Paris Peace Conf. 184.011102/230

Mr. Albert Halstead to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

No. 361

Subject: With reference to Hungary.

Sirs: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt yesterday morning of your telegram 141 of July 26, 6 P.M., with reference to my numbers 646, 647 and 654. The instructions will naturally be obeyed.

As I happened to meet Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Thomas Cunningham and Prince Borghese at a lunch yesterday at which we were guests, I took occasion to inform them that I construed the notice issued by the allied and associated governments on the 28th, of which I was informed in your 142,86 as having taken the Hungarian question out [Page 622] of my hands, and could, therefore, proceed no further with consultations.

I trust I am correct in assuming that the mission still desires to receive all information obtainable about Hungary.

I also have the honor to enclose a translation of an article in the Neue Tag of yesterday evening entitled “Negotiations in Vienna”.87

The Hungarians mentioned in that article called on Colonel Cunningham and the Italian Minister, so I have been informed, of their own volition. It having been published that one of them, Mr. Boehm, had been there the article is manifestly published so as to make it possible for them to return to Hungary in safety.

This matter is simply noted for your information.

I have [etc.]

Albert Halstead
  1. Not printed; for text of statement, see HD–15, minute 2, vol. vii, p. 317.
  2. Not printed.