Paris Peace Conf. 180.03501/87
Notes of a Meeting of the Heads of Delegations of the Five Great
Powers Held in M. Pichon’s Room, Quai d’Orsay, Paris, on Saturday,
November 8, 1919, at 10:30 a.m.
Paris, November 8, 1919, 10:30 a.m.
- Present
- America, United States of
- Secretary
- British Empire
- Secretary
- France
- Secretaries
- M. Dutasta
- M. Berthelot
- M. de Saint Quentin
- Italy
- Secretary
- Japan
- Secretary
Joint Secretariat |
America, United States of |
Capt. G. A. Gordon |
British Empire |
Capt. G. Lothian Small |
France |
M. Massigli |
Italy |
M. Zanchi |
Interpreter—M. Mantoux |
The following were also present for items in which they were concerned:
- America, United States of
- British Empire
- General Sackville-West
- Mr. Forbes-Adam
- France
- Italy
- M. Galli
- Commandant Mazzolini
- Prince Boncompagni
- Japan
1. Sir Eyre Crowe stated that in the next to
the last meeting the Council had had to pass upon a proposal made by
General Walch on behalf of General Nollet. He had understood that it was
a question of laying upon Germany the payment of the salaries of all the
personnel of Military Commissions
[Page 36]
of Control in Germany. That proposition conformed to the point of
view maintained by the British Government. He read, however, in the procès-verbal, that Germany was only being
charged with the payment of the salaries of personnel not belonging to
the regular military forces, that is to say, the civilian personnel.
There was no civilian personnel in these Commissions, or at least among
the military members there were many who were civilian technical experts
put on the footing of officers. Rectification of
procès-Verbal HD–85, Minute 31
M. Clemenceau thought that Sir Eyre Crowe’s
rectification called for no objection.
(It was decided:
to modify resolution No. 3 of H. D. 85, so as to read as follows:
“It was decided that the payment of the salaries of the
personnel of the Military Commissions of Control in Germany
should be assumed by Germany.”)
2. M. Clemenceau pointed out that the agenda
brought up the discussion of the report of the Commission of
Investigation in Smyrna (See Appendix “A”). M. Venizelos had asked to be
heard. It seemed to him that there were two questions in to be asked of
M. Venizelos. First, he should explain the massacres of which the Greek
troops were accused. Moreover, he himself was much struck by reading in
the Commission’s report that the Greeks would not be able to maintain
themselves in Smyrna by their own efforts. The Greeks had been sent to
Smyrna on the clear understanding that their occupation should not be
taken as equivalent to a definite attribution of territory to them. He
noted that the Greeks had gone beyond the limits of the Sandjak of
Smyrna without the permission of the Council and had done so upon a
telegram from M. Venizelos. He thought that it was necessary to remind
them that the Turkish question was not settled and to ask them to state
definitely if they could maintain themselves at Smyrna by their own
efforts. The information received indicated that in many respects the
conduct of the Greeks had been abominable, and that Turkey would never
accept, unless obliged to by force, Greek occupation, or, to a certain
extent, Italian occupation. As far as the Greeks were concerned, he
thought this information was correct. The question would not have arisen
if the Greek occupation had not given rise to certain incidents. It was
not the Council’s fault if the question had to be raised. The Turkish
problem was not settled. He felt that the Council would be more and more
led to respecting the integrity of Turkish territory; under these
circumstances it would be well to warn the Greeks that they should not
behave as conquerors of Asia Minor. Report of the
Commission of Investigation in Smyrna
M. de Martino wished to associate himself with
what M. Clemenceau had just said: the military occupations in Asia Minor
[Page 37]
clearly only provisional
and should in no way prejudice the final settlement of the Turkish
question. This question could not be divorced from the more general
question of the fate of the territories of the former Ottoman Empire
which was of interest to all Mediterranean powers. Italian opinion was
clearly favorable to the principle of respecting the integrity of these
territories. Moreover, he wished to point out that the relations between
the Italian troops and the Turkish population in Anatolia were excellent
and that no conflicts had taken place between them; on the contrary, on
many occasions the local populations and authorities had indulged in
manifestations of gratitude.
Sir Eyre Crowe felt that the Council was
entering upon a basic discussion of Greek occupation. He thought that
the conclusions of the Commission went beyond the instructions received
by it. The Commission had been formed, at the request of M. Venizelos
himself, to investigate the massacres. Its report treated, in general
terms, the whole problem of Greek occupation, and also questioned the
decisions of the Supreme Council. What would happen if the Council, as
the report suggested, asked the Greeks to leave Smyrna? Would they be
replaced by Turks or was an Inter-Allied occupation contemplated? The
affair of the Vilayet of Aidin had just shown how difficult of
realization such an occupation was: the French Government had felt it
impossible to send a battalion and, under these conditions, the British
Government had not felt that it could assume this burden. If
Inter-Allied occupation was impossible could the Council really think of
allowing the Greeks to retire when there was no one to replace them.
Could it possibly think of evacuating the country before peace had even
been concluded?
M. Clemenceau thought it clearly could not. He
felt, with Sir Eyre Crowe, that it was impossible at the moment to ask
the Greeks to retire but it would perhaps be well to have some officers
on the spot who could inform the Council as to the situation at
Sir Eyre Crowe pointed out that the Greeks
unfortunately claimed that many of the difficulties arose from the fact
that they did not have complete authority in that region. In any case it
seemed impossible to agree with the conclusions of the Commission which
proposed a regime under which the Greeks might perhaps occupy but the
Turks would govern. Rather than create an organ of supervision it would
be better to give the Greeks greater liberty of action and at the same
time a larger and more definite share of responsibility.
M. Clemenceau observed that the danger was that
the Greeks would take too much latitude.
Mr. Polk wished to know what the attitude of
the Council was? It seemed to him that there was some thought of
rejecting the conclusions of the report now before it. He was not so
inclined. The
[Page 38]
Commission had
thought its mission was to establish the responsibility for the events
at Smyrna; it had pointed out these responsibilities as it saw them and
had not hesitated to question the acts of the Council itself. The report
contained serious matters. Did the Council intend or not to take them
into consideration? For instance, paragraph 37 of the report pointed out
that M. Venizelos himself had ordered the reoccupation of Aidin without
taking the Entente into consideration. He felt that it was impossible
not to repose confidence in the investigators whom the Council had
chosen, or else another Commission should be sent.
Sir Eyre Crowe thought that the order given by
M. Venizelos had already been discussed by the Council of Four.2
M. de Martino felt that it was impossible not
to discuss the report inasmuch as it emanated from a Commission set up
by the Supreme Council.
M. Clemenceau said that the report would be
discussed after M. Venizelos had been heard. (At this point M. Venizelos
entered the room.)
M. Venizelos hoped that the Council would
permit him to give a brief historical summary of the conditions under
which the investigation had been conducted; he felt that this
recapitulation would show that he had good reason to ask that this
investigation should be considered null and void and that another
investigation should take place. On the 18th of July, after he had asked
the British Government, as a result of a question which had been put in
the House of Commons, to send an investigating officer to Smyrna, the
Supreme Council had decided to create a Commission of
Investigation.3 No Greek
officer sat on that Commission. He had protested to the President of the
Conference and had received the reply that a Greek Representative should
follow the work of the Commission.4 On August 22d
he had been obliged to inform the Supreme Council that his
representative, Colonel Mazarakis, was not allowed to be present at the
taking of testimony, under the pretext that his presence might
intimidate certain witnesses.5 The
Commission had declared that it would confine itself to communicating
the depositions to him. He, Mr. Venizelos, had protested against that
decision, which was contrary to elementary rules of justice. Later on
the Commission had made it known that the Greek representative would be
put upon the same footing as the Turkish representative who was
permitted to follow its work. Such similar treatment, offensive to an
Allied people, forced him to protest.
[Page 39]
On the 14th of September he had again been obliged
to protest because the Commission had refused to call the witnesses
which the Greek Delegate had proposed should be heard, and because it
had refused to communicate to Colonel Mazarakis the testimony which had
been taken. The President of the Conference had replied to him that the
Greek Delegate was not entitled to insist on being present at all
deliberations of the Commission, but that the minutes, including the
hearings of witnesses, would be delivered to Colonel Mazarakis who could
then present his observations thereon to the Commission before the
latter reached its conclusions.6 Nevertheless the
Commission had not wished to communicate to the Greek Delegate the
depositions made before it on the pretext that secrecy had been promised
certain witnesses. In so acting it had violated the most elementary
principles of justice and it put, unintentionally doubtless, a positive
premium upon false testimony. He had addressed himself to the Conference
which had answered that it could not go behind a promise given by the
Commission.7 He wished to press this point upon the
Council; an investigation conducted under such conditions could not be
trustworthy. It was impossible thus to pass judgment upon the honor of
an army without having given that army the means of defending itself. He
felt that he was entitled to satisfaction, since it was a question of a
State which had always been faithful to its alliances and friendships,
and since this request was formulated by a representative of that State
who had always borne himself loyally towards the Conference.
M. Clemenceau asked if General Bunoust had any
remarks to make as to the materiality of the facts in question.
General Bunoust said that he did have some
remarks to make. The Commission had never decided to communicate the
depositions taken; it had unanimously decided that the depositions would
lack sincerity if the Greek representatives had to be informed of them.
The Turks would not have opened their mouths in the presence of a Greek
officer. In spite of that precaution the Commission had sometimes had
difficulty in finding witnesses; thus at Aidin no Turkish witnesses had
been found. When the Supreme Council’s telegram of September 30th
reached the Commission it had not yet ended its labors; it had only
concluded the summary of the established facts and it had transmitted
this in full to Colonel Mazarakis. Colonel Mazarakis had presented
observations on this subject which the Commission had taken into account
on one point.
M. Clemenceau asked whether, after the
Commission had received the telegram of September 30th, it had taken
depositions which it had not communicated to M. Venizelos’
[Page 40]
General Bunoust thought that the Commission
might, after that date, have taken the second deposition of Colonel
M. Venizelos did not wish to insist upon that
point. He felt, however, that he might say, without offending anyone,
that civil investigators would have been more anxious not to violate
cardinal principles of justice, and that they would not, for instance,
have allowed witnesses to be heard without being sworn. At Aidin the
Commission might well have taken non-Turkish testimony and have been
satisfied therewith. He felt finally that he might remark that the
procedure adopted inevitably exposed the investigators to the danger of
being carried away by false depositions and reaching unjust or
inaccurate conclusions. The animosity between Turks and Greeks was an
incontestable fact; moreover, it was certain that many Europeans in
Smyrna preferred the continuance of the Turkish regime which, with
respect to strangers, was a regime of special privileges, rather than
the establishment of the Greek regime, which was a regime of
M. Clemenceau asked if M. Venizelos did not
intend to discuss the facts brought out in the report.
M. Venizelos said that he did not want to
discuss conclusions based on testimony which had not been brought to the
knowledge of the Greek representative.
M. Clemenceau observed that it was a serious
matter to make such a reply. The Council had expected from M. Venizelos
precise answers on questions of fact. As head of the Government he must
know if the alleged facts had really happened. He was astonished that M.
Venizelos did not wish to discuss them.
M. Venizelos recognized that there had been
excesses but he thought that they were readily to be explained. He
admitted equally that the conditions under which the debarkation took
place created an administrative responsibility of the Greek Command. The
Greek Government moreover had inflicted heavy penalties. But the Council
could not forget that the day before the occupation the Turkish
population had assembled, and that protests against the occupation had
been posted up.
General Bunoust said that these posters were
not appeals to resistance. The Turks were only asked to assemble in
order to prove that the Turkish element was in the majority; the crowd
of Turks, moreover, was not armed.
M. Venizelos observed that in any event there
was a tendency to resistance, inasmuch as the day before civil prisoners
had been released.
General Bunoust explained that they had only
been released during the night preceding the debarkation. The
Commission’s report,
[Page 41]
had recognized the responsibility of the Turkish Governor in these
M. Venizelos added that stores of arms had been
looted by the crowd. Under these conditions the debarkation took place.
The officer commanding the Greek troops had been guilty of imprudence.
The Council knew how gunshots, coming from parts unknown, had provoked a
reply on the part of the Greek troops. A panic followed and that was the
beginning of the excesses. He thought he ought to point out that the
next day or the day after a Court-Martial had been organized, that in
the first five days of its sitting this Court-Martial had condemned
three Greeks to death, one of them being a looting soldier, and that it
had totalled seventy-four convictions, of which forty-eight were of
Greeks. Nothing more could be asked of the most civilized country. As
for the massacre of the prisoners who were being led on board vessels in
the harbor, Colonel Mazarakis’ investigation, which had resulted in
severe condemnation of the Lieutenant commanding the escort, had
established that the excesses of which the prisoners had been the
victims were largely due to the crowd, and that only about twenty
prisoners had been killed. In any event, forty-eight hours after the
debarkation of the troops, order had been reestablished. He wished to
ask General Bunoust if since that time the city had not been perfectly
General Bunoust replied that such was the
M. Venizelos stated that Colonel Mazarakis did
not agree with the Commission on the affair of Menemem. According to the
Colonel, a Greek battalion which had evacuated Pergamum, after having
suffered serious losses, while entering Menemem had been attacked by
Turkish fanatics. This attack had provoked excesses. The Commission,
which did not consider that Turkish aggression had been established as a
fact, had certainly been led into error by the witnesses which it had
heard; it spoke of three hundred Turks killed; according to his
information, only twenty had been killed. It was evident that on this
point an investigation in the nature of a cross-examination would have
been suitable.
General Bunoust observed that the Commission
had attached very little importance to the figures furnished it; it was
perfectly aware of their inexactness. In any event it had not based its
conclusions on a Turkish report, according to which one thousand were
killed, but on an investigation made the day after the uprising by a
French officer.
M. Venizelos stated that in the affair of
Nazilli the fault lay with the Greek officer who, threatened with
attack, thought he could evacuate the town prior to the time ordered by
the English Admiral. In any event, in that affair, it was the Greeks who
had suffered most. As
[Page 42]
for Aidin,
he maintained that twenty-five hundred Greeks perished and that the
number of Turkish victims was far less.
General Bunoust explained that the Commission
had relied upon a French investigation, according to which there were
reported to be about twenty-five hundred Greek victims and fifteen
hundred Turkish. The estimation of the number of Turkish dead was
moreover difficult on account of the exodus of the population.
M. Venizelos acknowledged that Aidin, occupied
by the Greeks and then evacuated, had been re-occupied on an order given
by him, which order had had unfortunate results. He wished to give the
reasons which had caused him to issue that order. The Greeks were in a
state of war with the Turks. If the Turks could boast of having expelled
the Greeks from Aidin, their situation at Smyrna would have become
impossible; therefore he had given the order to re-occupy the town.
Moreover, he had informed the Council of what he was doing. Already,
prior to that time, he had instructed the Greek military authorities not
to hesitate, in the event of attack by Turkish bands, to go beyond the
limits of the zone of occupation in order to break up centers of hostile
resistance. In any event these incontestable facts remained: the Greek
section of Aidin was entirely destroyed, twenty-five hundred out of
eight thousand Greeks had perished, the Greek element formed the richest
and most civilized part of the population; and it was the Greeks who had
suffered most. He regretted that the procedure adopted by the Commission
had not allowed the Turkish losses to be ascertained. Finally, he felt
obliged to protest against the passage of the Commission’s report which
repeated an accusation of the Sheik-ul-Islam to the effect that the
Greek Red Cross had introduced arms into Smyrna.
General Bunoust observed that the Commission
had not considered this accusation well founded.
M. Venizelos said that it was true that prior
to the Greek occupation the Greek Sanitary Officer had insisted that the
boxes of the Red Cross which were unloaded at the customs be not
inspected, and that the Turkish Governor had consented thereto; but he
could not allow the Greek Red Cross to remain under the shadow of
suspicion. The Sheik-ul-Islam also pretended that the Greeks had taken
advantage of their occupation to bring about an influx of Grecian
population in those regions. That was entirely false: since the events
of May, 1914, there had been in Greece 300,000 refugees from Asia Minor.
He had ordered them to be repatriated, but it had been pointed out to
him that the dwellings they had left were being inhabited by Turks whose
lodging would have to be insured, and that the question was a delicate
one. Under those circumstances the repatriation had been
[Page 43]
postponed. There had only been isolated
cases of repatriation and he did not think that there were more than
5,000 or 6,000 who had returned. He felt sure that the excesses, which
he deplored, had not gone beyond what should have been expected under
analogous circumstances on the part of any army. The affair had
certainly been exaggerated; moreover General Bunoust did not deny that
severe punishment had been meted out to those found guilty. The Greek
army had not deserved ill of its Allies and the Greeks had ensured the
maintenance of order. If certain fugitive Turks had not returned to
Smyrna that fact could be attributed to the pressure brought to bear on
them by the Turks in the interior.
General Bunoust remarked that it was quite
M. Clemenceau asked what was the importance of
the Turkish bands with whom the Greeks had to deal?
General Bunoust said that the Commissioners had
spent a day with these bands; and they did not seem to have great
cohesion and they had no offensive capacity. The Nationalist movement,
however, was a serious matter and it could arrest all military progress
in Asia Minor unless an operation on a large scale should be decided
M. Venizelos said that there was no question of
M. Clemenceau observed that that, however, was
just what M. Venizelos had done. Greece had had a Mandate from the
Conference and had not kept within the limits of that Mandate. Some
members of the Council were wondering what would happen if the Turkish
attacks should increase in severity. Could Greece, without the support
of her Allies, make the necessary military and financial effort until
such a time as the country should be completely pacified? That was the
troublesome point.
M. Venizelos replied that certainly the longer
the question was dragged out the more financial difficulties would
increase for a small country such as Greece. She had an army of 12
divisions of 325,000 men; an army stronger than it was at the time of
the Armistice. He felt assured that if the Conference should charge
Greece with the task of defeating Turkey she would be able to do so.
M. Clemenceau said that he had put the question
the other way.
M. Venizelos said that with 12 divisions he had
nothing to fear. Mustapha Kemal only had 70,000 men. It was evident that
if the present situation was unduly prolonged Greece would have
financial difficulties, but he hoped that would not be the case.
M. Clemenceau thanked M. Venizelos in the name
of the Council for his presentation of the case. (At this point M.
Venizelos left the room.)
[Page 44]
M. Clemenceau suggested that the discussion be
postponed until the following Monday. (This was agreed to.)
(The meeting then adjourned).
Hotel de Crillon,
, November
8, 1919.
Appendix A to HD–878
Constantinople, October 7,
Report of the Inter-Allied Commission
of Inquiry on the Greek Occupation of Smyrna and Adjacent
History of the Commission
- I.
- Statement of the Facts
- Annex I. Letter to Colonel Mazarakis
- Annex II. Observations of Colonel Mazarakis
- II.
- Establishment of the Responsibilities
- III.
- Conclusions presented by the Commission
Covering Letter to the President
of the Peace Conference
We have the honor to transmit to you the dossier, containing all the
documents, relative to the investigations made in Asia Minor in
conformity with your decision of July 22 [18th?], 1919.10
Besides the Minutes of the meetings and their annexes, among which
are the full texts of the testimony of the witnesses,10a the dossier
includes, in conformity with the instructions given in your telegram
of July 26th,11 the following:
1. A statement of the facts which have occurred since the
This statement, which follows a chronological order as far as is
possible, sets forth all the facts which have seemed to us to have
had a repercussion upon the events and in particular upon those
which are related in the complaint addressed to the Peace Conference
by the Sheik-ul-Islam.12
To this statement is attached the report drawn up by the Colonel
designated by the Greek Government to follow the labors of the
This superior officer has received a copy of the statement of the
facts established, but we have not felt called upon to communicate
to him the sections on responsibilities and conclusions, believing
that this
[Page 45]
mode of procedure
was in conformity with the spirit of your instructions of July 22nd
[18th?] and 26th mentioned above.
As we have informed you in our reply to your decision of September
30th, which was transmitted to you on October 3rd through the French
High Commissioner in the Orient, we have not felt that we could
communicate to the Greek representatives, without violating our
promises, the testimony of the witnesses which were made to us under
promise of secrecy.13
2. A section relative to the establishment of the
3. The conclusions presented by the Commission.
These conclusions were unanimously adopted.
The Members of the Commission:
- R. H. Hare
- Bunoust
- A. Dall’Olio
- Mark Bristol
History of the Inter-Allied
Commission of Inquiry on the Greek Occupation of Smyrna and
Adjacent Territories
The Commission of Inquiry was created as a result of a complaint
addressed by the Sheik-ul-Islam to the Peace Conference dated July
It was composed of the following members:
For America: |
Rear Admiral Bristol. |
For France: |
Brigadier-General Bunoust. |
For England: |
Brigadier-General Hare. |
For Italy: |
Lieutenant-General Dall’Olio. |
Lieutenant Luigi Villari was chosen Secretary General; the other
officers attached to the Commission are the following:
- For the United States of America: Lieutenant Dunn,
Lieutenant Stewart (later replaced by Lieutenant Jones), Mr.
Caessbrough (interpreter of Turkish).
- For France: Lieutenant Rumerchène, Sub-Lieutenant Vitalis
(interpreter of Greek) and Sub-Lieutenant Dugoureq.
- For Great Britain: Commander Thomson (interpreter of
Turkish), Captain Harris and Lieutenant Higham (during the
stay of the Commission in Asia Minor).
- For Italy: Lieutenant Villari and Lieutenant de
The first meeting was held at the Italian Embassy at Constantinople
on August 12th. At that time, it was unanimously decided that the
Presidency would be held in turn by each member of the Commission,
that if two meetings were held on the same day, they would be
presided over by the same Commissioner, and that each meeting at
[Page 46]
would be held
at the Embassy of the country whose representative was President for
the day.
Six meetings were held at Constantinople, the last on the 19th of
August. The Commission then went to Smyrna, where it met for the
first time on August 23rd, at the École Sultanieh, which had been
placed at its disposal by the Turkish authorities. Twelve meetings
were held at Smyrna; the last (the 18th) being on September 5th.
On September 6th, the Commission left for Aidin, where it remained
until the 12th of the month. Three meetings were held at Aidin; on
September 10th, the Commission went to Girova, in the Italian zone,
to hear the testimony of Turkish refugees from Aidin. On the 11th,
the Commission went to Nazilli, in the zone occupied by the forces
of the Turkish National Movement, where they questioned, among
others, Greek refugees who had also fled from Aidin.
On the 12th, the Commission returned to Smyrna, where it held nine
more meetings; four others were held respectively at Odemisch, at
Menemen, at Magnesia and at Aivali. The last meeting at Smyrna (the
35th) was held on September 26th. Having completed the taking of
testimony, with the exception of that to be given by some witnesses
who were to be found at Constantinople, the Commission returned to
that city, where it met for the Thirty-Sixth Session on October 1st.
Eleven more meetings were held there, the last being on October
The total number of meetings held was forty-six.
The number of witnesses heard was 175, belonging to all nationalities
and to every social order.
The dossier is made up in the following manner:
At each meeting the testimony of witnesses, the decisions of the
Commission and in the most important cases, even the discussions
have been recorded. A short résumé of the minutes, indicating the
questions which were discussed or decided and the names of the
witnesses questioned is annexed thereto, as well as the letters,
reports and other documents bearing particularly upon the meeting in
The other documents are compiled in a special dossier.
The final report of the Commission consists of three parts.
- (a)
- The established facts, forming a chronological statement of
the events which the Commission considered;
- (b)
- A statement of the responsibilities which in the opinion of
the Commission may be deduced from the established facts,
- (c)
- The conclusions and recommendations which the Commission has
felt useful to propose with a view towards remedying the
abnormal conditions, as stated, in the territory’s present
The Secretary GeneralLieutenant Luigi
[Page 47]
Statement of Facts Which Have Arisen Since
the Occupation and Which Have Been Established During the
Inquiry Between August 12 and
October 6, 1919
Constantinople, October 7,
1. Since the Armistice,14 the safety of the
Christians in the Vilayet of Aidin has not been threatened.
The Greek population unquestionably was persecuted in 1914 and during
the war and treated without any consideration during the first few
months which followed the Armistice by the Vali Noureddin Pacha, but
since the entering upon his duties of the present Vali, Izzet Bey,
all the inhabitants, without distinction between races, have been
treated with impartiality.
In spite of the presence of a few bands of brigands in the region, it
is an assured fact that quiet has been restored.
Fears of massacres of Christians were not justified. Investigations
prove that the proclamations calling the Moslems to a massacre of
the Greeks, which a few weeks before the landing fell into the hands
of the Greek authorities and which were sent to Athens, were not
written by Turkish gendarmery officers whose signatures are attached
to the proclamations. Those documents are certainly not
2. The conditions of security in the Vilayet of Aidin and at Smyrna,
in particular, did not at all justify the occupation of the Smyrna
forts by application of Article 7 of the Armistice conditions. (See
the Minutes of the 37th meeting for the reservation made in this
connection by General Dall’Olio, the Italian Commissioner.)15
The internal situation in the Vilayet did not call for the landing of
Allied troops at Smyrna.
On the contrary, since the Greek landing, the situation is troubled
because of the state of war existing between the Greek troops and
the Turkish irregulars.
3. The Smyrna forts were occupied on May 14th, 1919, by the Allied
forces (British, French, Italian and Greek) upon the order of
Admiral Calthorpe, of the British Navy, one of the Allied High
Commissioners in Turkey for the execution of the terms of the
Armistice. The order of occupation stated that it was being carried
out in execution of Article 7 of the Armistice between Turkey and
the Allied powers.
4. During the night of May 14th-15th, as a result of a proclamation,
a meeting of several thousand Turks took place in the Turkish
quarter near the Jewish Cemetery, but this meeting did not have as
an object
[Page 48]
the organization
of a resistance by force to the Greek landing. Its object was merely
to prove that the majority and predominating population was Turkish
rather than foreign.
5. The occupation of Smyrna by the Greek troops was ordered by the
Peace Conference.16 The orders
for the occupation were given by Admiral Calthorpe, representing
this Conference.
The city of Smyrna was occupied on May 15th, 1919, by Greek forces,
assisted by American, British, French, Greek and Italian naval
The British, French, Italian and American naval forces landed small
armed detachments to guard their respective consulates.
The Greek naval forces landed a detachment for the purpose of
guarding the points of debarkation of the Greek troops. This unit
was insufficient to preserve order and carry out its mission.
The Greek forces were composed of three regiments. The landing took
place on the point and upon the quay opposite the Hotel Kramer. The
troops began to land at 8:00 a.m.
6. No resistance to the landing was organized by the Turkish
authorities; the shots fired by the Turks were only isolated
7. Several hundred prisoners of all kinds escaped from the prisons in
the neighborhood of the barracks a few hours before the
The Turkish authorities did not take effective measures to prevent or
stop these escapes.
Some of these prisoners were able to procure arms from an arms-depot
situated near the barracks.
8. The Greek Supreme Command took no previous measures to insure
order during the march of the Greek troops through the city.
Detachments of Greek marines were only placed in the immediate
neighborhood of the two points chosen for the landing. In conformity
with the orders of the Entente representative, the Turkish troops
were kept in their barracks.
No liaison was established which would permit the Greek Command to
have its orders transmitted to the Turkish authorities and in order
to inform itself of the state of morale of the population.
9. The Greek military, civil and religious authorities did nothing to
attempt to calm the crowd.
The ceremony performed by the Greek Metropolitan of blessing the
troops upon their landing could only have had an unfortunate
The crowd massed about the troops assumed an attitude of a kind to
bring forth the anger of the Turkish inhabitants and to compel acts
of violence on the part of isolated fanatics.
[Page 49]
10. The orders concerning the landing were not strictly carried out.
They were modified, without the consent of the Command, as a result
of the intervention of the Commander of the Averoff, who had been advised of the formation of numerous
Turkish gatherings in the direction of Carantina.
The Evzone companies which were to land at Carantina in order to
occupy the hills which dominate the city on the south were brought
to the Custom’s quay where they were landed behind other units of
the regiment. As for the itineraries followed, the commanders of the
columns acted according to the directions in guides which were given
them. They did not know that the Turkish troops were confined in
their barracks near the Konak.
11. The first shots were fired near the corner of the Konak Square,
at the entrance of the street which leads to Cocarialy.
It is impossible to establish with certainty by whom these first
shots were fired. The Greek troops did not open fire and only
replied to these first shots.
12. As a result of these first shots severe firing broke out. The
Greek soldiers who were in the gardens of the Konak Square directed
a violent fire against the windows of the barracks and the
It was impossible to ascertain exactly whether shots were fired from
certain windows of the barracks after the beginning of the
No traces of bullets were found upon the walls of the buildings
opposite the barracks.
A few scattered shots appear also to have been fired by the Turks at
certain points along the quays and in the city, in particular near
the Greek Consulate, where according to Greek reports, the
guard-detachment was obliged to protect itself by rifle shots
against a Turkish attack.
13. On the road which they traversed between the Konak Square and the
transport Patris, where they were imprisoned,
the first convoys of prisoners, including officers and soldiers as
well as the Vali and other officials, were made the object of acts
of brutality by the crowd which accompanied them and even by some of
the Greek soldiers who were escorting them.
All the prisoners were robbed. All of them were forced to shout:
“Zito Venizelos” and to march with hands raised. Some of them were
With one or two exceptions, the Greek officers did not show any
restraining influence upon their men to prevent these acts of
14. On May 15th and on the following days, the Greek troops
arbitrarily arrested about 2500 persons, among whom was a certain
number of children under 14 years of age. The staffs and the
students of
[Page 50]
some schools
were also imprisoned on the Patris. A
considerable number of these prisoners were maltreated, robbed, and
detained for several days under hygienic conditions which were
15. During May 15th and 16th, numerous acts of violence and pillage
were carried out in the city against the Turkish people and their
homes. Fezzes were torn off and Turks no longer dared to go out
wearing them. Numerous women were violated. Some assassinations were
committed. Most of the acts of violence and pillage were done by the
Greek population of the city, but it has been established that the
soldiers took part in them and that the military authorities were
very late in taking proper measures to place a stop to them.
16. The number of killed and wounded by the Greek troops on the day
of the Smyrna occupation has been calculated in a different manner
by the Turkish and Greek authorities. The number is approximately as
- Greeks: soldiers: 2 killed, 6 wounded; civilians: 20
killed, 20 drowned, 60 wounded.
- Turks: 300 to 400 victims (killed or wounded).
17. As soon as the news of the landing of the Greek forces at Smyrna
became known in the surrounding villages, the Greek inhabitants
began to pillage Turkish homes and to steal Turkish live-stock; some
Turks were likewise killed in the different villages.
18. The colonel commanding the Greek occupation forces received on
May 21st the telegram sent from Paris on May 20th by M. Venizelos
which regulated the occupation conditions for the San jack of Smyrna
and the Kaza of Aivali as well as for certain regions situated
outside of the San jack of Smyrna.
19. Commodore Fitz-Maurice, the representative of the Entente after
May 28th, received only on June 1st, instructions describing his
powers vis-à-vis the Greek authorities in regard to the extension of
the zone of occupation.
From the time of the departure of Admiral Calthorpe (May 21st) up to
May 28th, the Entente representative was the French Vice-Admiral,
Sagoy du Vauroux.
20. The High Commissioner of the Greek Government, who arrived at
Smyrna on May 21st, acted contrary to the orders contained in the
telegram of May 20th, by authorizing the colonel commanding the
troops to give on May 23rd an order of operation which included:
- (a)
- The occupation of Aidin.
- (b)
- Intervention in the regions of Magnesia and Cassaba
without having previously asked permission from the Entente
The Greek High Commissioner has admitted before the Commission his
responsibility concerning this affair.
[Page 51]
21. In order to justify the extension of the Greek zone, the Greek
High Commissioner supports himself with the following:
- (a)
- Unverified information received by the military
authorities according to which public safety was threatened
in the above mentioned districts.
- (b)
- The interpretation given by the military authorities to
the interviews held with the British Colonel Smith who had
no authority to replace the Entente representative.
Colonel Smith had no knowledge of the telegram sent on May 20th by
Mr. Venizelos to Colonel Zafiriou. He never gave the latter any
authorization, even verbal, to proceed to Aidin, Magnesia and
Cassaba. He had only pointed out to Colonel Zafiriou the utility of
sending some troops along the railway line as far as Trianda to
protect the line in the event that Colonel Zafiriou should have
authorization to advance his troops.
Colonel Smith added that any occupation beyond Trianda might bring
about disorders.
He informed his superior of this conversation.
22. The forward march and the installation of the Greek troops in the
direction of Magnesia as well as at Eudemich, Aidin, and as far as
Nazilli were first carried out under satisfactory circumstances in
spite of the emotion in these districts caused by the news of the
Smyrna events. The Greek Command committed an error in tolerating
the acts of armed Greek civilians who under pretext of aiding the
Greek troops indulged in pillage and committed all kinds of
A Court-Martial formed at Smyrna on May 16th by the Greek Command had
pronounced (up to August 15th) seventy-four convictions, of which
three were death sentences for the events of May 15th and 16th.
Among those convicted were:
48 |
Greeks |
13 |
Turks |
12 |
Armenians |
1 |
Jew |
23. The state of excitement in the country caused by the Smyrna
events increased progressively for the following reasons:
- (a)
- A great uncertainty reigned in regard to the territorial
limits to be occupied by the Greek forces up to June 2nd, on
which date, Commodore Fitz-Maurice of the British Navy was
instructed to fix the limits of the occupation.
- (b)
- The rapid advance into the interior of the country by the
Greek troops increased the state of unrest of the
populations. Turkish notables began to leave the occupied
region. The Turkish regular troops and the gendarmery
deserted. The Greek civilians openly armed themselves. The
activities of the brigands increased at the same time as the
number of acts of violence, robberies, and pillages.
- (c)
- The search for arms made in Turkish homes by Greek troops
aided by armed civilians increased to a maximum the
discontent of the population, because of the fact that it
was a violation of a Moslem domicile which constitutes a
particularly vexatious measure susceptible of provoking
great irritation.
This state of excitement in the Vilayet of Aidin created the
appearance of disorders which would seem to justify the extension of
the limits of occupation by the Greek forces.
24. The arms which the Greek civilians carried were probably
furnished them since the armistice by smugglers operating between
the islands and the coast.
There is no way of proving the accusation made by the Turks against
the Greek Red Cross on the subject of landing, at Smyrna, arms
contained in cases bearing the marks of this institution.
It has been proved only that during the month of February, on several
occasions, a great number of cases were discharged from the Greek
ship Adriaticos and were not inspected by the
customs. Turkish witnesses, who have been heard, swear that certain
of these cases contained arms and ammunition.
The Greek authorities permitted inspection of these cases by the
Turkish customs officials only during the first days of March.
25. Ayassoulouk was occupied on May 25th;
Deunendjid was occupied on May 25th;
Baladjik was occupied on May 25th;
Aidin was occupied on May 27th;
Eudemich was occupied on June 1st;
Nazilli was occupied on June 3rd.
26. Certain small attacks carried out against Greek outposts by
Turkish bands or insurgents brought about reprisals by the Greeks,
some of which may have been justified by the military situation. All
these reprisals were carried out in brutal manner. Some
assassinations were committed here and there.
27. The evacuation of Nazilli was executed during the night of June
19th-20th upon the initiative of the commander of the battalion of
occupation. This evacuation was not carried out in conformity with
the orders of the Entente representative given on June 14th, whereby
the Turkish local authorities were to have been warned in advance of
the departure of the Greek troops.
28. The Greek military authorities explain their move by stating that
the battalion commander feared an attack and that, in order not to
give the enemy an opportunity to be aware of his retreat, he did not
inform the Turkish authorities of his departure. Orders relative to
the evacuation of Nazilli were not given by the Greek Command until
the 19th.
29. After this departure the Turkish authorities did not have time to
create an organization to preserve order which would replace the
[Page 53]
gendarmery which had been
disarmed and disorganized during the Greek occupation. They were
therefore not able to prevent the pillaging and the massacring of
certain Greek families by Turkish bands which entered Nazilli a few
hours after its evacuation by the Greeks.
30. The inhabitants, numbering about thirty, arrested at Nazilli by
the Greeks as suspects were taken with the retreating troops.
One of them was killed en route under the pretext that he was not
able to walk.
Some of the others were able to escape, but the majority were killed
at the village of Kiosk during a fight which took place while the
troops were passing through this village and during which a Greek
officer was killed.
31. After the evacuation of Nazilli by the Greek troops, attacks on
the part of the Turks against Greek outposts and isolated soldiers
In the entire region of Aidin the population, Turkish as well as
Greek, was armed.
32. The Greek troops carried out armed reconnaissance parties in the
vicinity of Aidin. In the course of these reconnaissances some
villages were burned.
On June 27th, one of these reconnoitering parties was repulsed by
bands which followed it up to the outskirts of Aidin. The fighting
continued the 28th. Beginning on the 28th, the attackers used 105
cm. cannons.
The Greeks fell back.
The commander and Greek witnesses state that shots were fired by the
Turkish inhabitants against units of retreating Greek troops at the
time when they were passing through the Turkish quarter south of the
railway line. Some of the fires which broke out in the Turkish
quarter on the morning of the 29th began during the fighting.
Other fires also broke out in this quarter at different isolated
A large number of Turks, men, women and children, who tried to escape
from this quarter which was in flames were killed without cause by
the Greek soldiers who were guarding all the roads and streets
leading from this quarter towards the northern part of the city.
The Command and the Greek troops undoubtedly lost their tempers.
The Greeks evacuated the city during the night of June 29th–30th
after having committed numerous outrages and crimes. A large number
of Greek civilians who wished to flee and to accompany the troops on
their retreat were prevented from doing so by the Command.
33. The fire in the Greek quarter was caused by the Turkish bands
under chief Yuruk Ali which entered the town on the morning of June
30th and burned it entirely after having pillaged the houses, the
occupants of which were killed.
[Page 54]
A large number of the Greek inhabitants met in the streets were,
without distinction for sex or age, killed unmercifully by the
The inhabitants, numbering from 2,000 to 3,000, who escaped death but
not robbery, were those who took refuge, before the arrival of the
bands, in the convent of the French nuns, whence they were taken to
the Konak under the protection of Colonel Cheffik Bey, Commanding
the Turkish 57th Division.
At the same time, some notables who were able to get to the Konak
were able to save their lives, but on the other hand some of them
were executed.
It was not possible to establish with certainty the number of Greek
or Turkish victims.
The representative of the Greek Government heard by the Commission on
September 7th estimates that the number of Greek victims was about
2,000; 900 bodies up to this time had already been found. An English
witness estimates this number to be about 400.
A French officer who made an investigation on the spot a few days
after the events calculates the number of victims to be as follows:
- 1,500 to 2,000 Greeks;
- 1,200 to 1,500 Turks;
recognizing, however, that it has been very
difficult to make the estimate of Turkish victims.
34. The Greek troops, aided by re-enforcements sent by General Nider,
retook Aidin on July 4th. They burned the Turkish quarter, situated
on the west side of the city, where were also located some Greek
35. All together the fires between June 29th and July 4th have
certainly destroyed two-thirds of the city of Aidin, the population
of which was about 20,000 including approximately 8,000 Greeks.
The houses that were not burned were all pillaged.
36. Before the return of the Greeks to Aidin, the greatest part of
the Turkish population left the city and surroundings in order to
take refuge in the Italian Zone or in the Nazilli-Denizli region,
where they still remain.
A thousand Greeks were taken into the Turkish zone, where, at the
time of the visit of the Commission to Nazilli on September 11th,
they were in a very miserable state.
37. The re-occupation of Aidin was ordered by the Greek Command in
spite of the strict orders to the contrary by the Entente
The Greek authorities acted in conformity with the formal order sent
from Paris by M. Venizelos on July 2nd. This order did not permit
any intervention in this matter by the Entente representative.
38. Most of the villages situated along the railway line between
Baladjik and Aidin were destroyed by the fires started during the
[Page 55]
course of the military
operations which were carried out in this region.
39. Calm has now been practically re-established, with the exception
of the zone close to the front where skirmishes between the advanced
posts are still taking place which are causing losses and which
require military measures from which the inhabitants are
It is the same in the region of Eudemich where the Greek occupation
was made under good conditions.
40. The occupation of the Vilayet of Aidin by the Greek forces has
caused great material losses insofar as the crops and property are
The losses in crops, which are impossible to estimate, are due to
pillaging and thefts and to the destruction of the live-stock, a
part of which was taken for provisions by the Greek troops.
Destruction to property, of less importance, was the result of
military operations and the combats which occurred between the Greek
forces and the Turkish bands.
Other losses which were very considerable were due to the burning of
houses, of villages and of the city of Aidin. It may be estimated
that the losses resulting from the fire at Aidin represent an
approximate value of 8,000,000 pounds sterling.
When the Turkish inhabitants abandoned their homes and fled from the
districts occupied by the Greeks, they left their crops standing or
abandoned them. The losses in beans, licorice root, and in figs may
be estimated at 1,200,000 pounds.
The olive crop will suffer likewise, if conditions do not become
better before the month of November.
41. Pergamos was occupied on June 12th. Since this city is in the
northern part of the Smyrna Sanjack, the Greeks had the right to
occupy it, in accordance with the orders of the Entente given in the
telegram of May 20th.17
The Commission did not go to Pergamos.
From the information secured, which is worthy of consideration, it
appears that the Turkish irregulars who retook Pergamos, killed the
Turkish inhabitants who had welcomed the Greeks. They also massacred
and frequently tortured all the Greek soldiers made prisoners during
the course of this affair at Pergamos.
42. On June 17th, after the evacuation of Pergamos, the Greek troops
who regathered at Menemen, without any real reason, indulged in a
veritable massacre of unoffending Turks. The municipal authorities
state that more than 1,000 Turkish inhabitants were killed, but this
number seems to be exaggerated. According to an investigation
[Page 56]
made on the day following
the event by a French officer, the number of Turkish victims was 200
dead and 200 wounded.
This massacre was not organized by the Greek Command. It was the
result of a panic which ensued among the young troops, unseasoned
and tired, who were still affected by the Pergamos events and whom
their officers were not able to calm.
43. The Greek Military Command states that the Greek behavior was the
result of an attack by Turks who, from a house near the station and
from the Konak, fired shots at the Greek soldiers.
Numerous witnesses were heard on this subject. The Greeks were
indefinite and on some occasions contradictory.
The Commission feels that the statements of the Greek Command cannot
be considered correct.
44. The occupation of Magnesia, outside of the limits of the San-jack
of Smyrna, took place on May 25th, without the authorization of the
Entente representative, and without this high authority having been
For military reasons, this occupation was extended and maintained as
far as Ahmedli on the east and as far as Papazli to the northeast of
Magnesia. The Greek troops even temporarily occupied AkHissar, but
did not remain there.
The occupation of the Magnesia zone was carried out in the beginning
without any difficulties. The relations between the population and
the Greek troops became less cordial following the bad treatment to
which some of the inhabitants were subjected in the way of looting
and thefts committed on certain properties and because of searches
made for the purpose of finding weapons.
The Turkish civil authorities have remained at Magnesia with the
exception of the Mufti, who, called to Smyrna by the Greek
authorities, fled to Constantinople.
The present situation is peaceful. Correct relations exist between
the General commanding the division of occupation and the Turkish
45. After the Armistice, Greek bands from Mytilene made several raids
in the vicinity of Aivali, stealing from and killing some Moslems.
Reprisals were carried out by certain Turks of this district. These
reciprocal acts of brigandage have not prevented the situation from
being normal and satisfactory.
Beginning with the first day of the occupation of Aivali, the
military authorities enrolled and armed Greek demobilized soldiers
and civilians. They conducted themselves in a very bad manner and
especially were accused of having burned two villages. A short time
afterwards they were disarmed and dismissed.
[Page 57]
The Turkish population is very much in the minority at Aivali where
at the present time, there are not more than 20 Moslems.
The district is quiet but commerce has almost entirely ceased.
46. The Turkish refugees who left the territories occupied by the
Greeks appear to be detained far away from their domicile, either by
a lack of confidence in the Greeks or by the Turkish irregulars who
are holding them back, perhaps for political purposes.
The number of these refugees is very large. The Commission was not
able to estimate it exactly.
In certain regions, such as in the Valley of the Meander, entire
villages, even among those which have not been burned, have had to
be abandoned.
47. With reference to the bringing of Greeks into the province of
Smyrna described in the complaint of the Sheik-ul-Islam, Moustapha
Sabir, to the Peace Conference, the investigation has shown that:
- (a)
- According to the telegram sent on May 7/20 by M. Venizelos
the occupation had partly the object of making possible the
repatriation of the refugees present in Greece to the Smyrna
Sanjack and the Kaza of Aivali.
- (b)
- In certain districts and in particular at Pergamos and
Phocée, the Greek refugees installed themselves and this was
facilitated by an exodus on the part of the Turkish
- (c)
- Because of the trouble that accompanied the occupation,
the Greek authorities gave the order to stop mass
repatriation. A few families in good circumstances and whose
means of existence were known were the only ones authorized
to return.
Other refugees were without doubt able to return by landing outside
of the ports where the Greek customs exercised their control, but
their number could not be large.
The accusation brought by the Sheik-Ul-Islam is not therefore
entirely justified.
The Members of the Commission of
Delegate of the
United States of AmericaGeneral Hare
of Great BritainGeneral
Delegate of
FranceGeneral Dall
Delegate of
Annexes to the Statement of Facts
Constantinople, October 14,
annex i. letter from the
commission to colonel mazarakis, appointed by the greek
government to follow the work of the commission
We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your report of
October 11, 1919, which we requested in our letter of October 7, in
[Page 58]
order that the Peace
Conference, after having taken cognizance of the statement of the
facts established by the Commission, may at the same time take note
of the observations which the reading of this document may have
suggested to you.
Your report will be attached to the dossier on the investigation in
the same place as the statement which brought it about.
The various papers which you have transmitted to the Commission
during the investigation and to which you allude in your report will
also be attached to the dossier.
The Commission has taken note of the observations which you have
presented under No. 14 in regard to the occupation of Aivali and has
modified the text of No. 45 of its statement. We are transmitting to
you a corrected copy attached herewith.
As you were informed during the meeting of October 13th, there is no
cause for you to be surprised when you learn that, upon certain
points, the opinion of the Commission is not in accordance with
yours in spite of the statements of witnesses which you have
In fact, not only does the appreciation of the same fact differ
according to the individuals, but also, in view of the
contradictions, all too numerous, which have unfortunately been
presented in the Greek and Turkish testimony, the Commission has
sometimes felt obliged, in order to try to bring out the truth, to
attach particular importance to the testimony or to the reports
emanating from persons not belonging to nations too directly
interested in the settlement of the Smyrna question.
In conclusion, after having deliberated, the Commission has felt
that, with the exception of the change made in the drafting of No.
45, there is no occasion for modification of its original statement
which was unanimously adopted.
- R. H. Hare
- Bunoust
- A. Dall’Olio
- Mark Bristol
annex ii.—observations*
of colonel alexandre mazarakis on the statement
of the interallied commission of inquiry
1. In paragraph No. 1, it is stated that since the Armistice, the
security of Christians has not been threatened in the Vilayet of
Aidin. Nevertheless, the Commission admits that not only since 1914
and during the war had the Greek population been incontestably
[Page 59]
but also during
the first months which followed the Armistice they were not treated
with any consideration. The Commission also admits the presence of
certain bands of brigands, but states that fears of massacres were
not justified.
The Commission will allow me to be influenced by the fact that the
study of history and the recent experiences in regard to the welfare
of the Christian populations in Turkey does not justify this
statement. All the massacres and all the persecutions which have
many times provoked European intervention have not been foreseen,
and consequently, this intervention always arrived too late, after
the acts were committed. Let me call to the attention of the
Commission that a list of murders, acts of brigandage, and
persecutions of all kinds committed by the Turks between the
Armistice and the occupation of Smyrna has been transmitted to it;
that a large part of the Greek population during this period found
itself and even now finds itself exiled in Greece, having abandoned
all of its lands occupied by the Turks, whereas the rest returned
from the interior of Asia Minor, where they had been transported,
reduced in number to a half or a third, in a terrible state of
misery and ill-health, deprived of all means of reestablishing
themselves and living. Under these circumstances, I regret that I
cannot agree with the Commission that peace had been restored and
that the fears for a new outbreak of Moslem fanaticism had no
foundations, particularly on the eve of the decisions of the Peace
Conference which naturally could and would increase this
2. The Commission feels (No. 2) that the occupation of the forts and
the city of Smyrna was not justified by the application of the
Armistice. It is not for me to set forth the reasons why the Peace
Conference ordered this occupation and specified that it should be
carried out by Greek troops. Nevertheless, I take the liberty of
observing that the execution of the Armistice was illusory; that the
arms theoretically kept in the store-houses were, as facts have
proved, at the disposal of the Turks; that the irregulars, tolerated
if not encouraged by the Turkish authorities, were armed even with
heavy artillery; that, without this occupation, the return, the
installation in their seized homes, and the work of the Greek
refugees would not have been possible; that finally, without
entering into the plans of the Peace Conference concerning the fate
of this region, which however should have played a role in the
choice of the Army of Occupation, this choice was sufficiently
justified by the fact that compact Greek populations have inhabited
this region for centuries. As a matter of fact, alone in the San
jack of Smyrna and the Caza of Aivali, before 1914, there were
495,174 Greeks and 219,583 Turks. If this population was reduced
during the war by persecutions, famine and murders, there was all
the more reason why the victorious Entente
[Page 60]
took measures for its full protection. I
therefore believe that this occupation was not only justified but
dictated by justice, public morality and ethnological reasons more
than all other occupations carried out by the victorious Allies.
3. The Commission states that since the landing of the Greeks the
situation has been disturbed on account of the state of war. I
should like to request that the Commission kindly recognize, as it
has done in many of the following paragraphs, that in the zone
occupied by the Greek Army peace and order has been re-established
since the first days, whereas the situation is disturbed and even
anarchy reigns in the neighboring non-occupied regions, and that the
situation would be completely peaceful if this indecision ceased.
The Greek authorities would be able to carry out their duties, and
the attacks from outside and the hope of influencing the decisions
of the Conference would not encourage the Turks to exhibit any
outburst of national feeling, if, on the contrary, the Turks knew
that the Army of Occupation sent by the Conference would respect
their rights, but would not tolerate in a passive manner attacks
against its security or its dignity. The history of all occupations
of the past and of present times, much more eventful and longer, is
here to prove that no army ever before found itself in a like
situation and exhibited greater coolness, self-denial and
discipline, and consequently it would be unfair to hold this Army
responsible for certain isolated deeds, such as one may find even in
time of peace and in the most civilized countries.
4. The Commission states (No. 4) that an assembling of several
thousand Turks took place on the night before the occupation, but
believes that this assembly did not have for its object the
organizing of a resistance by force to the landing of the Greeks. It
states also (No. 7) that several hundred prisoners of all sorts
escaped from the prisons some hours before the occupation, that the
Turkish authorities did not take effective measures to anticipate
and prevent the escape, that some of these prisoners obtained arms
from the nearby arms-depot, and finally, that the shots fired by the
Turks (No. 6) were isolated acts.
The Commission will permit me to say that I am unable to assert with
the same certainty that the object of the Turks in assembling was so
peaceful after the provoking proclamations in the mosques, in the
press and in public places, after the liberation and arming of
prisoners and taking into consideration that it really matters
little, from the point of view of responsibilities, if the shots
fired against the Greek army were the result of an organization or
the initiative of some individuals. The Greek Army at a time when it
was attacked unexpectedly while marching in columns of fours with
arms unloaded
[Page 61]
could not make
this distinction; it was obliged, as any other army would be, to
take severe steps to check the movement and to arrest the guilty and
the suspected.
I must further observe with regret that while the assembling of Turks
is judged with leniency, the religious ceremony and the expression
of a natural feeling on the part of the Greek population are
considered (No. 9) of a nature to provoke the anger of the Turkish
inhabitants and to inspire acts of violence. If one wishes in the
same manner to discover the underlying reason for the outburst of
Turkish fanaticism it is much more natural to seek it in the
presence of a victorious foe of despised Christians; yet it is
difficult to avoid this agitation without leaving under the rule of
a conquered enemy the Christian populations which have suffered so
much for five centuries and whose feelings are at least as worthy of
consideration as those of their oppressors.
Wherever after victory Allied troops occupied a country up to that
time under the yoke of the enemy, the kindred peoples welcomed them
with real joy. If by foresight the Greek command ought to have acted
with greater circumspection, I would have been the first to say so
openly in my report. There is no reason for attributing the Turkish
attack to the expression of sentiments by the Greek population when
it is incontestable that right up to the moment when the first shots
were fired by the Turks not one hostile act against them had been
I must also observe (No. 9) that there were no Greek civil
authorities and that the military authorities naturally absorbed for
several hours with the military aspect—the crushing of the
resistance—were not able immediately to insure order in a large city
containing such a variety of elements and which the Turkish
gendarmery had left without any means for maintaining order.
I recall also that it was not a matter of some scattered shots fired
by the Turks, but of a fusillade kept up not only in the
neighborhood of the Konak and the barracks but all along the road
which the first contingents of troops had to pass over in order to
reach their objective, the crest at Carantina.
5. The Commission states (No. 14) that on the 15th day of May and
succeeding days the Greek troops arbitrarily arrested about 2500
people. In a country where the Army of Occupation is attacked, where
everyone is armed, I do not see how order could have been
reestablished unless the military authorities had proceeded to
arrest the guilty or those suspected. The procedure of arrest of
ordinary times could not have been followed under circumstances when
in reality there existed a state of war. Immediately after the
re-establishment of order a Commission of which the Mufti was a
member visited the prisoners and liberated the greater number.
[Page 62]
If, during the first day, some acts of pillage or ill-treatment took
place with regard to these prisoners and, in general, throughout the
town, the military authorities were the first to suppress them. This
was done with so much severity that order was almost completely
reestablished by the following day.
The Commission, moreover, will allow me to believe that a number of
these crimes, notably cases of rape, took place only in the
imagination of those who have made the charges. While I was at
Smyrna several complaints of this sort were acknowledged, after a
careful inquiry, as originating from women of doubtful morals.
Besides, I cannot understand why these acts of which the Turks
complain so readily are not reported immediately to the Greek
authorities, who have acted with extreme severity in the rare cases
where the guilt was proved, and I regret that I cannot place any
confidence in the words of the witnesses who knew that they would
not be contradicted, since their accusations were made in
6. As for the number of Turkish victims at Smyrna, (No. 16) at Aidin,
or elsewhere, free scope was given for the most fantastic estimates,
especially in view of the fact that a large number of the Turkish
inhabitants, having fled from the occupied zones, might easily be
recorded among the disappeared as victims of the Greeks.
7. As for the excitement caused in the Vilayet of Aidin (No. 23),
permit me to believe that it would be quickly allayed if the Turkish
population were held accountable by a firm decision of the
Conference fixing definitely the future of the country. The proof of
this is that for almost a month the occupation of the whole region
actually taken possession of, Magnesia, Eudemich, Aidin and even
Nazilli, has been accomplished, as the Commission knows, under
satisfactory conditions. I add also that nearly 150 zéibek who were
outlaws in the mountains delivered themselves up to the Greek
military authorities, promised to live quietly, and have been set
free. Also, in almost all of the occupied towns the Mussulman
population has given a warm welcome to the Greek troops. Therefore I
agree entirely with the Commission that the uncertainty which exists
on the subject of the limits of the territory to be occupied by
Greek forces has helped to create and to increase the excitement,
adding that this uncertainty has existed for five months, and I am
also convinced that all the agitation on the part of the Turks would
be removed as if by a miracle on the day when they were to see
themselves confronted with a definite decision from the Conference,
when they could hope no longer for this agitation to influence this
decision, and when they would know that the Greek army would have a
free hand to defend the region which has been given her. I believe
that the false situation in which the Greek army has been placed and
still finds itself placed is the principal reason, if not the only
reason, for the unrest of the Turks.
[Page 63]
Furthermore, in spite of all the complaints
which they were able to present, we have sufficient proof that the
Turkish inhabitants, who left their homes at the beginning, ask only
to return, convinced that they could live quietly, but they are
prevented from doing so by the bands. Several of these Turks,
eluding the vigilance of the bands, have returned, notably in the
regions of Pergamos and Magnesia.
The Commission in part attributes (No. 23) the unrest in the country
to the searches made for the purpose of finding arms. These searches
were the most legitimate and logical means which an Army of
Occupation could take in a country where the Turkish population was
armed and nearly all the magazines pillaged. Yet, except in isolated
cases where the military authorities had found themselves obliged to
enter houses from which shots were fired or where they were
convinced that arms were hidden, the military command and the High
Commissioner strongly insisted that these searches not be made, with
the consequence that the entire Turkish population, particularly at
Aidin, was armed, and Colonel Skinas, who was accused before a
court-martial of not having taken measures to guard against the sad
events which occurred in that town, defended himself by citing the
formal orders which he had not to search Turkish houses. The Turks
well knew of this defense and that is why all the proclamations of
the military authorities calling upon the inhabitants to give up
their arms were without any effect, and even today, we are certain
that all the Turkish population is armed.
And so, I respectfully ask the Commission when it states that Greek
civilians, who have lived for five years in terror, were carrying
arms, to be kind enough at least to acknowledge that the Turkish
populations were as well armed and to add that almost all the
magazines were plundered in spite of the terms of the Armistice.
8. The Commission will be kind enough to recognize that the charges
made by the Turks against the Greek Red Cross on the subject of arms
contained in its boxes cannot be supported. It is stated, however,
that these boxes were unloaded in the month of February and that
several Turkish witnesses swore that they contained arms. Nothing is
easier than to make charges without any proof. The Greek Red Cross
was under no obligation to present its boxes of goods to the
inspection of the Turkish authorities; if this was done voluntarily,
it was to place an end to the slanderous charges of the Turkish
press. I have already explained to the Commission that these boxes
contained clothing for the refugees and that the boxes were shown in
the hospital by the Director to Turkish functionaries and also to
the Attorney-General. I note, incidentally, that these functionaries
as well as the Turkish population poured into the hospital to be
cared for and to receive medicines and that the Vali himself
[Page 64]
went there on Easter Day.
The fine services which were rendered by this institution to all
classes of the population, without distinction of race or religion,
proved by statistics which have been given to you not only at
Smyrna, but in all the surrounding countries, have been repaid by
the Turks in the form of this slander as well as by the murder of
Dr. Manolas, Director of the Bed Cross at Makri. Under these
circumstances I beg the Commission to consider whether it is just to
retain, even incidentally, an accusation which has not been
9. The Commission states (No. 29) that at Nazilli, after the retreat
of the Greek Battalion, the Turks massacred Greek families and
pillaged their houses, and attributes these acts to the
disorganization and to the lack of time on the part of the Turkish
authorities. I may be permitted to believe, after the experience of
Pergamos, where the Kaimakam and the Turkish officers directed the
massacres, of Aidin, where the Division Commander was in the town
while wholesale massacres were carried out, that in reality there is
not any distinction between the Turkish authorities and the
irregulars. Indeed, it is curious that the Turkish accounts
published in the press state that the brigands were master of the
situation at Nazilli.
I beg the Commission to be kind enough to state also that these
massacres took place not only in the town of Nazilli, but also in
the surrounding villages. At Aktché 47 Greeks were killed and the
priest burned alive. At Kiosk 47 were killed, one of whom was a
doctor and another the priest, who had their noses and ears cut off
and eyes gouged out beforehand. At Sultan Hissar, 3 were killed and
7 wounded. At Omourlou more than 90 Greeks were killed, and since
the reoccupation 70 bodies have been found.
10. In recounting the events at Aidin, the Commission states (No. 32,
page 6) that a large number of Turks, men, women, and children who
tried to go out of the burning quarter, were wantonly slain by the
Greek soldiers who evacuated the city during the night of the 29th
and 30th, after having committed many assaults and crimes.
I can only express my surprise at such a statement. I have followed
the numerous inquiries which were made regarding these events, and
where Mussulmen, Armenians, etc., have testified, I have myself with
persistence tried to find out by interrogating all the soldiers and
civilians present, if such acts had really been committed. The
conclusion which I have drawn from all this inquiry is that the
Turks, whether irregulars or inhabitants of the town, fired upon the
army, that the army replied, and that naturally there were victims
on both sides during this combat which lasted almost two days. And
so I feel justified in not giving credence to the statements of
witnesses who have described these events according to this point of
view. I wonder also how it would be possible to estimate the number
of Turkish victims, since almost the entire Turkish population,
conscious of its guilt, followed the irregulars before the
reoccupation of the city.
[Page 65]
I am also unable to admit that the Greek survivors were at the Konak
under the protection of Colonel Cheffik Bey, Commander of the 57th
Ottoman Division. I believe on the contrary that this officer, who
enter Aidin with the bands, is also responsible for the cruelties
committed and all the more so since it is proved that several of the
Greek notables were led from the Konak and executed without the
protection of this superior officer being in evidence.
If one wants to find the underlying cause for the misfortune of
Aidin, it may be found in the strictness in spirit with which the
Command executed the orders which he had not to pass to the south of
the city, which he interpreted as forbidding even the most
elementary measures of security for his troops and forbidding him to
proceed to disarming, all of which permitted the Turkish inhabitants
to attack the troops in concert with the irregulars. Granted that
their execution was unfortunate, these orders, showing the loyalty
of the Greek commander and the profit which the enemy derived from
them, are worthy of attracting the attention of the Commission.
11. The Commission states (No. 40) that the occupation of the Vilayet
of Aidin by the Greek forces has caused great material losses. I may
be permitted to consider that these losses, of which indeed the
Greeks, particularly at Aidin, have suffered the greatest part, are
not due to the Greek occupation which for almost one month caused
practically no material loss, but to the irregular Turks who were
the aggressors at Pergamos, Nazilli, and Aidin.
12. The Commission considers (Nos. 42 and 43) as inexact the
statement of Greek witnesses concerning the shots fired by the Turks
at Menemen against the Greek soldiers and which provoked the trouble
in that town. Yet, the inquiry which was made the following day on
these events by the military judge, M. Papageorges, and the former
Mussulman prefect of Drama, M. Naib Zade Bey, as well as that made
by Captain Apostolakis and the statements of more than twenty
witnesses which I have personally examined are unanimous in
agreement on this subject, and particularly regarding the murder of
a Greek corporal and the shots fired from the house of Hassan Azap
and from the Konak, as well as the number of victims, which is
estimated at 40.
I am not in a position to know the reasons for which the Commission
has arrived at this conclusion and which have outweighed the
importance and veracity of the testimony heard, and consequently, I
can only call attention to this disparity which perhaps would never
have existed if the procedure had been that which was originally
proposed by the Greek Government.
13. The Commission states (No. 44) that the occupation of the region
of Magnesia was made without difficulty and that later the relations
[Page 66]
between the Turkish
population and the Greek troops grew worse in consequence of
ill-treatment, searching of houses, etc.
I am sorry, but I must protest against the charge always made
exclusively against the Army of Occupation as a consequence of
complaints on the part of the Turks. From the very beginning, I have
submitted to the Commission a long list which contained the names of
115 Greek victims of Turkish bands in the region of Magnesia; in the
same report were described the wholesale massacres of Greeks at
Yorktchékioi, Papazli, Yakakioi, etc.
I therefore would request the Commission, once it has determined it
suitable to state the grievances of the Turks, to be kind enough to
record also in its report the massacres of Greeks in this region,
whose lives are surely of a value equal to any damages mentioned,
and without the recording of which the reading of the summary would
give an impression that does not correspond to the actual facts.
I do not know whether the Commission learned, during its visit to
Magnesia, that many Turkish inhabitants, having escaped from the
surveillance of the bands, are returning to their homes. This is a
fact which proves more than any statement or complaint, prepared
with a political motive, how great is the confidence of the
Mussulman population in the justice and order which now exists in
the occupied zone in contrast to the lawlessness and repression
exercised by the bands in the unoccupied zone.
14. The Commission expressed an opinion with regard to the sentiments
of half the Greek population of Aivali (No. 45, page 4) which has
caused me great surprise. I do not understand how the Commission can
pretend that it learned the sentiments of the Greek population in
Aivali, since in the few hours it remained there, it did not have
time to hear, with the exception of the military and religious
authorities, a single one of the many residents who were waiting to
be heard, a list of whom I had submitted. Even in the event that any
one person had been able to furnish this opinion, I believe that it
should not be given a place in the form of a categorical statement
by the Commission itself, without its having been confirmed by a
much more general and more profound investigation among the
If the Commission thought for a single moment of the years of
suffering which the Greeks in Asia Minor had undergone, of the war
of extermination which they have endured during the last five years
and which, far from crushing their spirit, has on the contrary only
intensified their national feeling, it would certainly be careful
not to give out this opinion which is of a nature to wound deeply
the national sentiment of the Greek people and against which I
protest in a most strong and categorical manner.
[15.] The Turkish refugees who have left the territories occupied by
the Greeks (No. 46) are kept away from their homes by the irregulars
[Page 67]
or rather by that
Turkish organization which—it is a secret to no one—is cooperating
with the Turkish Government. The political aim of this is clear. It
is to influence the Conference during this period of waiting and
indecision with regard to the political fate of this part of the
Ottoman Empire.
The fact that many Turks have returned to their homes, particularly
in the region about Pergamos and Magnesia, is proof of the
confidence which the Greek administration has inspired in them
despite the many difficulties against which it has had to struggle,
for example, the presence of Turkish authorities who receive their
instructions from the Ottoman Government, the inability to act
freely in the different branches of the administration caused by the
hybrid condition of the country, the continual worry about the
security of the area threatened by the bands from without, etc. I am
firmly convinced as a result of a close examination of recent
history in the Near East and as a result of a minute study of the
character of the Turkish people that we are in a position to know
better than any other, having lived side by side for centuries, that
if the people saw that so and so was the decision of the Conference,
they would remain in or return to their happy homes, with the
exception of a few professional agitators or exploiters, and be able
to live after all in peace and to escape from an administration as
criminal, as oppressive, as backward, and as indifferent for Turks
as for Christians.
16. Regarding the sending of Greeks into the province of Smyrna as
charged in the complaint of Sheik-ul-Islam (No. 47), I state that I
have not had any acquaintance with this document in order to know
exactly upon what facts the complaint is based. I judge nevertheless
that the question is not that of “the transportation of Greeks” but
rather of the repatriation of Greeks who formerly lived in Asia
Minor and who were driven out by the Turks after 1914.
This repatriation, so logical and so just, would naturally preoccupy
the Greek Government, which for years has been paying out
considerable sums for their support.
I have given to the Commission the correspondence exchanged on this
subject between the Greek Commissioner at Smyrna, since his
installation, and the royal authorities, as a result of which,
severe orders have been given and carried out to prevent this
Personally, I think that this measure, inspired by a sincere desire
to avoid the creation of difficulties as long as the property of the
expelled Greeks had been seized and occupied by the Turks, and by
the desire not to create further estrangement between the two
elements, was too severe. From the point of view of absolute
justice, I wonder which has the most right, the landowner driven out
and desiring to re-establish his home, or he who has arbitrarily
taken possession of it, and what would be the judgment of a court in
such a case. From a
[Page 68]
political point of view this measure has not been appreciated, for
not only do the Turks also base their complaints on this matter, but
even take advantage of it to pretend and to try to persuade the
entire world that they have a numerical superiority in this region,
and they are perhaps believed by those who, crossing the country,
see Greek villages, the residents of which are still in exile or
have perished in the interior of Asia Minor, inhabited by the
17. I beg the Commission alongside the established facts contained in
its statement, to state also the numerous murders committed by the
Turks against the Greek population not only in those places where it
has held its inquiry, but also in those regions where the Greek Army
has never set foot, and where, consequently, the responsibilities
cannot be confused; for example, 47 at Philadelfia and surrounding
districts; 110 to 115 to the South of the Meander, 14 at Makri,
etc., which are included with the names and dates in the documents
which I had the honor to submit to the Commission on the first
In conclusion:
- (1)
- The military occupation was made to reestablish order, to
save the remnants of the Christian population, which has
been persecuted, exiled, and massacred for five years, and
to prevent a new outburst of Turkish fanaticism.
- (2)
- That all events which have had regrettable consequences
took place following an attack by the Turks upon the Greek
- (3)
- That the Greek authorities have not only acted promptly
everywhere in trying to restore order, but even, I dare say,
have shown and are showing kindness toward the Mussulman
- (4)
- That even the lack of foresight on the part of the Greek
command at Smyrna may be explained up to a certain point if
one considers that neither the Greek representative nor
those of the Entente at Smyrna expected an attack by the
Turks and that they took no effective measures to remove the
Turkish troops and to prevent assemblies and the free
movement of the people.
- (5)
- Perfect order exists in the zone occupied by the Greek
Army, while outside of this zone there is complete
Colonel Alexander Mazarakis
Delegate of the Greek Government
, October 11, 1919.
II.—Establishment of
Constantinople, October 11,
1. The investigation has proved that since the Armistice, the general
situation of Christians in the Vilayet of Aidin has been
satisfactory. Their safety has not been threatened.
[Page 69]
If the order to occupy Smyrna was given by the Peace Conference as a
result of inexact information, the initial responsibility for the
events falls upon the individuals or upon the governments who,
without verifying it, established or transmitted information of this
kind such as that referred to in No. 1 of the points established.
(The general representing Italy renews with regard to this subject
the reservation inserted in the minutes of the 37th Meeting.18)
2. The initial cause of the events may be charged to religious
hatred. The Greeks did nothing to prevent the demonstrations. Their
occupation, far from presenting itself as the carrying out of a
civilizing mission, at once took the form of a conquest and
3. The responsibility for the deeds which took place at Smyrna on May
15th and 16th, as well as in the immediate surroundings of the city
during the first few days which followed the landing, falls upon the
Greek Military High Command as well as upon certain officers who
failed in their duty.
The Greek Government has recognized this responsibility by the
sanctions which it has imposed.
Part of the responsibility, however, falls upon the Turkish
authorities in Smyrna who before the arrival of the Greeks did not
take any steps to prevent the escape and arming of common-law
4. In the person of the High Civil Authority, which represents it at
Smyrna, the Greek Government is responsible for the grave disorders
which stained with blood the interior zone of the country during the
advance of the Greek troops because:
- (a)
- The above mentioned authority did not act in conformity
with the instructions of the Supreme Council set forth in
the telegram of M. Venizelos, dated May 7/20. Without having
requested any authorization from the Entente representative,
it permitted the military command to give the order, May
10/23, to send troops to Aidin, Magnesia and Cassaba,
outside of the limits of the San jack of Smyrna.
- (b)
- The same authority voluntarily kept the population in a
state of ignorance as to the extent of the occupation. It
thus contributed to increasing the state of excessive
excitement of the Moslem inhabitants and consequently the
5. The Greek superior authorities are responsible because of the fact
that they permitted the circulation in the country of armed
In some of their military or police operations, they even tolerated
the employment of these armed civilians at the same time as that of
regular troops.
[Page 70]
6. The initial cause of the disorders which were brought about in the
Meander Valley also originated in this occupation, carried out
without any justification.
The regrettable deeds which accompanied the march and the
installation of the Greek troops are the consequence of the state of
war in which the country found itself when these troops
The hatred which has existed for centuries between the Turks and the
Greeks has incontestably increased the frequency of barbarous
In all justice, the Greeks should not alone be held responsible.
The same considerations should be applied to the events which took
place in the district of Pergamos and those about Magnesia and
7. On the other hand, the Greeks are alone responsible for the
massacre at Menemen. This massacre was not prearranged. But the
Greek Commander knew the state of excessive excitement of his troops
as a result of the Pergamos incident and should have taken steps to
keep under control the troops who, due to weakened morale, fatigue,
and fear, committed, without any provocation, a veritable massacre
of defenseless Turkish civilians.
The Greek officers present at Menemen completely failed in their
8. Even though the present situation is better, order has not yet
been re-established in the Vilayet of Aidin.
Practically all commercial transactions with the interior of Anatolia
have ceased.
This situation is incontestably the result of the occupation and the
state of war existing between the Turkish irregulars and the Greek
troops, even though the latter now are not further extending their
zone of occupation.
The heads of the Turkish national movement, who have cooperated with
the former bandit chiefs, have not always had sufficient authority
over their forces to prevent them from sometimes carrying out raids.
Therefore, a part of the responsibility falls upon them insofar as
present conditions in the country are concerned.
Behind their responsibility lies that of the Turkish Government,
which, up to the present time, has had no authority whatsoever over
the leaders of the Nationalist Movement.
The Members of the
- Mark Bristol
- Bunoust
- A. Dall’Olio
- R. H. Hare
[Page 71]
[Reservation to the Minutes of the] Thirty-seventh Meeting
General Dall’Olio presented the following communication:
The Commission of Inquiry should examine the facts which accompanied
and followed the occupation by the Greek troops of the districts of
Smyrna, Aidin and Aivali, indicated in particular in the protest
addressed to the Paris Conference by the Sheik-ul-Islam. Therefore,
and because of the fact that these instructions are strengthened by
the suggestion that the period to be examined is included between
the Greek occupation and July 26th or 29th, I am of the opinion that
we should not discuss the reasons which called for the landing and
the occupation of the forts. This matter is not under the
jurisdiction of the Commission of Inquiry, but of the Conference,
and consequently I believe it my duty to maintain my viewpoint, and
I urgently request my colleagues to recognize the reasons set forth
by me on this subject. In any case, I request that this declaration,
which has a general character of reservation, be included in the
Conclusions Presented by the
Constantinople, October 13,
- 1.
- The situation created at Smyrna and in the Vilayet of Aidin by
the Greek occupation is strained because:
- (a)
- The occupation, which had as its principal purpose
merely the maintenance of order, has in reality assumed
all the forms of an annexation.
- The Greek High Commissioner alone exercises an
efficacious authority.
- The Turkish authorities who have continued to carry on
their functions no longer have any real power. They no
longer receive orders from Constantinople and, on
account of the almost complete disappearance of the
Turkish police and gendarmery forces, they no longer
have the means necessary for the execution of their
- (b)
- The occupation imposes extensive military sacrifices
upon Greece which are out of proportion with the mission
to be fulfilled if this mission is temporary and should
have only maintenance of order as its purpose.
- (c)
- It is incompatible in its present form with the return
of order and of peace for which the populations,
threatened with famine, have great need.
- 2.
- The Commission deems:
- (a)
- That if the military occupation of the country is to
have as its sole purpose the maintenance of security and
public welfare, this occupation should not be intrusted
to Greek troops, but to Allied troops, under the
authority of the Supreme Allied Commander in Asia
- (b)
- That the occupation by the Greeks alone should not be
maintained unless the Peace Conference is resolved to
announce the complete and definite annexation of the
country to Greece.
- In such a case freedom of action should be left to the
Greek Commander vis-à-vis the Turkish forces.
- (c)
- That the pure and simple annexation as above stated
would be contrary to the principle proclaiming the
respect for nationalities, because in the occupied
regions, outside of the cities of Smyrna and Aivali, the
predominance of the Turkish element over the Greek is
- It is the duty of the Commission to observe the fact
that the Turkish national sentiment, which has already
manifested its resistance, will never accept this
annexation. It will submit only to force, that is to
say, before a military expedition which Greece alone
could not carry out with any chance of success.
- 3.
- In view of these conditions, the Commission proposes the
following measures:
- (a)
- To replace as soon as possible all or part of the
Greek troops by Allied troops much fewer in
- (b)
- If, in order to safeguard Greek self-respect, it is
decided that a part of the Greek troops may cooperate in
the occupation, distribute these troops in the interior
of the occupied regions in order to prevent them from
coming in direct contact with the Turkish national
- (c)
- As soon as the occupation by the Allies has been
completed, require the Turkish Government to reorganize
its gendarmery under the direction and command of
Interallied officers.
- This gendarmery should be constituted as soon as
possible to assure order in the entire region with the
purpose of replacing the Allied detachments.
- (d)
- At the same time as the reorganization of the
gendarmery, the Turkish Government should be required to
restore its civil administration.
- 4.
- The heads of the national movement having on many occasions
stated that their opposition was only directed against the
Greeks, the measures proposed should dispose of all grounds for
armed resistance on their part and return to the central
government of Constantinople the authority which it no longer
Nothing should then prevent the disbanding of the irregular
[Page 73]
In case of the contrary, the Entente will finally be able to know
what faith it can place in the protestations of loyalty made by the
Turks, both by the leaders of the national movement and by members
of the Government.
The Members of the
Delegate of the
United States of AmericaGeneral Hare
of Great BritainGeneral
Delegate of
Delegate of