Paris Peace Conf. 181.921/58

The Interallied Military Mission to the Commander in Chief of the Royal Roumanian Forces

Subject: Evacuation of Hungary.

In compliance with the requirements contained in paragraph 3 (b) of the instructions from the Supreme Council the Interallied Military Mission has directed me to inform Your Excellency that it is desired that the Royal Roumanian Forces proceed with the evacuation of Hungary and without delay withdraw from the city of Budapest to a line at least fifty kilometres distant.
Your Excellency will recall that at one of the sessions of this mission which Your Excellency attended it was decided that an infantry division and a cavalry division at 30 kilometres distance would be sufficient for a moral effect upon the city should there be any incipient recrudescence of Bolshevism or any other disturbance.
The Interallied Military Mission requests of Your Excellency prompt information as to the date upon which the requested withdrawal will take place.
President of the Day