Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/35: Telegram

General Bandholtz to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

24. At 5 o’clock a copy of M. Clemenceau’s telegram of this date20 was sent the Archduke and he was requested to inform this Mission what his intentions were not later than 8 o’clock. The resignations of the Archduke and entire Ministry were received at 8 o’clock. The Ministry was informed that they must organize a government. This because the Mission’s instructions prohibit interference with internal affairs. In view of fact that Diamandi said at morning session he could say nothing in addition to what he had already told us the Mission this afternoon decided to telegraph the Supreme Council21 a statement of Diamandi’s remarks and to add in effect that up to date so far as the Roumanians were concerned this Mission’s time had been wasted and that it would be useless to continue its relations with a Government which continues a reprehensible policy of procrastination and which had repeatedly broken promises.

  1. Appendix G to HD–36, vol. vii, p. 803.
  2. For text of telegram, see No. 180, contained in appendix B to HD–38, ibid., p. 855.