Paris Peace Conf. 181.92/3: Telegram
The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State
3554. Your 2636 July 25, 6:00 p.m. At the meeting of August 4, the Supreme Council agreed to appoint an Interallied Mission of Generals composed of one representative each of the United States, Great Britain, France and Italy to proceed immediately to Budapest accompanied by small escorts of Allied troops.2 (See Mission telegram No. 3552 of August 7.)3 At the meeting of the Supreme Council of August 5,4 the following nominations were made: for the United States General Bandholtz, for Great Britain General Gorton, for France General Graziani, and for Italy General Mombelli. Council also drew up and approved the instructions to the Mission which were issued that evening by Marshal Foch.5 (See Mission telegram No. 3553 of August 7.)3 General Bandholtz was appointed under the authority given your telegram 2636.
Owing to the international importance of the matter and as immediate action was most necessary, arrangements have been made for an escort of 24 men to accompany the General, who will leave tonight with one aide and two orderlies on Mr. Hoover’s train to Prague. [Page 636] The escort will follow as soon as possible. May I request that you be good enough to request the Secretary of War to issue such instructions as will enable General Bandholtz to draw for the funds necessary to defray his expenses, expenses of his staff and of the escort. In order that action might not be delayed the Mission has advanced the General today $12,000.
- See HD–23, minute 1, vol. vii, p. 504.↩
- Not printed.↩
- See HD–24, minute 2, vol. vii, p. 528.↩
- See HD–24, minute 2 and appendix B, ibid., pp. 528 and 542.↩
- Not printed.↩