Paris Peace Conf. 184.01102/146½
Mr. C. M. Storey to Professor A. C. Coolidge87
Vienna, February 25,
Subject: Hungarian attitude towards Serbia.
- 1.
- Baron Podmaninczy informed me that he was being sent to Trieste by President Karolyi for the ostensible purpose of securing fats for Hungary but in reality to attempt to make arrangements with the Serbs and Jugo-Slavs looking towards some rapprochement.
- 2.
- He further stated that the Hungarian Government hoped to be able to make a private arrangement with Serbia for the distribution of the Banat and the country lying west of the Tisza, which would control irrespective of the decision of the Peace Conference.
- 3.
- It is his opinion, and I think he represents the Government, that Hungary’s future access to the sea lies through Serbia and Salonica [Page 395] rather than down through Croatia to Fiume, and it is with the purpose of securing such access that endeavors are now being made to form an alliance with Serbia.
- 4.
- Incidentally, he stated that he is in receipt of information to the effect that the Italians are doing their utmost to separate the Croats and the Serbs. In this connection, Lieutenant Goodwin told me that the Italians have been asking for the translation into Italian of a good deal of Hungarian Integrity literature.
Very respectfully,
Charles M.
- Transmitted to the Commission by Professor Coolidge under covering letter No. 110, February 26; received March 3.↩