Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/181: Telegram
General Bandholtz to the Commission to Negotiate Peace
[Received October 8—5:27 p.m.]
133. On September 16th Roumanians notified Military Mission that all requisitions would cease except actually necessary for immediate [Page 700] army needs. Following are extracts from report of our committee which is endeavoring to keep track of Roumanian exportations: Requisitions of cattle, horses and grain continue, Mayor of Szolnok says never so numerous as at present. Trains loaded with horses passing daily through Szolnok. Animals requisitioned are still paid for but at Roumanian price which is 350 kronen per animal. At present rate of exchange this would mean less than $5 United States currency or about £1 British currency. At Kiskunfelegyhaza 200 horses were sent to Roumania on 28th, also large quantities of forage. In Budapest on September 28 Roumanian lieutenant named Gotoschi seized three automobiles from Hungarian garage and shipped them to Roumania. Our record of rolling stock sent to Roumania up to midnight of 4th is 33,000 cars of all kinds and 1,230 locomotives.
It is reported that an Austrian Red Army is being formed independent of Volkswehr, chief of organization being William Boehm, former Commander of Red Army. It is understood to be their intention to break into Hungary with many thousands of workmen soldiers, working upon their feeling by telling them that which [while] Austria is starving there is still abundance of food in Hungary. It is stated that large sums of propaganda money are being spent in Austria.
Roumanians have requested Military Mission to aid them in getting two monitors and two vedette boats now in Danube near Budapest. Have been informed that this is a matter entirely within province of Danube River Commission.
Evacuation of western Hungary up to Budapest bridgehead completed without serious incident.
Many [My] seals are still on the storeroom doors of the National Museum. General Gorton requests copy of foregoing be furnished British Commission.