuch as a considerable
proportion of them fled before the Russians, and
thus are in a dislocated condition.
- b.
- The Armenians might become the majority of the
actual population within a few years, and with that
in view, and with
[Page 823]
the smaller area, they could be
given a larger share in the administration from the
start, and trained more rapidly to
- c.
- The duration of the mandate would be materially
shortened, with a soldier [solider?] ethnical foundation and a more
compact area. The Mandatory would need far fewer
troops, and would be put to much less
- d.
- The doubts as to the possibility of erecting an
Armenian State in the larger area, are reduced for
the smaller land. The mandatory power could with a
prospect of success, keep in mind the giving of
control to the Armenians, since they would after a
time not be a minority, causing trouble by incessant
pushing for special privileges of an economic and
political nature, but a majority with a just right
to a larger place.
- e.
- This land having secure frontiers, as was tried
out thoroughly during the Great War, gives promise
of self-defensibility. A state reaching to the
Mediterranean is a far more difficult matter, with
its long frontiers, containing each a number of
vulnerable spots, and its permanent difficulties of
international communication, due to the broken
configuration of the land. Its very existence might
moreover be regarded by the Turks and Arabs as a
- f.
- The economic opportunity of an Armenia on this
basis would be ample; all essentials for food, fuel,
and shelter can be obtained locally, and surpluses
are easily to be produced which can be exchanged for
other wares.
- i.
- In Turkish Armenia the Armenians were able
to live and often to prosper, and yet they paid
considerable taxes and were subject to frequent
- ii.
- In Russian Armenia the Armenians have
thriven greatly, under only moderately favorable
- iii.
- This area is crossed by commercial routes of
immemorial importance, notably through Erzingan
and Erzerum between Anatolia and Persia and
Trans-caucasia, and through Trebizond toward the
Persian Gulf. This guarantees the importance of
several towns at nodal points, such as Kars,
Erivan, Erzerum, Mush, and Van, and suggests
valuable possibilities in the direction of
transportation, trade, and manufacture for
- 7.
- All this is argued with the best interest of the Armenians
in mind, on the basis of genuine friendliness toward them,
and of concern to give them a real and not an illusory
opportunity. They are in genuine danger of grasping at too
much and losing all.
- If they establish themselves securely in the more
restricted area, and if Anatolia fails to develop as a well
knit and successful state, there is no reason why the
question should not be resumed later of connecting Cilicia
with Armenia.
Estimates of the Population of an
Armenian State:
The appended tables are the result of an effort to compare the
population of Armenian areas according to two plans. That which
includes a “Larger Turkish Armenia” was worked out by the American
[Page 824]
of Western Asia
at the Peace Conference, and can be examined more fully in the
records of the Conference. It represents probably, subject to minor
alterations, the best possible arrangement on the basis of giving an
outlet on both the Black and Mediterranean Seas; the frontiers
follow natural features, and the connection with Cilicia is made as
narrow as practicable. The “Smaller Turkish Armenia” suggested in
the text cuts off for Armenia in Turkey substantially that portion
of the Armenian plateau which was held by Russia in her period of
advance during the Great War. The phrase “Differential Area” was
chosen to represent what is left after subtracting “Smaller Turkish
Armenia” from “Larger Turkish Armenia”, and extends from Mersina to
Kharput and north to the Black Sea.
[Page 825]
A. Before 1914. This table is estimated
from the statistics prepared by Drs. Magie and Westermann.
Percentages are attached. The Moslems are not separated into groups;
they include about 400,000 Lazes on the Black Sea coast between
Trebizond and Batum; about one half are Turks; most of the remainder
are Kurds, some of them are Shiite or Kizilbash, and the remainder
Sunnite. Dr. Magie’s figures may under-estimate the Armenians in
some areas. Certainty will never be attained as to the numbers of
the different elements in Turkey until a scientific ethnological
survey has been made under disinterested control.
Area |
% |
Moslems |
% |
Armenians |
% |
Greeks |
% |
Others |
Total |
Larger Turkish Armenia |
71 |
3,073,000 |
21½ |
933,000 |
6½ |
289,000 |
1 |
34,000 |
4,329,000 |
Differential area |
73 |
1,697,000 |
20 |
461,000 |
6 |
136,000 |
1 |
18,000 |
2,312,000 |
Smaller Turkish Armenia |
68 |
1,376,000 |
23½ |
472,000 |
7½ |
153,000 |
1 |
16,000 |
2,017,000 |
B. In 1920. It may be assumed that in 1920
order will be restored so that all survivors can return, of the
Armenians who were deported or who fled into Russia, and of the
Turks and Kurds who fled from the territory occupied or threatened
by Russia. An estimate follows, in which it is guessed that in the
“Smaller Turkish Armenia” 50 per cent of the Armenians and Syrian
Christians have perished, and 20 per cent of the Greeks and Moslems.
The Armenians of the “Differential Area” had not the same
opportunity to escape into Russia, and it is guessed that 75 per
cent of these have perished.
Area |
% |
Moslems |
% |
Armenians |
% |
Greeks |
% |
Others |
Total |
Larger Turkish Armenia |
80 |
2,459,000 |
11 |
351,000 |
8 |
232,000 |
1 |
17,000 |
3,059,000 |
Differential Area |
85 |
1,358,000 |
7 |
115,000 |
7 |
110,000 |
1 |
9,000 |
1,592,000 |
Smaller Turkish Armenia |
75 |
1,101,000 |
16 |
236,000 |
8 |
122,000 |
1 |
8,000 |
1,467,000 |
Estimated losses in whole area |
615,000 |
582,000 |
57,000 |
17,000 |
1,270,000 |
[Page 826]
C. In order to give the Armenians the benefit of their entire losses
in Turkey during the war, one million may be added to the numbers of
Armenians according to each plan. This of course has no relation to
the practicability of establishing an Armenian State, but it
displays the justice, on the basis of majority, of assigning them
the “Smaller Turkish Armenia”.
Area |
% |
Moslems |
% |
Armenians |
% |
Greeks |
% |
Others |
Total |
Larger Turkish Armenia |
60 |
2,459,000 |
33½ |
1,351,000 |
6 |
232,000 |
½ |
17,000 |
4,059,000 |
Smaller Turkish Armenia |
45 |
1,101,000 |
50 |
1,236,000 |
5 |
122,000 |
8,000 |
2,467,000 |
D. In 1925. It may be assumed that on
either plan, changes will take place between 1920 and 1925 in the
following manner: 20 per cent of the Moslems will leave, and 300,000
Armenians will come from other parts of Turkey and the world. No
account is taken of natural increase but this would act against the
percentage of the Armenians, because they lost men in far greater
proportion than women, and because they are less numerous than the
Moslems, particularly when the larger area is considered. It appears
that in normal times before the war Armenians increased more rapidly
than Moslems, because of differences in social systems and military
service; conditions will probably reduce these differences in the
Area |
% |
Moslems |
% |
Armenians |
% |
Greeks |
% |
Others |
Total |
Larger Armenia |
60½ |
1,867,000 |
23 |
651,000 |
8 |
232,000 |
½ |
17,000 |
2,867,000 |
Differential Area |
1,086,000 |
115,000 |
110,000 |
9,000 |
Smaller Armenia |
57 |
881,000 |
35 |
536,000 |
8 |
122,000 |
½ |
8,000 |
1,547,000 |
[Page 827]
E. Complete Armenia in 1920. It remains to
add Russian Armenia to the Turkish areas considered. The assumption
has been made that Russian Armenia will contain in 1920, after the
Turkish Armenians have gone home, a population of about one and
one-half times as great as that estimated by Mr. Lynch, in his Armenia, Vol. I, p. 451.38 His actual figures, as of about 1890, for the
Russian part of the Armenian plateau, are: Armenians 519,238,
Moslems 459,580, Greeks 47,763, others 69,129, total 1,095,710.
Area |
% |
Moslems |
% |
Armenians |
% |
Greeks |
% |
Others |
Total |
Russian Armenia |
40 |
600,000 |
50 |
750,000 |
3 |
50,000 |
7 |
100,000 |
1,500,000 |
Larger Turkish Armenia with Russian Armenia |
67 |
3,059,000 |
24 |
1,101,000 |
6 |
282,000 |
3 |
117,000 |
4,559,000 |
Smaller Turkish Armenia with Russian Armenia |
57 |
1,701,000 |
33 |
986,000 |
6 |
172,000 |
4 |
108,000 |
2,967,000 |
F. Complete Armenia in 1925. Finally it may
be assumed between 1920 and 1925, 250,000 Armenia[ns] [will return?]
from the remainder of Russia and from other parts of the world, and
that a like number of Moslems will emigrate. Again no account is
taken of natural increase, which might make a small addition to the
American [Armenian] percentage.
Area |
% |
Moslems |
% |
Armenians |
% |
Greeks |
% |
Others |
Total |
Russian Armenia |
23 |
350,000 |
67 |
1,000,000 |
3 |
50,000 |
7 |
100,000 |
1,500,000 |
Larger Turkish Armenia with Russian Armenia |
53 |
2,317,000 |
38 |
1,651,000 |
6½ |
282,000 |
2½ |
117,000 |
4,367,000 |
Smaller Turkish Armenia with Russian Armenia |
40 |
1,231,000 |
50 |
1,536,000 |
6 |
172,000 |
4 |
108,000 |
3,047,000 |
[Page 828]
The whole calculation then shows a possibility under favorable
conditions that by 1925 the Armenians can be in a small majority in
an Armenia erected on the smaller basis. They would constitute about
⅔ of the population in the Russian portion, and a little over ⅓ in
the Turkish portion.
In an Armenia on the larger basis they would not exceed 40 per cent
for the whole area in 1925, and would then constitute about ⅔ of the
population in the Russian portion, and not over ¼ in the Turkish
2. the problem of a separate
constantinopolitan state
(1) The
Conception of such a State.
In facing the problem of a separate Constantinopolitan State, there
should be, first of all, a clear understanding of the nature of the
state proposed.
The definite plan for a League of Nations with its mandatory system,
it should be noted, gives new help in the solution of this difficult
question. It is proposed that the Constantinopolitan State, as a
great international interest, should be directly in charge of the
League of Nations for the good of all the nations; in the sure
conviction that even “national interests are often promoted better
by international cooperation than by international competition”.
The State would be administered through a mandatory for the League—a
Mandatory appointed by the League, responsible to the League, and
removable at the will of the League, but held permanent except for
cause; for it is plain that there should not be any unnecessary
shifting in the administrative power.
The Mandatory, moreover, should be a real mandatory for the League, a
trustee for international interests, not a power using its position
to advance its own national interests. To this end, the Mandatory
should be territorially and strategically disinterested.
The Constantinopolitan State could be administered by an
International Commission, like the notably successful Commission on
the Danube; but the problem here is more complex, and the single
Mandatory would seem to have some decided advantages over the
Commission plan. In the case of the Constantinopolitan State, for
example, there would be actual governmental functions to be
exercised, as there are not in the same sense in the control of
traffic on the Danube. These could be better handled by a regularly
organized government. The Mandatory, too, as directly controlled by
the League of Nations, would be even more truly international than
an international commission of the old kind. And, practically, a
single mandatory would naturally be better able to avoid friction,
wrangling, and divided counsels, and so to prevent exasperating and
dangerous delays. It would also have more immediate power behind
[Page 829]
Such a State should include Constantinople, and have charge of its
administration. This is the more demanded, for Constantinople is a
markedly cosmopolitan city, where the Turks are probably not even in
the majority. This State should also have a reasonable territory on
either side of the Straits. All fortifications should be abolished.
This international territory would of course be open to all people
for any legitimate purposes. Like the District of Columbia in
America, it would be a natural place for great educational and
religious foundations, so that such Moslem institutions could remain
and be further built up. The Turkish population, equally of course,
would be free to stay. But Constantinople would not longer be the
capital of Turkey. In the administration of the State, however, all
possible consideration should be given to Moslem sentiment, and
reasonable practical adjustments arranged. The Sultan might even
conceivably continue to reside at Constantinople, if that were
desired under the conditions named.
(2) The
Reasons for such a State.
What are the reasons which make the establishment of an international
Constantinopolitan State, as now conceived, imperative, in the final
settlement of this War?
- (i)
- President Wilson himself, in the twelfth of his Fourteen
Points, made much of by the Turks, points at least in this
direction, when he writes: “The Dardanelles should be
permanently opened as a free passage to the ships and commerce
of all nations under international guarantees”. It would seem
that that end could be accomplished in no way so surely and so
permanently, as by an International State under the League of
Nations. The need at least, of some such internationalization is
manifest, when it is remembered that the Straits have been
closed almost continuously since 1911.
- (ii)
- Woolf hardly overstates the need of drastic action in this
matter, when he says: “Constantinople and the narrow straits
upon which it stands have occasioned the world more trouble,
have cost humanity more in blood and suffering during the last
five hundred years, than any other single spot upon the earth.
Certainly during the last hundred years it has been the chief
European centre of international unrest. From it, and about it,
have radiated continually international rivalries and hatreds
and suspicions. It was the direct origin and cause of a large
number of the wars fought in the nineteenth century. It is not
improbable that when Europe in her last ditch has fought the
last battle of the Great War, we shall find that what we have
again been fighting about is really Constantinople”.39
[Page 830]
Now, this perpetual
centre of intrigue and endless cause of trouble must be done
away with.
- (iii)
- The close of this greatest of wars, with its many new
adjustments, and particularly with the break-up of the old
Turkish Empire, gives an unrivalled opportunity to clear up, in
a permanent way, once and for all this great plague-spot of the
world. If this opportunity is now neglected, or grasped only in
nerveless vacillating and selfish fashion, we shall have again
the old intolerable situation. We are confronted by a great
challenge. Timid counsels should not prevail. As Woolf puts it:
“Constantinople is the test of the Great War’s result. If it can
be, and is, given to any one State, it means the rule of the
world by war; if …40 it be administered
by all for all, Constantinople means the rule of the world by
- (iv)
- The responsibility for so fateful and strategic a world-center
is also too heavy for any single power, however great, to carry;
least of all Turkey with her terrible record of mis-government
and massacre. It would be hard to choose out of any list of
leading nations, a nation less fitted for this world task than
she. She has completely forfeited any claim to such a
- (v)
- Moreover, as we have already seen, it would be to the distinct
advantage of Turkey’s own new democratic government to be
definitely withdrawn from this centre of intrigue. Thoughtful
Turkish leaders already realize the evils which have come from
this intrigue, and might well welcome—even though with natural
reluctance—the kind surgery which should sever their State from
such a seat of infection. At the same time, the Turks remaining
within the boundaries of the International State, under a
competent mandatary, would certainly have the best government
they have ever had.
- (vi)
- The situation, furthermore, cannot be dealt with adequately or
with any final satisfaction, except internationally and through
an international state. And the League of Nations and the
Mandatary System, as planned by the Peace Conference would seem
to suggest both a new and stable method for establishing and
administering such a state, and a method growing directly out of
the Covenant of the League of Nations. Until such an
International State is definitely established, there will be
endless intrigues on the part of various Powers to possess or
control the Straits. So long as a state as weak as Turkey has
any kind of hold upon this critically significant territory,
intrigues will be encouraged. The Greeks, for example, have
already declared their ambition to have Constantinople in their
hands, and are conducting a campaign of propaganda to that end.
That is typical of what may be expected to go on, until a
thorough-going and
[Page 831]
permanent solution of the problem of the Straits is adopted, in
an International State.
- (vii)
- It deserves to be especially emphasized that the reason for
the establishment of an International Constantinopolitan State,
is not to humiliate Turkey or any Moselm interest; but simply to
face squarely and honestly a situation which is a constant
menace both to the peace of Turkey and to the peace of the
world; and, deceiving ourselves no longer with vain makeshifts,
to determine upon the only fundamental solution. No such
fundamental readjustment can be made, doubtless, without some
disturbance and sacrifices; but it can be counted certain that
all related interests—economic, political, social, and
religious—will in the end gain from a permanent solution of this
vexing world-question.
(3) Extent
and Boundaries.
The discussion of the extent and boundaries of the Constantinopolitan
State is by the General Adviser, Dr. Lybyer, and puts clearly the
elements of that problem, anticipating a completer study on the
ground by the special Boundaries Commission later recommended.
- 1.
- The primary reason for the setting off of a separate area at
Constantinople, to be forever under a special regime controlled
by the League of Nations, is that the straits between the Black
Sea and the Mediterranean, being a concern of many nations, who
cannot remain satisfied with the ownership of any one power,
should be permanently and freely open.
- 2.
- Inasmuch as the Sea of Marmara is small, and in a sense may be
regarded as simply an enlargement of the Straits, a minimum
boundary must include not only the whole of both sides of the
Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, but also the entire shore of the
Sea of Marmara. The American expert in International Law at
Paris pronounced that serious complications might arise if an
independent state should reach these waters at any point.
- 3.
- Constantinople is also the place where railways make the
crossing between Europe and Western Asia; arrangements for the
stations and yards of these need to be taken into
- 4.
- On account of the ready access by water and rail the economic
support of the city does not need to be provided for completely
within the boundaries of the state, except as regards the
water-supply. It would be convenient, of course, to have room
for dairy and vegetable farming, in view of the trouble of
crossing frontiers.
- 5.
- Inasmuch as the population has always been greatly mixed,—a
condition which will undoubtedly continue, and since it may be
assumed that the League of Nations will provide for the security
of all elements without privilege or favor, there is no need to
adjust the boundary to racial groups.
- 6.
- On the European side, it is better, all things considered, to
leave with Constantinople the present remnant of Turkey in
Europe, accepting the Turco-Bulgarian frontier of 1915 subject
to minor modifications. The Constantinople area needs no more
land than is included by an adjustment of the Enos-Midia line,
as shown on the accompanying map;41 but the question of
disposing of the remainder of “Turkish Thrace” is so acute, that
the best solution is to leave this also with Constantinople.
- i.
- This area was ceded to the Balkan Allies early in
1913, and assigned to Bulgaria, but it was recovered by
Turkey after the second Balkan war. If Bulgaria
continues to be kept out of her rightful lands in
Macedonia, she has some ground for claiming Turkish
Thrace as a region for the settlement of refugees. As
regards Turkish and Bulgarian Thrace, there has been a
considerable exchange of population since 1915, so that
few Bulgarians remain in the area, while the number of
Turks has been increased.
- ii.
- Greece has claimed the territory, but statistics
submitted by the Greeks do not estimate that before 1912
the Greek population of the territory between the
Enos-Midia line and the present Bulgarian frontier was
more than 147,000, or 42 per cent of the whole. Their
own statements show that a large proportion of this
number migrated between 1912 and the Great War. They do
not state the reciprocal fact that an approximately
equal number of Turks migrated from territory acquired
by Greece in 1913 and settled here, so that there was
not a mere expulsion of Greeks, but a fair exchange of
population. The Greek population was then probably not
over 25 per cent of the whole in 1914. It is less at
present, but changes during the Great War should hardly
be taken into account. The claim of Greece to this area
cannot be justified.
- iii.
- On the basis of population, Turkish Thrace was really
Turkish in 1914, the proportion reaching at least 60 per
- iv.
- There is no prospect that, without violent changes,
any other element than the Turkish will become a
majority of the population within a considerable time.
In case this should ultimately happen, in such a way as
to make alterations of boundaries desirable, the League
of Nations could transfer a portion of Thrace out of the
Constantinople area.
- 7.
- On the Asiatic side, the frontier beginning on the Black Sea
coast a short distance east of the mouth of the Sakaria river,
might run east of the river to Ak Sofu Dagh, cross to Geul Dagh,
pass southwestward to the ridge between Isnik and Yenishehir,
and proceed westward along the heights south of Mudania and
Pandemia as far as the boundary of the Sanjak of Bigha, which it
might follow to the Sea south of Mt. Ida.
- i.
- The line between the Black Sea and Ismid is located
east of the Sakaria, including the marshy area near the
river’s mouth, in order to facilitate engineering
problems of drainage, and provide an area
[Page 833]
suitable for
dairy farming within the reach and control of
- ii.
- Brusa would better be left to the Turks, because it
has no relation to the defense of the Straits; because
the local population is predominantly Turkish; and
because the Turks are sentimentally attached to this as
the first Ottoman capital. To take from them all three
capitals, Constantinople, Adrianople, and Brusa, would
be very severe.
- iii.
- The Troad Peninsula, while predominantly Turkish,
constitutes such a separate physical area that it cannot
well fee divided. Therefore, for the defense of the
Dardanelles, it must all go with the Straits.
- 8.
- The total population of this area would be at the outset about
two millions, of whom about 60 per cent would be Turks, 25 per
cent Greeks, and 10 per cent Armenians. The proportion of Turks
would be likely in time to decrease, and that of Greeks and
western Europeans to increase, especially in Constantinople and
the smaller cities of the area.
3. the problem of a turkish
We have now frankly recognized the necessity, in bare justice to the
Armenians, for an Armenia separated from Turkey, and the equal
necessity for a separated Constantinopolitan State, in response to a
just and imperative world interest. Turkey is thus called upon to
surrender her sovereignty over certain modest portions of Asia
Minor, but in no way treated as her own conquerors treated
territories won in war.
(1) General
But in pursuance of this different spirit shown in conquest, if the
principles of national unity and of self-determination are to be
truly applied to the Turkish people, Anatolia, the bulk of Asia
Minor remaining, with ample outlets to the sea, should be left for a
Turkish State, but under such conditions as may sacredly guard the
rights of all minorities, whether racial or religious. This would
give to Turkey a comparatively very large area—larger than
France,—having a population—one fourth of that of France—of
approximately ten millions, of whom some eight millions are Moslems
(about seven millions, Turks) and one and one-half millions, Greeks.
This should assure to the new Turkey an ample opportunity of
development. In the interests of a reasonable self-determination for
some of the smaller racial groups, it may be also necessary to allow
their transfer, if they so choose, to Syria or Mesopotamia, or to
grant them at least local autonomy.
(2) Reasons
for a Mandate for the Turkish State.
It seems to be generally recognized by the Turkish people themselves,
that the surest and speediest road out of their present evil
[Page 834]
is by way of a
mandate under the League of Nations, and so shifting from an
imperialistic state to a democratic one. And from every point of
view, that appears desirable. Indeed, it seems impossible to expect
any satisfactory change in the government of Turkey by any other
method. And if the Turks had not themselves suggested a mandatary,
the Peace Conference might well have felt obliged to require
This general statement, indeed, may be said to include the specific
reasons why Turkey should have a mandate: to secure genuinely good
government, without oppression, bribery, or corruption, for the
Turks themselves; to guarantee the rights of all minorities—racial
or religious; to deliver Turkey from the demoralization of incessant
intrigue from outside; to secure, without selfish exploitation by
the Mandatary or any other outside Power, Turkey’s economic
development and economic independence, for there is not the
slightest doubt that she has been living far below her material
possibilities; in line with the Allied settlement with Germany, to
disband the most of the Turkish Army and do away with all military
conscription, depending upon a well organized gendarmerie for the larger police duties of the State,—all
this for the better good of the common people and to break the power
of intriguing imperialists over them; to put beneath all Turkish
life a national system of universal education, that should lift her
entire people; to train the various peoples of the State steadily
into self-government; in a word, to make of Turkey a state of a high
order on a modern basis of equal rights to all before the law, and
of full religious liberty. This would inevitably result in a state
not purely (though predominantly) Turkish in race and in control, a
cosmopolitan state in which various racial stocks were contained and
in whose government all representatively shared.
(3) Turkey’s Desire for an American Mandate.
For reasons given in an earlier section of the report—especially
since the Peace Conference had not declared that Turkey must herself
have a mandate, and because a free expression was not allowed—it has
been very difficult to get clearly decisive evidence of the desires
of the people of Turkey upon the choice of mandate. But many
indications tend to confirm the opinion that the great majority of
thoughtful Turkish leaders sincerely desire an American mandate.
That a nation so long independent should seek a mandate, in any sense
of the term, is sufficiently remarkable, and it tends to confirm the
opinion of a trustworthy and university-trained Turkish journalist,
who wrote: “The Turks have been so hardly tried by the events in the
past, that most of them are ready to submit themselves to some
regular schooling, instead of making any hazardous experiments
[Page 835]
with new ignorant
leaders.” And he thus sums up Turkish public opinion concerning a
mandate for Turkey:
The following divisions can be noticed: (1) the large
majority which realizes that the country has only the choice
between an American Mandate and an eternal chaos, coupled
with foreign occupation and the loss of national unity; (2)
a minority which does not like to discuss any settlement
which implies a theoretical restriction of sovereignty; (3)
a minority of supporters of an English solution.
As giving an idea of the strength of the American majority, he calls
attention to “the elements which make it up”:
The National Congress, a body formed in Constantinople
several months ago by the delegates of 53 different Turkish
societies and organizations, is one of the chief supporters
of the American Mandate. As all the Turkish intellectual
organizations are represented in the Congress, it may almost
be considered as representative of the educated classes in
general. The National League, containing about 40 of the
most respected citizens and Senators is also for the
American Mandate. This means at the same time, the majority
of the Senate. The “Nationalist” Party in Anatolia in
general are in favor of the American Mandate. The professors
of different faculties of the university favor the American
Mandate. So do most of the lawyers, teachers, technicians,
and merchants. At present, most of the papers with large
circulations are taking the same view of things. This state
of things is very surprising, because there is, on the one
hand, a very active propaganda for the English Mandate; on
the other hand the Americans do not make any propaganda.
Another journalist gave detailed corroborative evidence looking in
the same direction. For example, he said that he had been carrying
on a campaign in his Constantinople paper for three months for an
American Mandate, and that this campaign had called out only two
letters of protest, while, on the contrary, many words of approval
had come from men of all parties. The delegations who have met the
Commission, when the question of mandate was taken up, have
generally favored an American Mandate. A delegation representing the
intellectual leaders among the women, including presidents of
educational institutions and of national and provincial educational
associations, were especially emphatic in declaring for an American
Mandate. The general judgment of the most trustworthy observers whom
the Commission were able to consult confirmed these results. The
delegates of a Congress held a few months ago at Smyrna, and
representing 1,800,000 people, have declared for an American
Mandate. The Congress at Sivas held on the 20th of August, probably
the most representative recent gathering of the Turkish people, is
expected by those in closest touch with the movement for which it
stands, to declare for an American Mandate.
[Page 836]
On the whole, it is highly probable that a large majority of the
Turkish people, wishing a mandate at all, would favor the American
(4) Territorial Conditions in Anatolia.
To complete the survey of the problems involved in a reconstitution
of the Turkish State in Anatolia, a general discussion, in brief
summary, of territorial conditions in Anatolia—touching also upon
various subject races—seems called for. This is also furnished by
the General Adviser.
I. After setting off definitely from the Turkish Empire as it was in
1914 all the Arabic-speaking areas, Armenia, and the
Constantinopolitan State, there remains a large mass of territory,
in which the greatest single element of population is Turkish (this
word being limited to those persons whose mother-tongue is Turkish
and who profess the Mohammedan religion). Claims have been advanced
toward setting off portions of this remaining area, by Kurds for
“Kurdistan”; by Greeks for “Pontus”,—an area along the Black Sea
coast from Sinope to Batum; by Syrians for Cilicia; by Italians for
Adalia and the whole southwest; and by Greeks for Smyrna, and the
west. The only one of these portions that is advisable, in the
opinion of the Commission, actually to handle separately at present,
is “Kurdistan”. All will be discussed briefly in the order
II. Kurdistan. The Kurds claim a very large
area, on the basis of their distribution, but since they are greatly
mixed with Armenians, Turks, and others, and divided among
themselves into Kizil-bash Shiites and Sunnites, it seems best to
limit them to the natural geographical area which lies between the
proposed Armenia on the north and Mesopotamia on the south, with the
divide between the Euphrates and the Tigris as the western boundary,
and the Persian frontier as the eastern boundary. A measure of
autonomy can be allowed them under close mandatory rule, with the
object of preparing them for ultimate independence or for federation
with neighboring areas in a larger self-governing union. It is
possible to shift most of the comparatively small numbers of both
Turks and Armenians out of this area by voluntary exchange of
population and thus obtain a province containing about a million and
a half people, nearly all Kurds. Full security must needs be
provided for the Syrian, Chaldean and Nestorian Christians who dwell
in the area. This plan would probably provide for all of the Sunnite
Kurds in Turkey, and the Kizilbash group lies almost wholly to the
west. The area contemplated looks more to the south than the west
and lies wholly about the upper waters of the Tigris and its
tributaries. It would seem better, therefore, unless the population
itself strongly prefers the other plan, to place it under the
control of the power which cares
[Page 837]
for Mesopotamia, than to connect it with
Armenia across the mountains at the north, or with Anatolia with
which it would have only narrow contact at the west.
III. “Pontus”. About one-half of the area
asked for by the Greeks of “Pontus” should be included in the
Armenian State, in order to give it access to the sea. The remainder
is needed by Anatolia for the same reason. There were approximately
200,000 Greeks in each of these portions in 1914. This would seem to
be too small a minority in both Armenia and Anatolia to be erected
into an autonomous province. The rights of these Greeks can in each
state be provided for fully by general laws, enforced in each case
by the mandatory power until such time as the states are ready for
self-government with adequate protection of minorities.
IV. Cilicia. Cilicia is claimed by both
Armenians and Syrians, in each case by a minority which did not
exceed 25 per cent in 1914. Reasons are stated above for not giving
it to the former. It is unimportant to Syria as an outlet, since
that area has many ports. But it is very valuable to the areas both
at the northeast and the north. It should not be separated
economically from Anatolia at present, and if at any future time the
Armenians should receive it, provisions would have to be made for
the use of its ports by the interior regions of Anatolia from
Kaisariyeh to Konia.
The region between Cilicia and Armenia, containing Albistan, Malatia
and Kharput is claimed by the Armenians, but should also be left
with Anatolia. It contained in 1914 a mixture of Turks, Kizilbash,
Armenians, Sunnite Kurds and others, proportioned apparently in the
order named. Strong mandatory control would be difficult because of
the distance from the coast across rough mountainous country, but it
would be very necessary, lest the region become a hunting ground for
Turkish, Kurdish, and Armenian bands, each anxious to acquire the
territory for its people.
V. Adalia and the Southwest. Italy’s claim
to the southwest of Asia Minor rests upon nothing that is compatible
with the principles of the Commission’s instructions. There are no
Italians native to the country, and no evidence exists that the
population desires Italy as a mandatory over them. In this region
the Moslems are to the Greek Orthodox Christians as ten to one. None
of this area should be separated from Anatolia.
VI. Smyrna and the West. The problem of the
west coast is a difficult one, not because of the intrinsic
situation, but because of the persistency of the Greek Government in
demanding an area there, and of the fact that a Greek army is in
Nowhere except perhaps in the Sanjak of Smyrna and certain coastal
Kazas is the Greek Orthodox population in a majority, and the
complete proof that it is in majority there awaits an impartial
[Page 838]
(See the
accompanying sketch map).42 If any question existed previously as to
the unwillingness of the majority of the population in the area now
occupied by the Greeks to be annexed to Greece, or to have Greece as
a mandatory, the question has been answered by the circumstances of
the occupation. The question has also been answered as to whether
the Balkan State of modern Greece has reached such a degree of
civilization, that it can be entrusted with mandatory rule over a
people of different faith and hostile feeling.
The Greek army and all authority of the Greek government ought to be
withdrawn from an area where better order was kept by twelve British
Officers than can be maintained by one hundred thousand Greek
troops. There can be no settled peace until either a Greek conquest
has swept far to the interior, with great destruction of property
and life, or until the Greek power is wholly removed. In the latter
case the question would still remain: Should an area in Western Asia
Minor be set off as a special Greek region and placed under a
separate mandate? The answer is in the negative for the following
- (1)
- The character of the country is such that no good natural
boundary can be found except high up in the hills. If such a
boundary be traced, the population within it would be so
markedly Moslem (about three to one) that the area could
have no special Greek character.
- (2)
- If on the other hand a more or less arbitrary line be
drawn farther west, it could not constitute a good barrier
for defense against smugglers or brigand bands.
- (3)
- Any line drawn now would be regarded, more or less, as an
economic barrier, cutting off Smyrna and other coast cities
from some of the trade with the interior, to mutual
- (4)
- Neither Greeks nor Turks in Western Asia Minor would
believe anything except that it is the intention of the
League of Nations to permit Greece later to annex the
territory set off, and perhaps to extend her holdings
further. The elements would therefore be present for a
Macedonian system of sustained brigand warfare, which could
be kept down only by more military effort and expenditure
than any mandatory power cares to assume.
Shall any measures be taken then to develop a special Greek area in
Asia Minor? The maximum that would seem to be advisable at the
present would be that a strong mandatory power should be entrusted
with a single mandate for all Anatolia, and should take special
pains to protect Greeks and Turks alike and preserve order in the
west, with the possibility of a limited locally autonomous Greek
area. The question of a future separated Greek area could then be
left in abeyance, to be brought up again if circumstances
VII. A Mandate for Anatolia. While the
instructions of this Commission do not directly mention the
assignment by the League of Nations of a mandatory nation to assist
the Turks, many of the
[Page 839]
Turks themselves have suggested such a plan, and some have presented
urgent requests for America as the mandatory power. The need of
supervision over finance, public works, education, internal order,
and all the processes of government is hardly less for the Turks,
despite their centuries of political experience, than for the
Armenians, Syrians, and Mesopotamians. It is in fact impossible to
discern any other method of setting Western Asia in order. The Turks
if left to themselves in a condition of poverty, ignorance, and
general exhaustion, with a feeling that they had been unjustly
treated and then abandoned by all the world, could not fail to be a
source of trouble and disturbance until another crisis, with perhaps
another great war, would necessitate some such solution as is now
suggested, but under conditions less favorable to success.
VIII. The Desirability of a Single Mandatary for
Armenia, Anatolia, and Constantinople. While it is
desirable that Armenia, Anatolia, and Constantinople should be
placed under separate mandates, and governed by separated
administrations, it is also desirable that the three mandates should
be held by one great power.
- (1)
- These areas have been held together for several centuries,
and have a great number of close ties of all sorts, the
delicate adjustment of which can be best accomplished under
one power.
- (2)
- Unity of economic control, with similar commercial laws,
coinage, weights, and measures, and language of business is
advantageous to all concerned.
- (3)
- Problems of repatriation and exchange of populations, can
be arranged more justly and promptly under one
- (4)
- The adjustment of the public debt will be easier.
- (5)
- The building of railroads and the improvement of routes of
travel can be better arranged.
- (6)
- Police control and repression of brigandage will be far
simpler. On the contrary, the holding of the three areas by
separate powers permits the taking of refuge by bandits and
criminals across the borders.
- (7)
- Unity is urged by many well-informed foreigners, looking
from various points of view. Many of these favor not merely
a single mandatory power, but a single mandate. Practically
all the benefits can be obtained by the first plan that
could be obtained by the second, and many serious
difficulties can be avoided, such as arise from persecution
of Armenians, interference with navigation, and
complications of intrigue.
- (8)
- Friction which might arise between three mandataries, and
which might conceivably lead to a great war, could be
- (9)
- The transition would be more easily acceptable by the
Turkish people, than if two or three powers should take
control of the three areas. The fact that the mandatary
would probably establish a central control in Constantinople
would aid the transition still further.
In the foregoing discussion of Territorial Conditions in Anatolia,
various minority peoples have been briefly studied. It seems
[Page 840]
to consider
further, at this point, only the rather pressing problems of the
4. the problem of the
- (1)
- The situation of the Greeks is not that of the Armenians. The
Greeks have suffered much in deportations by the Turks, but
there have been no such extensive massacres of the Greeks as of
the Armenians. The Greeks, too, in the adjacent Greek Islands,
have a possible congenial refuge within former Turkish
territory, such as the Armenians do not have. The Greeks also
have, in territories recently acquired by Greece, opportunities
for settlement on Greek soil, for which there is no parallel for
the Armenians. The general situation of the Greeks, too, in
diminished numbers, is much less desperate than that of the
Armenians. Moreover the Greeks are more widely scattered in
small groups through Turkey than the Armenians. The drastic
remedy of establishing a state for the Greeks completely
separated from Turkey, seems, therefore, both less possible and
very much less desirable.
- (2)
- The results of the Greek Occupation of Smyrna do not seem to
indicate that the Greeks of Turkey should now be given rule over
others or be granted their own full independence. Local autonomy
in a territory strictly confined to a district in which they
were in a decided majority would seem the most that could be
recommended at present.
- (3)
- The ability of the Greeks is not in question, nor their
enthusiasm for education. On the contrary, both factors make it
the more probable that they could continue to hold their own
within the Turkish State. Indeed, the special gifts of the
Greeks generally make them particularly successful as colonists.
The probability is that they would lose on the whole, rather
than gain, in being completely set off from Turkey. In spite of
the violent antagonisms of recent years, Ramsay may well be
right in saying: “The Turks and the Greeks will united make a
happier country than either race could by itself.” The two races
supplement each other.
- (4)
- There is to be added, that the apparent purpose of the Turks
to ask for a mandate, and of the Peace Conference to appoint
such a mandate, gives promise of a new Turkey, in which the
rights of the Greeks would be fully guarded at least for the
term of the mandate.
A trial certainly should be made by the Greeks of life in the Turkish
State under the new conditions, before further independence should
be sought. The constitution of a new Turkey on modern lines, the
steady watchers and influence of the Mandatary, and the supervision
of the League of Nations and the right of appeal to
[Page 841]
it—all combine to give the Greeks
every assurance of fair treatment and equality of opportunity, at
least during the term of the mandate. It would be the business, too,
of the Mandatary to do all possible to develop the whole people into
capacity for self-government. The help of a national system of
education, too, would do much to assure that the abuses of the old
time would not return; and the term of the mandate would naturally
continue until there was good promise of Turkey’s success as a
modern state. Even after the mandate had expired, the League of
Nations could still act, upon necessity, to prevent all gross
invasions of the rights of minorities.
In the light of all these considerations, it would seem best not to
set off any independent Greek territory for the present, in the
belief that in the long run the better good both of the Greeks and
of the Turks is to be found in their union in one cosmopolitan
The recommendations, dealing with mandates in the Asia Minor portion
of the former Ottoman Empire, follow naturally upon the preceding
discussions of pertinent action already taken by the Peace
Conference; of dangers arising from a selfish division and
exploitation of Turkey; of considerations looking to a proper
division of Turkey; and of problems naturally resulting. For the
recommendations built directly on foundations already laid by the
Peace Conference: They aim to prevent a selfish exploitation and
division of Turkey. They intend not less surely to ground such
division of Turkey as is recommended solely upon considerations of
justice and the good of all men. And in this spirit they endeavor
honestly to face the grave problems arising, and to seek their
solution in the light of the full discussion which precedes. That
discussion has been so full, that the Recommendations of the
Commissioners need do little more than summarize conclusions, except
upon two points,—the reasons for a general American Mandate, and the
conditions upon which such a mandate might be taken by America.
The Commissioners
1. The formation, under a Mandatary, of an Armenian State, completely
separated from Turkey, as defined in the preceding section of the
report (Page 22 ff.),43 for reasons already fully given (Page 16.)44
It is consequently recommended that Cilicia should not be separated
from Anatolia at present.
2. The similar formation, under a Mandatary, of an International
Constantinopolitan State, completely separated from Turkey, as
[Page 842]
in the preceding
section (Pages 29 ff.),45 also for reasons already fully given (Page 31.)46
3. The appointment of a Mandatary for the continued Turkish State, in
line with the apparent wishes of the majority of the Turkish people;
the major terms of the Mandate to be defined by the Peace Conference
or the League of Nations, and further adjustments to be arranged
between the Mandatory and Turkey. The reasons for the Mandate and
its necessary scope have been already fully given (Pages 35
4. That, for the reasons already stated, (Pages 42–43)48 no independent
territory be set off for the Greeks; though local autonomy be
granted to that portion of the sanjak of Smyrna which has a decided
majority of Greeks, but under the general mandate for Turkey.
5. That a commission or commissions on boundaries in Asia Minor be
appointed to study on the ground and to exactly define the
boundaries of the states named in the first three recommendations,
and the precise limits of any locally autonomous area in Smyrna. The
definition of the boundaries of the Turkish State would require the
study and definition of the northern boundaries of Syria and
Mesopotamia as well, with special reference to allowing to the Kurds
a measure of autonomy under close mandatory rule, possibly in
connection with Mesopotamia, and with the clear understanding that
the rights of the Syrians, Chaldean, and Nestorian Christian
minorities in this whole region shall be carefully guarded.
6. A general single mandate for the whole of Asia Minor (not assigned
to Mesopotamia or Syria) to include under it the mandate for
Armenia, the mandate for the Constantinopolitan State, and the
mandate for the continued Turkish State, each with a governor of its
own to ensure full attention to its particular interests, besides a
governor-general over the whole. The various interrelations and
common concerns of the constituent states would thus be studied and
cared for, as well as their individual needs. The reasons for such a
general mandate are fully given on page 41,49 and need not be
repeated here.
7. That the United States of America be asked to take this general
single mandate together with its inclusive mandate for the Armenian
State, the Constantinopolitan State, and the continued Turkish
State. This recommendation is made for the following reasons which
need to be developed in full:
(1) As already pointed out, it seems to be generally desired that
America should take the mandate for Armenia. In this, both the
[Page 843]
Armenians and the Allies
seem agreed—and even the Turks, if there must be an Armenian State
at all. Nevertheless, America cannot wisely take this mandate
without at the same time taking a mandate for the rest of Asia Minor
as well.
For, in the first place, this Armenian Mandate would be in many
respects the most difficult of all: because it would begin in
relations of bitter hostility; because the State would have to be
built from the bottom under most peculiar circumstances; and because
the Mandate would have to be prolonged against the impatience of the
Armenians. And these difficulties would all be accentuated, if the
surrounding conditions could not be determined. It concerns the
world that this Armenian State should clearly succeed. Its Mandatary
should not be needlessly handicapped.
In the second place, the problems of the different States in Asia
Minor are too closely related to be wisely entrusted to entirely
different Powers, with different ideals and methods. That situation
would inevitably tend to produce friction, waste, and bad feeling,
and unsatisfactory conditions in one state would naturally spread to
other states also.
In the third place, if the rest of Turkey, outside of a modest
Armenian State, were divided into spheres of influence and
exploitation areas, the direct hindrance to the working out of a
truly conceived mandate in Armenia would be well nigh
The American Mandate for Armenia, thus, calls for a general Mandate
over all of Asia Minor.
(2) America is also the most natural Power to take the mandate for
the International Constantinopolitan State, as well as for Armenia;
for the simple reason that she is the only Great Power territorially
and strategically disinterested. The Mandatary for this
international state should be herself strong, to discourage any
further intrigue for control of the Straits; disinterested, to
command the confidence of all the nations concerned; and in
unmistakably earnest sympathy with the aim of such a state, and with
those international means by which this aim is to be achieved,—the
League of Nations and its Mandatory System. These needed
qualifications are best met by America. Now the full fruits of such
an international state cannot be secured, unless the rest of Asia
Minor is made a fit environment for such a state, practically
embodying the same great principles.
The mandate for the Constantinopolitan State also calls for a general
mandate over all Asia Minor.
(3) It is to be added that America is also the most natural Power for
the Mandate over the new Turkish State, because the Turkish people
want her, and generally trust her, as the evidence previously given
indicates; and because America is peculiarly prepared to meet
[Page 844]
the needs of the Turkish
people in this crisis in their history, as the reasons to be given
for a general American Mandate will later bring out.
The desired American Mandate for the new Turkish State, then, calls
also for a general Mandate over all Asia Minor.
(4) The best solution for mandates in Asia Minor would seem then to
be, to combine all three mandates in a composite mandate, which
would be put in the hands of America as the single Mandatary.
The general reasons for a single Mandatary for all Asia Minor,
already given on page 41,50 are not to be lightly regarded. They give
solid grounds for a composite supervisory mandate.
The further direct reasons for making America that single Mandatary
should now be considered. To begin with, there is the recognized
fact that all the other Great Allies are already heavily loaded with
colonial responsibilities, which of itself suggests a special
obligation here for America. But the positive reasons—if there are
any—lie necessarily in some special fitness of America for the
particular task in hand,—a fitness growing naturally out of her
experience as a great growing democracy, largely freed hitherto from
European entanglements. Those reasons, that is, lie inevitably in
certain dominant national convictions of America; in a certain
idealistic international faith; in her record in these international
relations; and in the indications of her duty at this critical point
in human history. All of these considerations concern the Turkish
In the first place, we have found both the Syrian and Turkish peoples
recognizing that at the foundation of the common life of America
were to be found certain great dominant convictions. They saw that
she had a passion for peace and for the possibility of its
attainment, in spite of all sordid manifestations to the contrary,
and that to bring such a righteous peace nearer, she entered this
war. They saw that she had a passion for democracy, for the common
man everywhere, in spite of inconsistencies at home and abroad, and
could treat men of all races with a genuine respect born of some
insight into their own individual gifts. They felt sure that she
would not go into any situation simply to dominate, and to stamp
American customs on a people. They knew that, because she really
believed in democracy, she had also a passion for universal
education, as possible for the rank and file of every nation, and as
absolutely essential to a democracy. They believed, therefore, that,
as a Mandatary, she would gird herself to help a people to fulfill
its own highest possibilities. They believed, indeed, that she had a
passion for the development of a national spirit in every people,
not as narrow conceit, but as faith in a divine individuality, to
which the people must
[Page 845]
true, if they were to be significant members of that larger
fellowship of nations for which the world longs. They instinctively
felt, thus, that she combined in a way fairly unique, educational
emphasis with respect for the values of another people. They knew,
too, that with a high religious idealism, America somehow combined
belief in the principle of the separation of Church and State in
governmental administration, for the highest good both of religion
and of the state, and was thus especially fitted to render help to a
state like Turkey at so peculiarly critical a point in her
transition from an imperialistic to a democratic state on modern
lines and with complete religious liberty.
In the second place, with these mastering convictions, the Syrians
and Turkish people believed that America combined a certain
idealistic international faith, in her stubborn belief in the League
of Nations and in the possibilities of its mandatory system, when
honestly carried out. She was naturally prepared, therefore, they
believed to throw herself into the responsibilities of a Mandate;
steadfastly to seek to train the people entrusted to her care into
self-government and into economic independence; and promptly to
withdraw when that task was complete, for she would measure the
success of her stewardship by both the completeness and the
promptness with which her task was accomplished.
In the third place, both the Syrian and the Turkish people, in
expressing their desire for an American Mandate, have laid steady
emphasis upon the assurance which came from America’s record in
dealing with other peoples. They believed in her unselfish aims in
the War, and that she was now seeking for no share in the spoils of
the War. They believed that she had no territorial or imperialistic
ambitions. They believed in her high and unselfish aims in dealing
with Cuba and the Philippines. They believed that she was not
involved in any joint plan for an exploiting division of either
Syria or Turkey. They believed in the high quality of her relief
service and especially of her educational service in both
countries,—a service so fine, that so competent and impartial an
observer as Ramsay can say: “I firmly believe that Robert College
has done more to render possible a safe solution of the ‘Eastern
Question’ in Turkey than all the Ambassadors of all the European
Powers have succeeded in doing to render that solution difficult”.
They believed that, so far was America from scheming to obtain a
Mandate in Asia, she was honestly reluctant to undertake such a
mandate of any kind.
In the fourth place, America is peculiarly fitted to be the single
Mandatory Power for all Asia Minor, not only because of her national
convictions, her international faith, and her record, but also
because the course of duty for her would seem to lie in this
[Page 846]
It is no part of the task of the Commissioners to determine whether
America is now willing to accept the general single mandate for
Turkey, with its three involved subordinate mandates. It is their
business to point out where, in their honest judgment, that mandate
belongs (if proper conditions can be fulfilled), and so give an
opportunity to the Peace Conference to put the resulting obligation
squarely up to the American people.
Can America deny all obligation in this matter of a mandate for
Turkey? She has believed perhaps more than any other people, in the
high possibilities of the League of Nations; but, if the League of
Nations is not to be a sham and a delusion, all nations must be
willing to bear their share in the resulting responsibilities.
America, certainly, cannot be an exception. She came into the War,
too, with the ardent faith and hope that a more democratic world
might result. Is she willing to carry those war purposes through to
the end? Here in Turkey is an unrivalled opportunity to try those
purposes out, for the good not only of a single people, but of the
entire world; for here in Turkey has been through centuries a center
of intrigue and strife that has engulfed all nations in its
consequences. Moreover, America’s intervention in the War went far
to determine the War’s issue. Was that intervention justified?
America must still do her utmost to complete the proof.
But America’s obligation goes still deeper, in this desperate hour of
human need. Men still need peace—long deferred. They need far better
provision for bodily wants. They need simple homely happiness. But
beneath all this, they need renewed faith in one another and in one
another’s honest purposes of good. The War destroyed that faith
between the hostile forces, the settlements of the War, it is to be
feared, have gone far to destroy that faith among the Allies
themselves. It is not roseate dreaming, but practical politics of
the most imperative sort, to do something to bring back men’s faith
in men. If we can see the radical necessity of such faith, to
prevent or break a financial panic, are we to see less clearly in
times like these, of a moral world panic? Cynicism and
disillusionment, as we have seen, are rife. Can they be conquered?
Only by indisputable examples to the contrary. It may be doubtful,
then, if America could do anything so significant for the human race
today, as to prove that she had not forgotten her own ideals and
purposes in the war, but was willing to give a new and even greater
proof of them in undertaking unselfishly a difficult and
distasteful, but highly important and far-reaching task—by taking on
the general mandate for Turkey, (as well as for Syria, if the Peace
Conference thought best). In fidelity to herself does not America
owe that demonstration to the world? It is hard to estimate the
immense effect of so important a mandate under the League of Nations
being carried through with
[Page 847]
absolutely honest unselfishness. It would make a reality of the
League of Nations; it would make a reality of the Mandatory system.
It would set a new standard in international relations. It would
renew men’s faith in one another. It would help to save America
herself from a disastrous reaction from her genuinely high aims in
the War.
Nothing has been said of America’s ample means for the economic
development of Turkey’s large resources; though it is not suggested
that the financial relations of Turkey to America should be finally
other than those of self-respecting independence. Turkey’s present
condition, however, is so necessitous in a thousand ways, that very
large amounts of capital would be initially required, and returns at
first would be small and slow. But before the mandate ended a fair
return on capital, put into direly needed public improvements and
the development of natural resources, might probably be expected, at
the same time that Turkey’s own interests were guarded against
selfish and monopolistic exploitation. America should not come into
the Turkish Mandate with the expectation of large financial profits.
But if even so favorable a result as that indicated proved quite
impossible, America might well spend millions to insure relations of
peace and good will among nations, rather than the billions required
for another war, sure to come if the present cynical national
selfishness and lack of good will are not checked.
As against the considerations now presented, it might be urged that
the very suggestion of so large and significant a mandate for
America is itself proof that America too is grasping imperialistic
power. The answer is, that America’s idea of a mandate is
emphatically that a mandate is for a limited term (so that even if a
mandate for Syria were added to the mandate for Turkey the whole
would mean no long retention of power by America, except as the
League of Nations should continue her as mandatary over the
Constantinopolitan State); that she literally does not want this
mandate, except to meet her fair share of responsibility in the
world today; that she would have to be persuaded by a campaign of
education to take it on; and that she ought not to take it at all,
if certain important conditions cannot be fulfilled.
(5) Considerations on which America would be justified in taking a
composite general mandate for Asia Minor. Those conditions are: that
she is really wanted by the Turkish people; that Turkey should give
evidence that she is ready to do justice to the Armenians, not only
by the allotment of the territory within her borders, recommended
for the Armenian State, but also by encouraging the repatriation of
Armenians, and by seeing that all possible just reparation is made
to them as they return to their homes; that Turkey should also give
evidence that she is ready to become a modern constitutional state,
and to abolish military conscription; that Russia should be ready to
[Page 848]
all claims upon
Russian Armenia; that the Allies should cordially welcome America’s
help in the difficult situation in Turkey; and especially that all
plans for cutting up Turkey, for the benefit of outside peoples,
into spheres of influence and exploitation areas should be
abandoned. These conditions are necessary to a successful solution
of the Turkish problem. Unless they are fulfilled, America ought not
to take the mandate for Asia Minor. And the Commissioners do not
recommend that the mandate be given to America if these conditions
cannot be essentially met.
Respectfully submitted,
- [Charles R. Crane]
- [Henry C. King]