Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/167: Telegram
General Bandholtz to the Commission to Negotiate Peace
[Received October 3—3:22 p.m.]
115. For Polk from Bandholtz. Replying to your No. 63.52 There is only too much proof of Roumanian looting. I myself saw them taking hospital supplies and reported it at the time. They did not loot children’s hospitals, but did cut off the usual supply of milk, which was equally bad. Concerning Mackensen supplies please see my telegrams Nos. 63, 65, 66, 68.53 This depot contained no firearms whatever and only about 2,000 carloads of munitions. Roumanian tactics in regard to reorganization Hungarian police and Army have been constantly obstructive. They seem determined to force Hungary into a separate treaty and if obliged to evacuate, to leave her ripe for anarchy and bolshevism so that their return will be requested. Since August 16th there has been a committee of the Mission on claims and complaints of which Colonel Loree is chairman. Roumanian commander was requested to send a representative and sent a liaison officer who refused to assist in any investigations, and Roumanian commander insisted that all claims of any importance should be sent to him for final decision. Under the circumstances we have gone on investigating and accumulating evidence, which is in [Page 697] as good shape as possible with facilities at our disposal. Sir George Clerk has been given much data.54
In my opinion the most crying need is to force the Roumanians to carry out the instructions of the Supreme Council as given to them by the Interallied Military Mission. Unless they evacuate Hungary as rapidly as we may require and in the meantime assist instead of obstructing our police and army organization matters will go from bad to worse. If for the first time they keep a promise and begin the evacuation of Trans-Danubia tomorrow the 4th we shall have made our first step forward.