Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/176: Telegram

General Bandholtz to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

127. Reference my number 126 this date. The Military Mission has received from the Archbishop of Eszor [Esztergom] and Prince Primas of Hungary a letter stating that the objects which the Roumanians desired to seize were mainly from the private collection of the late Bishop of Nagy-Varad whose will left the disposition of this collection in the hands of the Prince Primas of Hungary on condition that if from [it form] an integral part of a Christian Museum at Esztergom or at Budapest. The Archbishop concludes with the following:

“I have honor of protesting in favor of the collections belonging to my church against any kind or [of?] pretention coming from whatever side and I request that the right of the Roman Catholic Church concerning the collections should be respected.”

The Roumanians finally had 1,000 rifles for delivery to the police but they were of many different makes and so unserviceable that they themselves admitted it would be necessary to take them back and [get] others in their place. This is a sample of Roumanian cooperation.
